The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 138: : The emperor never hurt a woman

"Master!" When Hou Qing saw the red shadow, the zombie face twitched across a trace of panic, and bowed down on one knee.

"Houqing, you are so brave, how dare you hurt her?" Hong Ying could not see the expression, but could hear the slightest displeasure in his cold and gloomy tone.

"The Lord forgive me, the subordinates don't know, I don't know if she is..."

"You don't know?" Before Hou Qing finished speaking, he was interrupted by Hong Ying. In the dark red mist, he turned into a hand and grabbed Hou Qing's severed arm and twisted it fiercely.

Just listen to the sound of "click...".

The bones crushed into pieces seemed to be thrown at the feet of Hou Qing.

Hong Ying said in an overwhelming voice: "Please curse, seven light arrays, break you thousands of devil corpses, and "force" you out of the original shape, causing the wand of Wuyun Town to be restless, except for her, among these three realms and six realms, Who else can anyone!"

"You tell me now that you don't know?"

"I'm afraid, you forgot how you were sealed a thousand years ago!"

The broken arm was under her foot, but the Houqing did not dare to take it back to connect it, and silently lowered her head to listen to the training.

But when it comes to the "seal a thousand years ago," Houqing's eyes flashed a touch of repressed unwillingness.

Angrily retorted: "How can your subordinates forget this shameful shame! Ten thousand demon souls have been sealed, and even the soul that respects you has been broken and the seal is here, you are still protecting her like this..."

"As long as she is still alive, the emperor will see the day again!"

"Subordinates understand!" Hou Qing said: "The subordinates didn't want to take her "life", the subordinates just wanted to teach her a little lesson and let the master speak out!"

With a palm of "Wow...", the person in the mist waved his hand, blasting the Hou Qing away and falling into a sea of ​​bones.

Puff... a mouthful of black blood spurted from his mouth, and the pure demonic energy leaked out, causing Skeletal Flower to be restless, and one after another used flower stamens to **** the blood stains on his body.

"Teach her a lesson? What kind of thing do you dare to teach her? The emperor has never hurt a woman, how dare you take a lesson?" Hong Ying's voice was not light or slow, but with a strong voice. Suddenly, people were terrified and shuddered.

Houqing got up from the sea of ​​bones and knelt on the ground, the zombie's head buried low, and said: "The subordinate knows the mistake, the subordinate should not go beyond me, please forgive the sin."


With Hong Ying's order, the Houqing could turn into a black mist and disappear.

The spiritualists outside the Liulizhu enchantment were originally watching Feng Ruchu be beheaded by the queen, but later they didn't know what happened, a red mist was actually rolled up in the depths of the forest.

More evil and domineering than the devil.

Then, I felt like my eyes were empty, as if they had been brought into another space by some power, and I couldn't see or hear anything.

Of course, this was just a blindfold of Hong Ying. The spiritualists were still there, but they couldn't see him, but he and Feng Ruchu could see them.

"The disciples and grandchildren of the Cloud Palace Holy Realm, one generation is really inferior to one generation...any bull, ghost and snake **** dare to disturb the emperor's purity, **** it..."

Feng Ruchu, who had just raised a red mist and wanted to crush them, suddenly felt his wrists tightened, and Feng Ruchu, who was in a semi-comatose state in his arms, actually grasped his hand firmly in the subconscious, beautiful and delicate Liu's eyebrows were frowning tightly, seeming to be holding on and nervous.

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