The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 78 Aoki Dobing, the giant beast in the sea (asking for monthly votes)

The birth of the Pingyang Mushroom Elf Worm has become another great event on Lettuce Island.

Ryan hesitated for a long time, and finally gave the Elf Worm to Leier: "Be diligent, come here every day to talk to it, so as to enhance the relationship."

He originally couldn't stand men and Elf Worms being so close, and felt that playing with things would lead to a loss of ambition. But with Li Qing's demonstration, he felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

Leier was so excited that he set up a tent in the Pingyang Mushroom Field in the middle of winter, ready to wait until the Elf Worm was born.

The new Elf Worm was given to his younger brother, but Rick didn't feel unbalanced. After all, he already had the Brown Algae Elf Worm Leis.

What's more, the positive Elf Worm of Pingyang Mushroom is not particularly compatible with the ice fighting spirit. It is more compatible with the fire rune.

Since Li Qing gave the Elf Worm to Ryan, he would not interfere. After all, it is better to keep the good things in the family.


That morning, Ryan brought three newly awakened rune warriors to meet Li Qing in the study and signed a loyalty agreement.

Li Qing scanned them with his spiritual sense and knew their details clearly.

The leader was a young man named Leon, who was between the age of Rick and Leir, and had awakened the water drop rune. He looked calm and was a distant relative of Ryan.

A silly boy named Xiao Qiaoer, who was quite stout, not very smart, but had clear eyes and awakened the plant rune.

Li Qing remembered that he was born a serf, and his father had difficulty walking, but he was very good at farm work.

Of course, he became a rune warrior, and his whole family had just escaped from slavery. It can be said that one person's enlightenment, the whole family ascended to heaven.

The last one was a girl named Kunya, from a freeman family among the new islanders. She was the one who replaced the suspected witch Julie. She awakened the lightning rune.

Before Li Qing reversed the wood element and condensed the spiritual water, he sent Leon of the water drop rune and Kunya of the lightning rune to Rick.

"Fighting Qi has a bright future. You should learn it well and strive to get started as soon as possible."

He left only Xiao Qiaoer: "You have two choices. One is to practice fighting Qi like them, but this requires a higher level of understanding."

"The other is to become my Qingmu Daobing like Baron Ryan. With the help of my power, you can grow rapidly, but the restrictions are also relatively large."

Xiao Qiaoer didn't think about it: "I choose the second one." He scratched his head, "I'm stupid. I can't learn anything well."

Li Qing smiled: "Don't care about what others think. Those who laugh at you for being stupid are now looking up to you."

He didn't hesitate. He stepped in front of Xiao Qiaoer and operated the Qingmu Zhenyuan skillfully to comb his meridians and open the acupoints.

But when it came to the last step, to guide the plant rune into the acupoints, Xiao Qiaoer couldn't lead it into the acupoints near the liver.

It is more suitable for nourishing the heart acupoint of the flame rune, and he is accurate every time he draws it.

"I can't tell whether you are really stupid or just pretending to be stupid." Li Qing shook his head helplessly and helped him to condense the seal with his true essence.

In just one hour, Xiao Qiaoer's strength was comparable to the third level of Qi training, close to the silver warrior.

"The way of the Taoist soldier is indeed that if one person gets the Tao, all the chickens and dogs will rise to heaven!" Li Qing couldn't help but sigh.


The time set by the Earl of Iris is the tenth day of the New Year.

The deadline is approaching and the journey is long, so Li Qing did not delay and went to Iris Island with Ryan on the half-old sea ship of Lettuce Island.

Xiao Qiaoer also went with them.

As for the two brothers Rick and the other newly awakened people, they all stayed on Lettuce Island.

On the eighth day of the New Year, it was rare to be sunny, and the warm sunshine poured on the deck, making people warm.

Li Qing summoned the three little Asun from Dantian. The first time they rode a boat gave them a novel experience.

Ah Sun and Chao Yin lay on the mast, overlooking the boat below and the blue sea below, chatting with "yayah" and "guka".

Ah Zao couldn't sit still. Sometimes he chased the fish startled by the waves at the stern of the boat, and sometimes he flew side by side with the accompanying geese.

When he was tired of flying, he simply lay on the back of the head goose and took a ride, and he was so happy that he kept shouting "wow".

Suddenly, a clear humming sound came from afar, and the lingering sound was like a good song.

Li Qing looked up and saw a group of more than 20 large whales with blue backs and gray bellies, filtering small fish and shrimps in the water.

They seemed to be born singers, one after another, responding to each other, forming a beautiful duet.

What attracted Li Qing's attention was the leader of the entire whale group, a large whale with a purple back and white belly and a sharp horn on its head.

The most important thing is that the surging tide power is lingering on its horn, which is somewhat consistent with Li Qing's first small magical power.

This is obviously a giant beast soaked in magic.

"My lord, we are so lucky this time. We can actually encounter a blue-backed baleen whale. This is a very lucky thing in our Iris Islands."

Ryan looked very excited: "We all say that blue-backed baleen whales are the subjects of the sea god. They have the power to drive the tide."

"There is another thing to prove it. Animals soaked in magic generally disdain to coexist with the original species."

"But it is different. Everyone suspects that the sea god left it to protect this group of singers in the ocean."

Li Qing did not comment and looked at the horn of the head whale: "It's not a legend. This big guy can really drive the tide." The other big whales are just ordinary sea beasts.

Perhaps it heard the humans talking about him. The head whale turned around and swam towards the ship with the whale group.

"Aaaa!" "Wu Li?" "Gu Ka Gu Ka!"

The three elf bugs had already been lying on the figurehead at some point, looking at the whale that was as big as countless of themselves in shock.

The sailors on the ship were terrified and kept turning the rudder to avoid the group of giants, but because of their excessive movements, the ship was unstable and was scolded by Ryan.

Li Qing was very calm. Although the whale was huge, the strength of its tidal ability was only equivalent to the ninth level of Qi training, and it was far from Li Qing's opponent.

Finally, the group of whales stopped at a distance of seven or eight feet, traveling in the same direction as the ship.

The leading whale was closest to the ship, and from time to time it turned its head and sang a melodious music to Li Qing.

Li Qing even used the "One Thought Telepathy", but still didn't understand what it meant. As the saying goes, "The more skilled, the more courageous", he simply flew over the leading whale.

The big guys below were even more excited. It slapped the water hard, and rubbed against its own kind from time to time, looking very intimate.

Li Qing didn't understand what it meant at first, then he moved his true energy to his eyes, and scanned the group of whales with his spiritual consciousness.

"So that's it!" Li Qing finally found the reason and jumped directly onto the head of the leading whale.

The leading whale seemed more and more cheerful, raising its head and making a deafening but beautiful cry.

Li Qing smiled and knocked on its horn: "If you want us to help, you have to give us some benefits."

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