The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 79 Demonic inheritance, spiritual beast foundation building (two in one)

The leader whale beat the sea surface rhythmically with its flippers, splashing water still with ice crystals, and a hint of grievance appeared in its beautiful cry.

Li Qing was unmoved, and looked at the big whales with interest. In some areas where the flippers could not reach, barnacles were growing in dots or clusters.

These barnacles are of various types and sizes. Some only attached to the big whales, while others took deep root in their bodies, absorbing their blood and flesh essence to nourish themselves.

What caught Li Qing's attention was a cluster of brown-yellow long-necked barnacles on the belly of the leader whale.

The leader whale saw Li Qing standing on top of his head, and there was no movement for a long time. Suddenly, a tall water column sprayed out from the breathing hole on the top.

Li Qing laughed, pinched a water-repelling formula, and then repelled the water flow: "I've been prepared for this trick of yours!"

The tall water column sprayed into the sky like this, and then scattered into water splashes. The crystal clear water vapor filled the air, reflecting the warm winter sun, and reflecting a dazzling rainbow bridge.

The leading whale shook its head and tail, trying to throw Li Qing off, but he had already used his "unmovable" skill and was not moved at all.

"Okay, okay! I won't tease you anymore." Li Qing smiled and patted the horn of the leading whale, "I'll ask someone to help."

As he said that, he waved to Xiao Qiaoer on the ship: "You, find some more sailors, bring wicker baskets with you, and help these big whales clean barnacles."

Xiao Qiaoer was stubborn. After receiving Li Qing's order, he was going to jump into the sea with a group of sailors and swim over.

Ryan quickly stopped him and gave each sailor half a bottle of medicine refined with rainbow cliff rice: "Move first, wait for the heat to dissipate, and then go into the water."

Xiao Qiaoer couldn't wait, so he brought a wicker basket by himself, took a step from the ship, and jumped seven or eight feet to the top of a big whale.

His heavy movements made the whale unhappy, and water gushed out of its breathing hole, soaking it.

Little Joel was not angry either. He took the rattan basket and went underwater, trying to pry the barnacles off the whale.

After he became a Qingmu Daobing, he had the strength close to that of a silver warrior, so it was no problem for him to clean the barnacles.

When pulling out the "blood-sucking" barnacles that had pierced the whale's body, he even learned to use plant symbols as vitality to soothe the wound and stop bleeding.

He worked as skillfully as his father, and soon, the barnacles on the whale were cleaned up by him.

At this time, the other sailors waited until the potion took effect, and jumped into the sea one after another with rattan baskets like dumplings.

Li Qing saw that they were very familiar with the movements, and thought that they had cleaned the hull a lot on weekdays, so he didn't pay any more attention.

He flicked his hand casually, and the Qingmu Zhenyuan turned into a wooden sword in his palm: "Big guy, don't move around, I'll help you clean up these annoying spirits."

The leading whale nodded slightly and slowed down its swimming speed obediently.

Li Qing patted its horn, jumped into the water, waved the wooden sword, and lightly dug out clusters of barnacles.

"These barnacles have absorbed its essence for many years, and they have also been contaminated with some spiritual energy. They may taste good."

Thinking of this, he used Zhenyuan to assist Qingmu's small magical power to give birth to a water grass, allowing it to grow into a big bag.

"Hua La La..." The shells of the barnacles rubbed against each other and fell into the bag. Soon, it was full.

In just a cup of tea, the barnacles on the leading whale were only a cluster of long-necked barnacles on the abdomen.

There are about fifty of these barnacles, brown and yellow in color, with jade-like shells and a faint glow, not as ferocious as ordinary barnacles.

Among this cluster of barnacles, there are two largest ones, comparable to geoducks, and the others are much smaller, only equivalent to the king of clams.

What Li Qing cares about is this group of long-necked barnacles, all of which exude a faint earth-attributed aura.

Although the aura is weak, it is only the first-level lower grade, which is of no benefit to Li Qing, but these are all animals infused with magic power!

