The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 123: : Miss Xie Er's kindness

"What are you still doing! Don't even dare to listen to the order of the prince? Who dares to flee, be punished by the crime of deceiving the emperor, expel the teacher's door, and abolish the spiritual root!" Nangong Yan looked at them looking at each other and hesitating. , A vicious threat.

Afterwards, he grabbed the two Jin Gangzong disciples around him and threw them into the group of demons.


The big guys thought they, thought they were bound to die under Nangong Yan's cruelty.

Suddenly a glazed bead flew over from a distance, and after drawing a beautiful parabola in the air, it formed a huge water pattern shield, covering all these spiritualists in the shield.

Someone exclaimed: "It's the colored glaze beads! The colored glaze beads of the real person Xuanbing! The real person is here, we are saved!"

However, as soon as the voice fell, there was another burst of ‘boom bang bang...’ shots, a few talismans struck them and landed in front of a corpse.

Just hearing the sound of ‘bang...’, the flames exploded, and the group of demon corpses that could not even be injured by the sword aura fell to the ground one by one...

The spiritualists looked back one after another.

I saw a woman wearing a gray housemaid's clothes, standing on a roof not far away, about to break her finger, writing and drawing on a piece of yellow paper.

After painting, he shouted: "Left in the south, right in the seven stars, those who rebel against us die, those who obey us live, what gods do not fall, what ghosts are not surprised, Qinwu amulet sweeps away the filth, it is time to follow, anxious Like the law!"


Following her edict, the spell rushed into the masses of demon corpses with lightning speed and exploded thunder after another.

The devil's corpse, who was only eating flesh and drinking blood, was defeated like a mountain with its teeth and claws.

When the spiritualists saw this situation, their eyes widened in shock.

"What are you doing in a daze! Hurry up and tie them up, the spell won't last long!" Feng Ruchu withdrew the water shield, fighting every second, and quickly gave orders!

The group of spiritualists just saw her using her own power to frustrate the group of demons. How dare to refute them, they took out the immortal ropes and tied these demons together.

Feng Ruchu drew Zhang Fu's curse again and pasted it on the corpses. Although they couldn't kill them, it was not a problem to fix them for three days and two nights with the power of the immortal rope.

"Miss Feng, why are you here?" Yi Da's blue and white "color" rippling robe was stained with blood, but he was elegant and polite, and then "confused" said: "And the glass beads just now... "

Feng Ruchu nodded slightly, and said politely: "It was the real person Xuanbing who gave me body protection."

"It turned out to be the same!" Yi Da suddenly realized, but his eyes flashed with a little surprise.

Firstly, I was surprised that this Liulizhu is a fourth-grade artifact, and non-inner sect people must be the apprentice loved by the master to be eligible; secondly, I was surprised that the body protector could only be used three times. Feng Ruchu actually threw it out to save others?

"Miss Feng Er, thank you, thank you so much! If you didn't make the move in time, we'd probably..." The several spiritualists who were pushed out to be flesh shields expressed their gratitude to Feng Ruchu.

However, before she finished speaking, Feng Moer stood up and interrupted: "Thank her for what? Just such a few corpses, is it possible that our five major sects are still afraid that they will fail? As long as we work together, They will be completely wiped out!"

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