The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 137: : Pull you to hell

"Yes, Miss Feng, let us help you!" Yu Kui also followed.

Feng Ruchu said sternly: "The strength of this demon lord is not something you can fight against. I will hold him down first. You run quickly and go back to ask for support!"

Hearing this, Hou Qing couldn't help but ridicule: "You seem to be able to fight against the deity. You can't help yourself!"

Feng Ruchu's heart was breathless by his magic pressure, and a rusty smell in her throat rushed up. She gritted her teeth fiercely and swallowed the blood, unwilling to "show" in front of the demon god. cowardly.

"I can't deal with you, but I can still do it by dragging you to hell!"

A sneered sneer was drawn from the corner of Feng Ruchu's mouth.

The cold light blade cut through the palms of both hands, and the power of mind urged the talisman to draw a blood-red yin-yang gossip picture out of thin air.

Under the feet, the seven light star array appeared brightly.

The girl in ragged clothes, with a dazzling golden light and a petite and slender body, when facing the ancient Demon Venerable who is hidden from the sky, she gave birth to a gesture of contempt for all things and proudly between the heaven and the earth.

"Lingbao Tianzun, the figure of An Wei, the soul of the disciple, the five internal organs, the blue dragon and the white tiger, the fallen warriors, the figure of the Suzaku Xuanwu guarding. Anxious..."

"Puff..." A mouthful of blood spouted from Feng Ruchu's mouth.

The seven light star arrays spread out under his feet, and the yin and yang gossip shattered in front of him.

Hou Qing suddenly exerted strength, holding Feng Ruchu's neck with one hand, and raised her in front of her eyes.

The gloomy and gloomy eyes stared at her firmly like a wicked evil spirit: "Please magic actually know that please magic rune...what are you..." Before he could speak, a piece of talisman that Feng Ruchu caught off guard pressed on his forehead.

The boring and wrinkled zombie skin of the Houqing was instantly burned through a hole, and he gasped for bursts of black air, and he became angry: "You humble human, you dare to attack the deity, and the deity will break your corpse. Wan Duan..."

As he said, he grabbed Feng Ruchu's shoulders with both hands, like tearing and "kneading" waste paper.

Feng Ruchu felt that her bones were about to be crushed, and the powerful magic pressure suppressed her internal organs, qi and blood surging and rolling.

Please God Talisman was shattered, and she was not the opponent of this Demon Venerable at all.

Is it really dying! ?

Just when Feng Ruchu felt his life was lost here.

A black light flashed from his waist first, it was the black cat ball that Zhuer transformed into;

Before Zhu'er turned into a black cat, a red blade of light suddenly flashed out of the sea of ​​bone-etching flowers, which penetrated the black mist with a thunderous force, and directly struck Houqing's double Arm.

"Da da..." Two times, Demon Lord's arm was chopped off like a carrot.

Without the restraint of his arm, Feng Ruchu also fell from the midair more than four meters high.

She just wanted to call out the floating light, but saw the red light turning towards her, turning into a long shadow of Xin Ying, and slowly dragging her until it safely landed on the ground.

The black cat immediately received aura, and honestly turned it into a waist ornament.

"..." The red "color" haze has a faintly long outline, but because it is too vague, it doesn't seem to be true, but Feng Ruchu can feel it in the confusion of his mind. An illusory hand in the middle slid gently from the scar on her forehead to the chin.

It seemed that what the red shadow was holding was not an ugly waste material, but a rare treasure.

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