And in Li Qing's perception, there is an obvious kinship!

Li Qing threw the straw bag containing barnacles with force, lifted it with his true energy and sent it to the boat, and then he came over to observe this strange barnacle.

Suddenly, the largest one in the middle suddenly opened its mouth, revealing its tooth-like mouthparts, and bit towards Li Qing fiercely.

Li Qing circulated his true energy in his palm and pinched it lightly, like pinching the vital point of a poisonous snake: "This temperament is quite ferocious!"

As if sensing that their leader had suffered a loss, the other barnacles also opened their sharp mouthparts and bit towards Li Qing in a disorderly manner.

Li Qing was impatient to fight with them, and the surging Qingmu true energy surged out, covering these barnacles, and then used wood to overcome earth, directly fixing the earth-attributed spiritual energy in their bodies.

With just a little trick, these barnacles seemed to be solidified in green amber, and their postures were completely fixed, like lifelike ornaments.

"Come here!" Li Qing snorted lightly, and directly peeled this cluster of earth-attributed barnacles from the abdomen of the leading whale.

The "roots" of this barnacle pierced into the flesh of the whale, nearly half a foot deep, and once pulled out, it waved around like an octopus tentacle.

Li Qing didn't tolerate it, and wrapped it with Qingmu true energy and threw it into the spirit beast bag.

"Puff--" After the parasitic barnacles were removed, purple blood gushed out of the wound left by the leader whale.

Li Qing did not waste it. While collecting it with a jade bottle, he circulated Qingmu Zhenyuan to stimulate vitality and repair the wound for the leader whale.

After the most difficult "nail household" on his body was driven away, the leader whale above felt light all over.

It forgot Li Qing's instructions for a moment, and its huge tail fin slapped the water surface, and the whole behemoth leaped up lightly.

It happily turned two circles in the air, and then fell like a comet hitting the land.

"What a fool!" Li Qing flew out of the water with the wind, and with a roll of his true energy, he threw the sailors who were still busy, along with the wicker baskets behind him, onto the ship.

The next moment, the leading whale crashed into the water, shaking up the magnificent waves, and almost overturned the ship of Lettuce Island.

Little Joel, who was not sent away by Li Qing, was lucky enough to hide in the armpit of a big whale and escaped.

When the waves raised by the leading whale calmed down, Li Qing carried Little Joel and returned to the ship.

"My lord, this is what the big fish gave me." Little Joel unloaded the barnacles on the deck, and then came over to show Li Qing the treasure.

Li Qing looked closely and found that it was an object that looked like a long flat stone. It looked plain, but it exuded a faint spiritual aura and fragrance.

"This thing feels a bit like ambergris?" Li Qing thought about its origin and didn't take it with his hands. "You keep it. I will teach you a way to mix incense another day..."

The melodious music came from the whale group again.

Li Qing looked back and saw more than 20 big whales, led by the leader whale, turning east.

"Sir, the barnacles on some whales have not been cleaned up." A sailor came to report to Li Qing with courage.

Li Qing smiled and waved his hands: "It's okay. God is merciful. Helping the whale is to cherish life, so is letting those barnacles go?"

The sailor nodded, not quite understanding, and asked: "Then how do we deal with these barnacles?"

Li Qing smiled and said: "Cook and eat according to everyone's appetite. In each pot, add two barnacles I brought up..."

The sailor happily went to work. After all, barnacles taste pretty good.

Li Qing didn't care how they celebrated, standing at the bow and looking at the whale in the distance.

He keenly sensed that as the cluster of earth barnacles was pulled out, the momentum of the leading whale was rising little by little.

The whole group of whales, guided by the singing, faintly formed a mysterious formation, infusing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into the leading whale.

"This time, it's like a trapped dragon ascending to the sky. Its momentum is complete. The next time we meet, it can be considered half a fellow in the foundation building..."

