“Hey! Hello everyone! And the Marshal of the Warring States, when we meet for the first time, please take care of you! ”

At this time, in the video, Wren is wearing the suit that Elsa gave him, standing in front of the ice wall seriously, smiling and greeting the Marshal of the Warring States and the admirals who came to the meeting here.

It’s just that the Draco Charros Saint on the ice wall next to him was nailed to the wall with his hands nailed to the wall at this time, and the blood flowed nonstop, which was very miserable!

“Ghost Sword Wren, do you know what you’re doing?”

In the conference room of the naval headquarters, after the Marshal of the Warring States saw what Wren did, he immediately broke out into thunder fury, his expression was extremely gloomy, and he was quite ugly.

“Oops! Ah! Marshal of the Warring States, don’t be angry, of course I know what I’m doing! Wren’s originally smiling face immediately changed, “Because your navy is a little unauthentic, I have to use this method!” ”

“Not authentic?”

“That’s right, not long ago, I killed the Qiwu Sea Moonlight Moria, why didn’t you raise the reward amount you gave me? Do you know how hard I went to defeat that guy from Moonlight Moria? ”

Wren was brazen and said with great righteousness: “But I worked so hard and you didn’t give me a reward amount, there is no way, I can only find a way to let you take the initiative to give me a boost!” ”

“You mean… Your purpose in harming the Draco is because our naval headquarters did not give you a bounty amount! ”

Akainu, who was sitting in the conference room, finally couldn’t help but shout angrily and said, “Don’t joke, you know that the representative of hurting Draco…”

“Shut up! Red dogs! Wren said impatiently: “Just within today, I want to see my new bounty order, 750 million Bailey, this number cannot be more or less, otherwise I will send you a Draco’s arm.” ”

Seven hundred and fifty million Baileys is exactly the condition for Wren’s next call.

After speaking, in order to strengthen the credibility of his words, Wren stabbed a sword into the palm of Charross’s hand.


Charros Saint’s originally languished expression was immediately brought to life under the stimulation of pain.

“Marshal of the Navy, you guys hurry up and come to save me, hurry up…”


It’s just that before Charrossan finished speaking, Wren took the initiative to cut off the video call.




The entire conference room was instantly quiet and terrifying!

“Bang !!!”

“It’s really deceitful!!!”

The poor table, under the fist of the Marshal of the Warring States, instantly turned into powder.

“Red dog, yellow ape! You guys go to the Chambord Islands at once! Go now! ”

Last time Qiwu Sea Moonlight Moria was killed, the Warring States had already been approved by the Five Old Stars. If the Draco was killed again this time, he could fully imagine what kind of monstrous fire the Five Old Stars would inflict on him!

“Wait, don’t be impulsive yet, Sengoku!”

Just as the red dog and the yellow ape stood up, Lieutenant General Crane suddenly spoke and pressed his palm on the two of them.

“Miss Tsuru, this Draco in front of you is going to lose his life, you…” Sengoku’s old face darkened.

“Don’t be impulsive, Sengoku!”

Lieutenant General He’s face was calm, and he said calmly, “Warring States, calm down!” Impulsivity will not solve the problem, besides, even if you want to send someone over, you should make a battle plan! ”

“Are we all very clear about the strength of the Rennes Pirates?”

Listening to Lieutenant General Tsuru’s words, the Marshal of the Warring States knew that he seemed to be carried away by the time when the Draco was kidnapped.

No…… There should be the entire naval headquarters that was stunned by the reality that a pirate threatened!

He immediately understood Lieutenant General He’s thoughts, so he pressed his palms on the red dog and the yellow ape, and said, “Miss Crane is right, it is indeed necessary to take it seriously!” ”

Before the green pheasant and the yellow ape, they had already fought with the ice queen Esders and the changeable goblin Elsa, knowing that one of these two people was ice, and the other was a variety of powerful armor with special abilities that could change at any time.

And Wren’s ability, in addition to his sword technique, is also a strange eye that can make the ability lose his ability.

The abilities of the three of them are now somewhat clear in the navy, but now among the people of the Rennes Pirates, there is an additional woman who has come out, and they have never seen Nami make a move.

With the previous lesson, the Marshal of the Warring States would not have thought that Nami who suddenly appeared would be a generalist!

So, making a battle plan is imperative!

In the entire conference room, the generals and lieutenant generals who came to the meeting looked at the Marshal of the Warring States with full attention, waiting for his orders.

“Sakaski, Borusalino, the two of you take two lieutenant generals to the Chambord Islands to rescue Draco!” The Marshal of the Warring States thought for a while and ordered calmly.

Now the Navy headquarters Karp and the green pheasant are not here, and he and Vice Admiral Tsuru are sitting in the naval headquarters, so letting the red dog and the yellow ape go is the best choice.



“Remember, your mission is to rescue Draco Charros Saint, and don’t fight with the Rennes Pirates!” Sengoku ordered.


“As for Ghost Sword Wren’s request… Miss Crane, this little thing troubles you to do, and under the premise of not being sure whether you can rescue Charros Saint, it is better to meet his request! Sengoku thought helplessly.

“No problem, leave it to me!” Lieutenant General Tsuru said.

Sengoku looked at everyone again and ordered, “Revise the bounty order immediately!” List the Rennes Pirates as a special bounty! ”

Special Bounty!

The generals present were stunned!

You know, the special reward, that means that no matter where there is a navy, the first task must be to catch the criminals on the special reward order!

At present, the only prisoners listed as special bounty prisoners are the Four Emperors of the New World, but the strength of the Four Emperors is there, and they want to escort them to the naval base?

It’s harder than climbing to the sky!

Now there is a fifth special bounty order, and a room full of generals and lieutenant generals can fully imagine that this Rennes Pirate Group is over!

The anger of the Marshal of the Warring States has been completely hooked!


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