Soon, Flowing Cloud threw soft sand with a brownish-yellow halo shimmering in the sun into the open mouth of the sharp-toothed land shark. Immediately, the fangs land shark, who seemed to sense something, quietly closed his eyes...


After a while, I saw the fangs land shark roaring up to the sky, and then a dazzling white light emitted from its body.

At this time, I saw that the whole body of the fangs land shark was wrapped in the evolved white light, and soon the white light became more dazzling, and the form of the fangs land shark in the light also began to gradually change.

The body size began to gradually increase, the fins of all parts of the body continued to grow, and as the white light dissipated, a blue-purple land shark with a height of more than 2 meters 5 appeared in front of the eyes of the three of Liuyun...

This is a two-legged Pokemon with dragon features, the surface of the body is covered with very fine scales, most of the body is blue-purple, the abdomen is red and extends to the lower jaw, the red part is a golden yellow diamond-shaped structure at the lower end, and the mouth and snout also have a golden cross pattern.

The appendage of this Pokemon's head resembles the engine of a painted airplane, which makes its head look like a hammerhead...

It has four fins on its body, one on each arm, a 027 dorsal fin and a tail fin similar to a shark, spikes on its hind limbs and arms, and its sharp eyes have black sclera and golden iris, and its pupils are very constricted.

And this Pokemon is the quasi-god of the Sinnoh region, the final evolutionary form of the round land shark - the fierce bite land shark!!

Liuyun looked at the fierce biting land shark in front of him, this is the Pokemon that the majority of Pokemon players in the previous life called the Earth Dragon Daddy, and he finally had the first final form of the Dragon Pokemon.

Liuyun quickly opened the system panel and viewed the attribute data of the evolved land shark.

Fierce bite land shark:

Attributes: Dragon, Ground

Potential evaluation: champion

Strength evaluation: quasi-heavenly king peak

Feature: Sand Stealth: If the weather is currently a sandstorm, the hit rate of the attacking party will be reduced when the Sand Stealth characteristic Pokemon is attacked.

Skills: Impact, Dragon Wrath, Reverse Scale, Sandstorm, Dragon Claw, Hole Digging, Iron Head Skill, Heavy Step, Twin Split, Flame Fang, Dragon Tail, Jet Flame, Dragon God Dive, Earthquake, Tile Split, Sharp Stone Attack, Ultimate Impact, Sword Dance, Steel Tail, Earth Power, Dragon Fluctuation, Dragon Star Group.....

System Comment: As the final form of the Pokemon Round Land Shark from the Divine Mystery Earth level, the potential and strength of the land shark is undoubted, and this Fierce Biting Land Shark has passed the source of the dragon and soft sand, the two secret treasures of the dragon system and the ground system, which greatly increases the power of the skill of the Fierce Biting Land Shark, which is an absolute main Pokemon, and also asks the host to cultivate it with all its strength!!

Now, Liuyun's Pokemon has only one Pokemon left that has not evolved into its final form, and Liuyun has two dojos left that have not yet challenged, and the Armored Dragon should also have time to advance in the Quartz Conference, and Liuyun is also planned, after taking all the badges, he will exchange his points for the Pokemon that have been used secretly to improve.

Liuyun and his group each took out the Spirit Ball, released all the elves of everyone, and Happy Egg was dressed in the equipment of a chef and prepared for today's big dinner operation!!

At this time, today's Tokiwa City.....

"Boom !!!!" With a loud bang, the powerful lilac power exploded directly like a bomb, and everything around it was directly blasted away like a hurricane passing through!!

"I hate this thing that binds me!! My strength was suppressed a lot by it....."At this time, under the ground of the Tokiwa Dojo Hall in Tokiwa City, in a dark room, there was nothing in this wide room, and the whole room was made of very hard synthetic metal on all sides.

At this time, I saw a strange figure standing in the center of the room, a lilac (BCDH) tail constantly swinging in the air, wearing a set of armor full of science fiction, so that it was impossible to see what the thing under the armor looked like.

But from the feline-like feet exposed outside the armor, it is certain that it is a Pokemon...

But the pokemon was able to speak, or it didn't speak, but what it was thinking turned into a voice that expressed a deep disgust in its tone.

I saw that at this time, the Pokemon was looking at his hands, which were also covered with a thick layer of armor.

"However, you must carry this set of restraint armor now, because you can't control your power very well now, and this set of armor can not only protect you, but also suppress part of your strength, which can ensure that you will not hurt our people at will..."

"Team Rocket, since you created me... But why fear my power? And why did you create me?!! "

At this time, the mysterious Pokemon turned around and directly faced a person who was facing it, and then the mysterious Pokemon said coldly...

And this person is no one else, it is the leader of the rocket team, Sakaki, and if Liuyun is here, he will definitely be able to recognize that this mysterious Pokemon is an artificial mythical beast created by the rocket's scientific researchers using the dreamy genes of the most mysterious Pokemon in legends, and finally through the rocket's researchers!!

"We Rocket Team are not afraid of you, because you have always been created by humans, created by our Rocket Team, we can create you, and finally we can destroy you... And you don't need to know why you were created, you just need to know that you exist to help Team Rocket conquer this world!! "

After listening to Mewtwo's words, Sakaki showed a sneer on his face, as if he was not afraid of facing a Pokemon with the power to destroy everything...

"Boom !!!"

A burst of air suddenly spread, and at this time, I saw a lilac light shining around Mewtwo, but for some reason, Mewtwo did not attack Sakaki, its heart seemed to be constantly struggling, more like it couldn't understand something...

Xing Sheng Disaster, Cut to Eternal Rule ******

Today's second more sent, the author fungus continues to sell cute rolling for subscriptions!! Keep asking for subscriptions, asking for full orders, asking for flowers and evaluation tickets......_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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