The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 116: : We team up with the second lady

Because the blood maple forest can absorb the aura of heaven and earth, the essence of sun and moon.

While gathering the evil spirits and evil spirits, there are countless rare and exotic animals in the forest, and they have also attracted many families to break through the barrier privately, and find treasures here, and in the end, naturally their lives are lost here.

Therefore, the earth, maple leaves, and even the air are filled with a strong smell of blood.

Even one foot on the soft ground can produce sticky and wet blood.

Feng Ruchu took the Wang family siblings for half of the time, only to see Feng Mo'er and his party standing at a forked road, seemingly arguing with whom.

"Feng Mo'er, you distributed all the pill "medicine" to other sects. I have ten disciples of the Earth Zang sect, but I don't even have four pill "medicine". If you do this, it would be too much!" The man who is the leader of the Ksitigarbha, Yu Kui.

Feng Mo'er hugged her arms with a frivolous and proud expression: "That's no way. "Medicine" Wang Gu gave so many pills and "medicine". It's already a great deal to be able to distribute them to you. Favor, why are you still not satisfied?"

"Then why do you have two? And Feng Feier and Prince Nangong, why do they have three?" Yu Kui fought hard for the Zongmen disciples. Feng Mo'er glanced at him, dismissively: "My sister is the first disciple of the Cihang Sect. In this operation of the five major sects, which one should not rely on her pill to heal her injuries? Renewal? Naturally, she has more points. As for Prince Nangong... Just now you said that he is the prince and the royal family. Can he compare with those of you who are just getting started?"

Yu Kui gritted his teeth and said: "You mean, your life is life, our life is ants?"

Feng Mo'er rolled her eyes, and the rascal said, "I didn't say that! But this blood maple forest is full of miasma and poisonous gas. We spiritualists may not be able to deal with it, let alone you martial artists. According to what I said, I shouldn’t even give you the four or five pill "medicine", you just stand here and wait for us to strengthen the seal, and then go out with us, saving you the place where the evil spirit is overflowing. I have lost my life, and then we will be blamed for disregarding our fellowship and failing to protect you well."

"You!" Yu Kui almost vomited blood in anger. The martial artist has low spiritual power, but has excellent martial arts talents. In the later stage, he uses martial arts to enter the Tao, just like the Ksitigarbha, he has reached the state of integration; but Wuxiu is better than spiritual cultivation. Entry is slow and cultivation is late, so in the early stage, most of them focused on defending the home and the country and guarding the frontier fortresses.

"Our Ksitigarbha sect does not need to be protected by Cihangzong!" Wang Yu's "sexual" is upright, and hateful like hatred. The one who looks down the most is Feng Moer who bullies others. He ran to Yu Kui and gave his hand. A gift, said: "Brother, let's team up with Miss Feng Er and go to the left."

Yu Kui was squeezed out like this, so naturally he wouldn't be with Feng Mo'er again, so he raised his eyes and glanced at Feng Ruchu.

The little girl is only fifteen or sixteen years old, and her dress is simple and plain, but she has a calm and indifferent to her age.

She is also a waste of spirit roots, so she can frustrate these spirit masters with her abundance, no wonder the master is full of praise.

"His "milk" or "milk", I still don't believe it. Without Cihangzong, how many of our brothers can still die in this blood maple forest?" As a warrior, Yu Kui has a straightforward character and a temperamental temper. Roughly, he quenched a spit at Feng Mo'er, then turned to look at Feng Ruchu, and said politely, "Miss Feng Er, let's team up with you, can't you?"

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