The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 124: : Mouth Cannon White Lotus




I was shivering behind Nangong Yan just now, I don't know who it is!

As soon as Feng Ruchu raised his eyebrows, he looked at Feng Mo'er like a clown jumping beam, and smiled: "Yeah, you deserve to be a spiritualist in the Yuan Ying stage. Since you are so spine and capable, otherwise, I will let go. Two to accompany you to practice?"

With that said, he really wanted to reveal the charm of the devil's corpse.

Feng Mo'er was frightened and jumped back and hid behind Nangong Yan, her eyes dodged in fear, but she retorted confidently, "Feng Ruchu, do you dare! His Royal Highness is still here, if you dare to put those things and hurt the prince," But it will be divided by five horses!"

Nangong Yan stared directly at Feng Ruchu, the scarlet eyes gradually restored the calm black "color", and a touch of intricate taste emerged.

Shocked, surprised, stunned, unbelievable, aftermath, and when I saw the ugly scar on her forehead, I was born with disgust and nausea.

At this time all condensed together.

After a while, he solemnly said: "Feng Ruchu, why are you saving me!? Are you treating me..."

"Don't... don't put gold on your face!" Feng Ruchu exaggeratedly rubbed the goose bumps on his arm, and deliberately stepped back two steps, and said: "I am not trying to save you, I am trying to save These are the innocent spirit wizards who were pushed to the front by you."

"As for you? It's just an accident caught in the middle."

Nangong Yan:...

His dignified Royal Highness, the chief disciple of the Jin Gang Sect, was said to be an accident by a waste of wood! ’

Fortunately, he just felt a little bit of compassion for this trash!

"Trash, you're looking for death!" Nangong Yan became angry from embarrassment, and Chen Huang sword shot, and he wanted to stab Feng Ruchu.

Yi Da has played an ice hockey puck, causing Chen Huang to shift slightly.

Nangong Yan suddenly became angry: "Yida, dare you stop me!" Yi Da was slightly displeased, saying: "Prince Nangong, Miss Feng Er has just saved the life of our five major sect disciples. You will meet her now. Isn’t it a kind of revenge? ?"

"That's right, if it wasn't for Miss Feng Er, maybe the big guys would have been gnawed into scum!" Gu Shan, the team leader, also sneered, and said: "Our Scarlet Flame Sect is not ungrateful!"

"Prince Nangong, if you want to hurt the second lady, step over from my Yu Kui!" Yu Kui received Feng Ruchu's great favor, and aside from anything else, he held up a knife and stood in front of Feng Ruchu.

" one by one..." Even though Nangong Yan was the crown prince, he couldn't reach the attack of so many sects. Holding Chen Huang's hand, they trembled constantly with anger.

Feng Feier thoughtfully took Nangong Yan's wrist and said: "The prince calms down, this blood maple forest is perilous, and to re-seal the enchantment, the six major sects must work together. Moreover, the original character "sex" has always been It's all like this. When you are at home, you dare to refute dad's reprimand, so you can tolerate her more."

This is quite a skill.

On the one hand, it showed that she was thinking about the overall situation and sealed the barrier; on the other hand, she discouraged Nangong Yan from giving him a step; on the other hand, she ridiculed Feng Ruchu for not knowing etiquette and disfiling his parents.

It can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

Feng Ruchu embraced her arms and looked at her with a deep smile.

"Feng Feier, if you have time to do peacemaking here, why don't you go and see if the injured in the five major sects are brothers, the first apprentice of the dignified Ci Hang Sect, the fourth grade "Pharmaceutical" master, don't just be a slapstick!"


ps: My dears, this book is in PK. In order to get a better recommendation position, please recommend tickets, comments, and rewards to help me gather popularity!

Another: announce the activity ranking last week.

First place: I'm hard to coax

Second place: want to get rich for a long time

Third place: Ouye

Fourth place: Xuan Shuang

Fifth place: Qi Chao baby

Sixth place: Ling Yin

(The top seven friends are looking for me in the QQ group to receive a red envelope!)

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