Chao Yin fell on his shoulder, calling out angrily: "Gu Ka Gu!" (Impolite!)

Li Qing laughed and nodded in agreement: "Well, what an impolite stingy guy. He can't even bear to give a piece of ambergris."

The barnacles peeled off from the leader whale tasted really delicious. Even though they were not demon-tainted creatures, Li Qing ate a lot of them.


In the cabin, which was simply decorated but spacious and bright, Li Qing circulated his true essence to refine the turbid air of the mundane food.

He took out a large jade basin and placed the cluster of long-necked barnacles meticulously according to their original positions.

As the leader whale moved towards a higher level, Li Qing had a vague understanding.

If placed in the world of cultivation, the leader whale is equivalent to a peak first-level spiritual beast, and it should be effortless to deal with these barnacles that are only the lower first-level.

But the "magic beasts" in this world do not have the power of magic, which can be used as easily as one's arm. They can only use the supernatural powers obtained after being immersed in magic.

The ability of the leader whale to call the tide is a powerful weapon when facing towns, ships, or enemies, but it is not enough to pull out barnacles.

These barnacles are also very special. They are born in water, but they belong to the earth element. They happen to be "planted" in the abdomen of the leader whale, which is not easy to reach. In the dark, they use earth to overcome water, and become the "heartache" of the leader whale.

If Li Qing does not intervene, these barnacles will absorb the essence of the leader whale, gradually grow and become another biological community analogous to foundation building.

Li Qing looked down at the two largest barnacles: "You are its disaster, and perhaps I am also your disaster."

The two khaki barnacles lay in the jade basin unconsciously.

Li Qing smiled, and his consciousness flowed into the barnacles, exploring every organ with spiritual fluctuations bit by bit, looking for the key to their stable inheritance, not letting go of any clues.

In this world, animals like the coconut snails that are imbued with magic power cannot pass on their "superpowers" to their offspring.

The blue-backed baleen whale is known as the sea god's subject, and the only one that can really drive the tide is this purple-backed narwhal.

But now, this law has been broken by this group of low-grade barnacles!

However, no matter how Li Qing's consciousness observes, this pair of long-necked barnacles have no organs different from those of the coconut snails and the three wind and thunder birds, and are just ordinary creatures imbued with magic power.

"Maybe my cultivation is not enough." Li Qing shook his head and threw a handful of nourishing pills into the jade basin. "Since there is no whale to provide you with blood, try to eat vegetarian food in the future."

Fortunately, these barnacles are not picky eaters, and even prefer pills with abundant spiritual energy. They waved their tentacles and opened their mouths, fighting for them without any fraternal love. The scene was unbearable to watch.

Li Qing simply left them in the cabin, set up restrictions around them, and went back to the deck: "How long will it take to reach the main island of Iris?"

Ryan happened to come out of the captain's room and looked up at the surrounding sea: "It will take about two hours."

In fact, with Li Qing's means, if he took Ryan alone, whether it was wind or water escape, he would have arrived at Iris Island long ago.

It's just that the nobles all pay attention to decency, and traveling alone is obviously not something to be proud of.

Li Qing thought of the big shots in the world of cultivation who rode incense chariots and controlled spirit beasts, and he also expressed his understanding of this matter.

The two were chatting casually on the deck, and the mast of another ship loomed in the sea to the right.

Ren turned around at Li Qing's signal and saw the flag on the mast at a glance: "Sir, this is the Morning Glory family. In the archipelago, its heritage is second only to the extinct Jinmai family."

Li Qing nodded slightly, and with a sweep of his consciousness, he understood the truth and reality there: "A golden warrior, a third-level wizard..."

Ren recalled for a while: "In the Morning Glory family, there is only one golden warrior in this generation, and that is Frank Viscount Morning Glory."

"As for the wizard, he must have been looking for a backer. The destruction of Jinmai Island is really frightening."

Not long after, the two ships came together.

"Hahaha, Baron Rapunzel, long time no see. How about coming to my boat for a drink?" A hoarse voice came from the opposite boat.

