The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 122: : Blood Maple Forest Group Demon

The spiritualist who was fighting next to him was in a panic and shouted: "Retreat, go back, Brother Nie and Brother Guo are both poisoned!"

Unfortunately, it was already too late.

The ghost hands in the swamp, like bamboo shoots after a rain, kept crawling out, and countless blood-stained things were "approaching" them step by step.

They seem to be human, but some have broken arms, some have half of their faces cut off, some are cut off by the waist, but they drag their upper body to crawl slowly on the ground, and some have only one left. The head seems to fly "randomly", biting at the sight of people.

The positive swamp, like the Shura hell, is full of blood and killing.

"Second Miss, this...what are these things!" As soon as Wang Yu and his party arrived, they were shocked by the scene in front of them.

"Devil corpse." Feng Ruchu's expression was dignified and calm. She said: "They were all cultivators who ran into the blood maple forest. They should have been attacked by monsters here, just like those half of their bodies were boned. , You should have encountered a bone eroding flower..."

"Then they should have been dead for a long time?" Wang Yukun was confused.

Feng Ruchu pulled out a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes grew colder and colder: "Death? In this magical land, death is the best relief... They must have been invaded by the devil when they hung themselves before dying. The body, over time, becomes something that is neither human nor ghost nor demons nor demons nor demons."

"If you get hurt by this kind of thing, you will invade the devil energy and become like them."

That feeling is like a zombie in Resident Evil.

Wang Yu and Yu Kui looked at each other and swallowed involuntarily. No wonder more than forty spiritualists were so embarrassed by "forced" that any magical artifacts and spiritual arts were useless.

That's a corpse! Who would be afraid of death after seeing a corpse?

Even if they were torn into pieces with only a mouthful of teeth, that tooth would have to try to eat your meat and drink your blood.

In just a few words, the demon corpses by the swamp had gathered more and more, allowing the spiritists to be swords, fire and ice, but they could not hurt the devil corpses.

Not only that, those wounded spiritualists, even if only a layer of skin is dug out, will be controlled by demonic energy within a short period of time and will attack the living instead.

There are more than forty spiritualists, and in a blink of an eye there are only less than 20 left!

"Prince, what should we do now? This group of things can't be destroyed at all, are we going to die here!?" Feng Moer's ice hockey puck just gathered in her hand, it cracked because of her fear. Up.

Feng Feier and a few doctors hid behind the spiritualist, constantly waving the whisk to convey spiritual energy to them.

Nangong Yan's face was full of blood. He didn't know if it was his own or his companion. Chen Huang's sword was dripping blood down, and he stared at the group of demons with scarlet eyes.

He gave an order: "The disciples of Jin Gangzong obey the order! Give this prince a **** way! After the Bodhi Sect Xuanbingzong entangled them and broke them, the Flame Sect saw the injured disciples. Before they were demonized, they burned the embers directly. Mo'er followed this prince and healed them!"

The disciples of the six major sects have always taken the task of killing demons and eliminating demons, and never feared life and death.

But Nangong Yan's order was completely that they acted as targets, as meat shields, to attract firepower, so that he had a chance to escape with Feng Mo'er and Feng Feier!

Death, they are not afraid, but they are not willing to be a gunpoint for others!

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