The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 117: : Who wants to team up together! ?

Feng Ruchu gave a gift and said, "Very welcome."

When Feng Mo'er saw that the trash had followers, her angry face was deformed, and she angrily rebuked, "Since you are going to die with her, then I won't stop it, and return the pill in your hands. Come back, the province's violent heavenly objects."

"Just give it back, you treat me as a rare drug!" Yu Kui didn't hesitate at all, and threw the gourd back in his hand, casually flicked his big sleeve, and took the ten juniors under the door. Tao.

"Does anyone else want to form a team with us?" Wang Yu yelled as much as possible.

The Jin Gang, Bodhi, and Cihang schools are naturally led by Nangong Yan, and there are two others left...

"Miss Feng Er, there are ten disciples under my sect to take care of. I really can't go with you. I hope Miss Feng Er will take care all the way."

The white "color" robe, the wide cuffs are embroidered with icy blue "color" ripples, and a transparent cyan glass bead hangs from the waist, which is obviously dressed by the inner disciple of Xuanbing Sect.

This person is the Xuanbingzong leader, easy to reach.

He took out two "medicine" pills from the gourd and handed them to Feng Ruchu, saying, "This is a healing "medicine" and a detoxification "medicine", Miss Feng Er, please accept it..." He was afraid that Feng Ruchu would refuse , He added: "Before I came here, the master had instructed you to have a good life and protect the second Miss Feng."

Xuan Bing? !

Feng Ruchu narrowed his eyes, raised his hand and pushed away the pill "medicine", and said, "The real person Xuanbing gave me a self-defense magic weapon. This pill "medicine" should be reserved for the disciples. Goodbye!" Then turned and left.


Feng Ruchu, Wang Yu brothers and sisters, plus the disciples of the Earthzang Sect, a group of twelve people walked in the blood maple forest for nearly half an hour. Although they did not encounter any danger, the deeper they went, the more the miasma was filled with poisonous gas. Wanton. Wang "Lu" has the lowest level of cultivation. He is obviously overwhelmed. His face is pale, his breath is unstable, occasionally he coughs quietly, and deliberately covers his mouth for fear of dragging. Back everyone.

"Cough..." There was another sound.

Feng Ruchu turned around and glanced at her, and saw a bloodshot from the corner of her mouth, her eyebrows frowned slightly.

Wang Lu quickly wiped the corners of his mouth and said, "Second Miss, I'm fine, I just bit my tongue..."

Feng Ruchu didn't respond to her. He grabbed her pulse with one hand and pressed it. Then, he took out a pill from the treasure bag and stuffed it into her mouth.

" use..."

As soon as Wang'Lu' wanted to refuse, Feng Ruchu said sternly: "No need, after a while, poison gas has penetrated into the blood, and no one can save you."

After speaking, he handed the Hundred Treasure Bag in his hand to Wang Yu, and said, "There are Qi Qi Pills and Toxin Eliminating Pills in it. You take them out and give them to eat. The more you go inside, the more poisonous gas will become. Make some adjustments, and I will go and look around."

Wang Yu nodded, picked out two pill "medicine" from the treasure bag and gave it to Yu Kui.

Yu Kui thought, although these Qudu Pills and Qi Invigorating Pills are two-level pill "medicine", they are also expensive. Even Ci Hangzong doesn’t bring much. He feels that he is the leader and his cultivation is better than These fellow juniors were taller and naturally could resist the devil for longer, so when Wang Yu just wanted to leave the pill "medicine" to other juniors.

Wang Yu slipped his hand, and the treasure bag fell to the ground.

Then, dozens of various pill "medicine" rolled out from inside, some of them were still high-quality pill "medicine" with texture and luster!

Yu Kui's eyes were suddenly blinded! ...

"This..." He pointed to the pill "medicine" on the ground. It seemed a little unbelievable. Feng Ruchu, a famous waste material in Nanqiu State + mental retardation, would have so many pill "medicine"?

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