Renn turned to look at Li Qing: "My lord, it's Viscount Frank Morning Glory himself. I have some respectable friendship with him."

Li Qing nodded slightly: "Go ahead. I'll take care of everything, don't worry."

With confidence in his heart, Ren used the flame rune to bless himself, jumped up, and boarded the Morning Glory family's ship.

"Friends over there, come over too." Another sinister voice sent an invitation to Li Qing.

Li Qing raised his brows, controlled his breath at the peak of his Qi training, and flew into the opposite sea ship in the wind.

"Ren, have you broken through the Golden Warrior?" Frank's voice was a bit unbelievable.

Renn nodded with a smile and directly pointed out the topic: "Well, with the help of an adult, I made a lucky breakthrough, but I can't compare to the Viscount's outstanding talent."

Frank looked smug, but said modestly: "I just rely on witch medicine. The three elves at home can support a golden warrior, which is more than enough."

"Hey, this is because the medicine refining technology you inherited is too backward." Behind Frank, a black-robed wizard looked dismissively, "With so many witch medicines, if you refine them for me, I can cultivate at least three of them."

"That makes sense." Li Qing got on the boat and agreed casually.

Lettuce Island has no tradition of making potions.

Before signing a legal deed of allegiance to Li Qing, his medicine was sent to Green Rose Castle or other pharmacists for processing.

As an alchemist, Li Qing naturally understood the tricks involved, so he took back the processing rights as soon as the legal deed was signed.

The refining technology for the potion supplied to the Rune Warriors was so rough that Li Qing couldn't stand it at all, so he directly changed it to a similar elixir recipe and refined it every once in a while.

The wizard frowned and looked at Li Qing with a slightly fearful look: "I am a third-level wizard from the Dark Swamp, Donaldo. I wonder who you are?"

Li Qing exuded the aura of green wood and confidently pretended: "I come from the Jade Ring."

Donald was suddenly in awe, and his voice was two points louder: "The Emerald Ring, that is the holy land of our potion masters. I heard that recently, you have tripled the utilization rate of witch potions..."

Magic potion is the finished product of witch medicine. Rune warriors are generally called potions directly.

Li Qing couldn't help but feel shocked. Even with his alchemy attainments and the small magical power of spiritual fire, he could only increase the utilization rate of spiritual plants by three times on the original basis.

If Jade Ring can achieve such a big breakthrough in technology without resorting to external forces, then it really shouldn’t be underestimated.

Thoughts were racing in his mind, but Li Qing said calmly: "I'm not very proficient in magic medicine refining. I mainly specialize in the cultivation of witch medicine."

When Donaldo heard this, the respect on his face lost three points, and his voice became sinister again: "Witch medicine cultivation? Isn't it just a matter of having elves?"

"You're not another stupid...idealist who wants to use natural witchcraft medicine to cultivate elf bugs, are you?"

Li Qing couldn't help but was stunned, and thought to himself: "Is there anyone in the Jade Ring studying this? Unfortunately, they don't have witch medicine that can be grown on a large scale without elf bugs. It may be difficult to experiment."

Without waiting for Li Qing to reply, Frank laughed out loud, pointed at Lake and said: "I heard a rumor about Lettuce Island some time ago. It said that there are several natural witchcraft medicines on your island that can be planted on a large scale. ”

"Hahaha, if there was only one kind, I would still believe it. Are there several more? It's so ridiculous that you think I'm a fool!"

Li Qing and Ren En looked at each other and suddenly found themselves in a state of confusion.

"No wonder those traitors spread the news for a long time, but no one came to find trouble. No one believed it at all!"

Ren laughed and laughed: "We are reclaiming land on the island. It seems that there are serfs who can't bear the suffering, so they deliberately concocted the rumor. I wonder how you deal with the person who spread the rumor?"

Frank smiled disdainfully: "How dare you deceive me, a humble serf! I threw him into the sea to feed the sharks."

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