The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 125: : Kill on the spot

Feng Feier's face turned green and white, as if she was constipated in embarrassment.

But I still have to hold the temperament of my famous lady, and smile softly: "As I said before, I will do my best to treat the injured fellow."

After speaking, he walked to the wounded spiritualists, and for them some pill "medicine", and used the whisk to deliver spiritual energy for them to heal their injuries.

Who knows...

‘Puff...", a mouthful of blood was on his lips.

Nangong Yan embraced Feng Feier's shoulders with distress, and said with distress, "How is it, are you okay?"

Feng Feier paled, shook his head, and said, "Thank you, the prince for being concerned, Feier's is all right... but for some reason, after they took the "medicine" Wanggu's pill, not only did they have the effect at all. No, it will come into contact with spiritual power. Mayfair is incompetent and can't find out the reason."

Those spiritualists who were injured were also locked up by immortal ropes because they would mutate.

At this time, the blood stains on their wounds gradually blackened, and a layer of black mist was like vines that kept invading their blood vessels all over the eyes. In just over ten seconds, their eyes were already protruding and their faces were hideous. .

Nangong Yan quickly took a step back while protecting Feng Feier, and ordered in cold blood; "Since there is no cure, I will kill him on the spot."

"His Royal Highness is merciful!"

"You can't kill, don't kill, this is the same master brother!" "I have folded so many disciples, how do we go back and explain to the master!?"

Nangong Yan was anxious and annoyed, and shouted: "Then what do you guys say? Seeing that they are going to be demonized, if we hurt other people, won't we lose even more?"

Everyone was silent after a question.

Only a female disciple of Chi Yanzong rushed to Feng Feier, begging with tears: "Miss Feng, you are a "pharmacist", you must be able to save them, I beg you, please Think of a way, I’m just this one sister..."

Feng Feier's eyes were red when she said that Xiao Bailian bit her lip, and said: "This junior, I'm really sorry, if it can be saved, even if Fei'er's life is spelled out, Fei'er will also I don’t hesitate, but..."

Feng Feier drooped her teardrop eyelashes, choked up and said, "It's all to blame for Feier's poor academic skills..."


An abrupt laugh interrupted the noisiness.

Feng Ruchu was leaning against the wall, using her own blood to combine a spell, writing and painting what she was painting, she smiled and said: "Knowing that she is not good at learning skills, but rushing to do it? They are infected with devil energy, of course they are not ordinary "medicine" things It can be cured..."

Taking a look at Feng Feier's gourd bottle and whisk, Feng Ruchu said again: "The spiritual energy of the immortal gate will enter the body, and it will definitely be backlashed by the devil energy. Not only can it not save them, but it will intensify. This is the most basic truth. , You really are not good at learning..."

Feng Feier flushed with her mockery, but whispered softly: "Is there a way as before? If you have a way to cure them, my sister will definitely cooperate with you."

"Sister, you really ask her, you are a'pharmacist' and it is of no avail, what can she do? But some crooked ways are nothing but a hall of elegance." Feng Mo'er sarcastically said.

Feng Ruchu didn't care about their sisters' singing and singing, and drew a few talisman, handed them over, said: "Turn this talisman into ashes, feed them with water, and then they will wake up within half a stick of incense."

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