I saw that the body of the green vine snake continued to shen.chang, getting bigger, and after the white light of evolution dissipated, a noble green snake-like Pokemon appeared in front of Bud Yi, and the pokemon in front of him was the evolutionary form of the green vine snake - the monarch snake.

The monarch snake is a Pokemon with a long snake-like light green body, unlike the pre-evolution vine snake or green vine snake, the evolved monarch snake lost its hind limbs, and the forelimbs degenerated into only leaves, but three dark green leaves grew near the end of the tail.

Its body has a yellow pattern, like the noble pattern of the royal family. And the two leaf vines near the neck that are rolled up like the collar cuffs of a suit. The monarch snake's eyes are red, and the whole Pokemon gives a noble and domineering feeling.....

Seeing this noble Pokemon, Bud Yi felt very happy, and directly stepped forward and put his arm around the neck of the monarch snake, "Monarch snake, you have finally evolved!! "

"Vine~~~" The monarch snake narrowed its eyes and rubbed the bud clothes, it was also very happy.....

At this time, Liuyun looked at the attribute panel after the evolution of the monarch snake:

Monarch Serpent:

Trainer: Bud Yi

Attribute: Grass

Potential evaluation: Heavenly king

Strength evaluation: quasi-heavenly king elementary

Characteristics: Singing Contrarian: When the ability level of the Pokemon changes the ability level, the amount of change is reversed, the ability to rise changes to decrease, and the ability to decline to rise.

Skills: Glaring, Vine Whip, Tight Bundle, Grass Blender, Parasitic Seed, Super Pipe, Wrestling, Leaf Blade, Ultimate Pipe, Gastric Juice, Green Leaf Storm, Great Snake Glaring, Light Wall, Reflective Wall, Enchanting, Seduction, Holding, Mystic Guardian, Sun Blaze, Energy Ball, Tornado.....

System Review: Monarch Snake, the final evolution of the initial Pokemon Tengteng Snake in the United People's Region, successfully evolved with the help of obtaining miracle seeds, and the potential has achieved a breakthrough, is a very good Pokemon, please cultivate well.

Looking at the attributes of the monarch snake, Liuyun nodded, the strength and potential of this monarch snake are already very good, now it is only necessary to improve the strength of the other Pokemon in Bud Yi, in this way, in this year's quartz conference, Bud Yi should also achieve good results.....

The next thing is Liuyun's own Pokemon, I saw Liuyun directly took out two high-level balls, threw them forward, and two white lights shone...

"Quack!!" "Kasha!!" With these two roars, after the white light dispersed, the fossil pterosaur and the sharp-toothed land shark appeared in front of everyone.

It is very strange that in the fossil pterosaur, it came directly to the Bud Yi, and the two fierce big eyes looked straight at the Pokéby egg held by the Bud Yi...

"Gah..... Gao roar~~~" Then, the fossil pterosaur also shouted out, and licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue.

Liuyun can only release his gold medal royal translation, why did Geng Ghost come out of that Pokébi's elf egg..."

After Geng Ghost communicated with the fossil pterosaur in the past, he quickly translated the words of the fossil pterosaur, "Eh, this guy's words are a little hateful, don't be angry with the bud little girl..."

At this time, Geng Ghost reminded Liuyun in advance, "What it said is that this kind of elf egg is very rare in the underground world, and it has also been found several times, but whenever the fossil pterosaur wants to eat this elf egg as a snack, there is a happy feeling that prevents it from lowering its mouth..."

As soon as the words were finished, Geng Ghost immediately drilled back into his dark ball, and after listening to Geng Ghost's translation, Nha Yi hurriedly stepped forward and kicked a fossil pterosaur that was still intoxicated, and then touched the elf egg of Pokéby in his arms, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Liuyun also shook his head speechlessly, this guy, it's true, and then shouted directly to the fossil pterosaur, "Fossil pterosaur, this is a hard stone, you eat it, it can improve your strength and the power of your rock skills, it is very good for you." Liuyun took out the hard stone from the system warehouse and handed it to the fossil pterosaur.

The fossil pterosaur looked at the black poof thing in front of him, and looked at Liuyun suspiciously, isn't this the stone found in its lair, this thing can enhance the power of its skills???

"Gao......"Although looking at this hard stone with a black and somewhat ugly look, the fossil pterosaur still directly opened its large mouth full of fangs, and then Liuyun directly stuffed this hard stone directly into the big mouth of the fossil pterosaur...

After swallowing the hard stone into its stomach, the fossil pterosaur sensed the rich rock energy in the hard stone, and after about half a minute, the lilac skin on the surface of the fossil pterosaur also became deeper, and the already strong body seemed to have grown a little.

"Quack!!" After a while, the fossil pterosaur suddenly opened its eyes, and then shot several sharp stone cones into the sky, it was the sharp stone attack, and the power of these stone cones seemed to be much stronger than when they were used before...

"Quack!!" At this time, the big and hideous eyes of the fossil pterosaur looked at Liuyun fixedly, and eating something directly could increase its strength, such a thing was simply unheard of!

Looking at the appearance of the fossil pterosaur, Liuyun checked the system panel of the fossil pterosaur, and found that there was no change, I think it is also, with the current strength of the fossil pterosaur, it is very difficult to improve every time, it seems that this fossil pterosaur has also improved some strength and the power of the rock system skill, these things cannot be seen on the system panel...

At this time, Liuyun called the fangs land shark over, the fangs land shark in this period of travel, after a lot of combat and training, from the system's attribute panel, it can be seen that the fangs land shark is already in the stage of evolution, Liuyun decided to use soft sand as a catalyst to improve the strength of the fangs land shark while letting it evolve!!

The flowing cloud then took out the soft sand from the system, the soft sand was a fluorescent shimmering gravel, but it did not spread out as gravel...

Seeing the soft sand, the fangs land shark seemed to feel that his body conveyed a feeling of longing for this lump of grit, which was very familiar, and he also felt this way before taking the Dragon Source when the round land shark was taking it.

"Kasha!!" The fangs land shark now looked at the secret treasure in front of him with a longing look, which was a booster that could allow it to evolve!!

Xing prosperous disaster, cut to eternal rule ********

The new week is coming, today the first more sent, the author fungus continues to sell cute rolling for subscription, continue to ask for subscription, ask for full order, ask for flowers and evaluation tickets....._

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