Not only was everyone around stunned, but even Charros Saint was even more stunned!

You know, as a world nobleman, from birth to now, let alone beaten, even people who lose their temper with him have never seen it!

Even his father, Rozwald Saint, never hit him!

However, at this moment, he was suddenly slapped in the face by a pariah in his eyes, and he was thrown so embarrassed!

The explosion of anger in the Hun of the Holy Chalros!

“Damn it! Damn untouchables, dare to hit me, I will print your body with a soldering iron, then release poisonous snakes to bite you, and finally push you into the school of piranhas. ”

Charross’s anger had exploded, and he couldn’t help but say what he had done to his slaves.

“Knock !!!”

I saw Wren jump and jump on Charros Saint’s body, and his vicious words immediately stopped.

“It seems that you who have been in high positions for too long have been in the clouds for too long, and you don’t know how important it is to pretend to be a grandson in front of a person who can take your life at any time!”

Boom!! Boom!! Boom!!

After speaking, Wren stood on Charross’s body and punched him one punch after another.

For a time, residual blood splattered!

“This… actually hit Draco… Am I mistaken?! ”

“Huh? Wait, why are this young man and these little girls so familiar? I seem to have seen it somewhere! ”

“Ah, I remembered it too, it’s a bounty order! The blue-haired woman and the red-haired woman are the Ice Queen Esders, who was recently rewarded by the Navy for more than 700 million Baileys, and the changeable goblin Elsa Shukaret! ”

“The man who is beating Charros Saint is a great sword master who cut open the capital of seven waters-Ghost Sword Ren with a sword, offering a reward of 500 million Bailey!”

“But even if their reward amount is so high, why fight the Draco, aren’t they afraid to attract generals over?”

The surrounding crowd knelt on the ground and shivered, secretly praying that this would not affect them.

The poor people still don’t know that the reason why Tang En’s reward amount will increase so quickly in a short period of time is because they have already smashed two generals one after another!

And some of the pirates mixed in the crowd were even more angry and wanted to vomit blood.

The Chambord Islands are so close to the headquarters of the Navy, beating Draco here … Mom sells a lot, the admiral is estimated to be on his way!


After leaving the Devil’s Triangle Sea, Wren had never heard the news of his increase in the amount of the reward, so he concluded that the navy headquarters must have been afraid that the two Qiwu Seas would be defeated by pirates in a short period of time and lose the deterrent power of the Seven Wu Seas.

And it will affect the peace of the world!

So the Navy headquarters and the world government must have concealed this matter.

Just like Esders and Elsa defeated the green pheasant and the yellow ape, except for some who have special channels, it is impossible for ordinary people to know these major events.

Therefore, there is naturally no reason for Wren’s bounty amount to continue to rise!

This is also the reason why Wren put his mind on Draco.

Originally, the previous Wren just planned to come over and humiliate the Draco, and then the Draco would definitely find trouble with Wren under his anger, then under the pressure of the Draco, without catching Wren, the World Government and the Navy Headquarters would definitely increase the amount of his reward.

At this point, Wren’s purpose has been achieved!

But now, he wasn’t ready to let this damn Draco go so easily!

He had a better idea.

“Are you about to die? Trash! ”

Rubbing his left hand and right fist, Qin Tian’s eyes flashed with an icy light, sweeping over the body of Charrossage and his group, like a generation of heroes, majestically walking over.

“Untouchables! Dare to hit me! You stupid fools, don’t go up and kill him yet!” ”

Saint Charross woke up from his stunned state and immediately roared like crazy.



Seven or eight big men in suits immediately rushed towards Wren.

At the same time, the headquarters of the Navy, Marin Fandor, the Sengoku are meeting.

Suddenly a soldier ran in and shouted: “It’s not good, Marshal! A navy called from the Chambord Islands and said that the Draco had been beaten! ”


The palm slammed on the table, and Sengoku glared angrily and shouted, “What!? Someone did something to Draco? ”

For hundreds of years, there has not been an incident of Draco being beaten.

Tenryu lived in the world aristocracy of the Holy Land of Marie Joa, and is a descendant of the 20 kings who established the world government 800 years ago.

Claiming to be a “descendant of the Creator” and arrogant on this basis, he wears a bubble hood because he thinks of himself as great, disdains the same air as ordinary people, and arbitrarily treats people of other races as slaves.

Enjoy all privileges, and in case of offense, the admiral of the Navy headquarters must devote all his military power to maintenance.

If the Draco is attacked, the admiral of the navy headquarters will lead the army to come, causing the power to get out of control over time, and thus abuse his power for a long time to do various evil and domineering acts in the Chambord Islands.

Draco society belongs to the slave social system of the old era, so it has a strong sense of blood and racial superiority, and has a serious discriminatory attitude towards anyone but Draco.

Simply put, they don’t treat anyone as human beings.

But even so, the naval headquarters must protect the Draco.

Because the existence of Draco is the legal basis for the existence of the world government, this is the basis for the existence of the Navy.

This is a great righteousness!

If there were no Draco in this world, then the existence of the world government would immediately fall apart, because the world government would have no righteous name to rule other countries.

Therefore, although some navies are very reluctant, it has to be said that they are actually the lackeys of the Draco.

And also a dog that must be on call!

“Is there a video phone bug on the spot, pick it up for me immediately!”

The Marshal of the Warring States hysterically slapped the conference table a few times, shocking a group of lieutenant generals and generals who did not dare to make a sound.

Soon, the scene appeared on the big screen of the conference room.

“Ah! It’s him again! ”

When he saw Wren and Estes sitting on a large block of ice, Sengoku was furious!

Because those bodyguards of Charros Saint have all been frozen in a large block of ice by Esders.

And what frightened the Marshal of the Warring States even more was that Draco Charros Saint was very miserable at this time, and his whole person was nailed to the ice wall by an ice pick, and his blood was dripping!

“Ghost Sword Wren !!!!”

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