The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 118: :Evading Bones

Wang Yu squatted on the ground, picking Qi Qi Dan and Qu Du Dan, and smiled and replied: "Brother Yu, I will let the big guy follow the second lady in a team. You can't go wrong with the second lady's ability. No real experience."

Wang "Lu" took the pill "medicine", and his face turned red. Suddenly, she saw a few pink flowers under her feet and a little fluorescent light. She exclaimed excitedly: "Brother, come here. Look, is this blood clotting grass?"

He said, he had to bend over to pick it.

Suddenly, a sharp blocking sound came: "Stay back, don't move it!"

Unfortunately, it was too late. Wang Lu's finger happened to touch the petal, but suddenly it seemed to be pierced by something. She sighed in pain and took a breath. After retracting his hand, he saw a hole in his fingertips.

Feng Ruchu's face was suddenly shocked, and he rushed in with a teleport, and said in a deep voice, "Be careful, defend!"

The big guy had just taken the pill "medicine" and was about to meditate with luck. Suddenly he felt the ground under his feet shake. Then, one after another cracks broke apart like lightning, and countless vines came out of the soil. In a short blink of an eye, it grew to a height of seven feet, intricately intertwined, covering the sky and the sun.

On the vines, densely packed with bright red flowers, at a speed invisible to the naked eye, half-human flower buds bloomed from the flower bones, and they surrounded them in groups.

The bright red "color" seemed to have been stained with blood, and the densely packed large bunches of flowers were spitting out the stamens one by one, strange and mysterious.

"This...what the **** is this!" Wang Lu said in horror.

"Bone Eruption." Feng Ruchu had a serious look and alert, as if ready to prepare for battle. She said, "I was in a dormant state just now, because a drop of your blood triggered their restlessness."

"Isn't it just a few flowers? What's to be afraid of? See me slashing ten!"

Ksitigarbha sect disciples are extremely powerful, most of them are **** Fang Gang men. One of them threw a machete and smashed it onto a flower bud. The blade was fast and accurate, and cut it straight.

"Yeah..." Bud let out a shrill scream, like the howling of a young wolf in the middle of the night.

The man withdrew the machete, fought it on his shoulders, turned to look at Feng Ruchu, and said proudly, "It's still bone-cutting flowers, it's just like..."

"Be careful!" Feng Ruchu's eyes suddenly startled before he finished speaking.

As soon as the man turned his head, he saw that the flower bud he had cut off suddenly bounced from the ground. The flower stamen resembled a snake's letter, spitting out more than a meter long, almost strangling his neck.

And at the moment of the electric flint, Feng Ruchu threw the floating silk with one hand, dragged the man aside, picked up the talisman with one hand, and hit it on the bud.

There was another sharp wailing, and the talisman exploded with a crackle, and the flower and the bones were blown up.

"Yeah...ahhh..." The group of demons danced like they had received some irritation from hundreds of bone-eating flowers.

Feng Ruchu held the Fulu with one hand and solemnly reminded: "They are about to attack!"

The twelve people formed a defensive formation back to back.

The Bone Eater vines twisted, and the stamens flew up, like hundreds of giant beasts with big mouths in blood basins, madly attacking them.

Yu Kui and the others practice martial arts, without spiritual skills, they can only use a machete to slash and slash at the crazy buds.

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