The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 143: : Female cat becomes male cat

"..." Mo Wushuang.

This unscrupulous little white eyes, forgot who saved her from danger again and again?

Well, she does not remember.

After all, in this **** maple forest, whether it was to wave away the remaining demon soul of that person or break up her nightmare, what Mo Wushuang did was very cryptic.

"The most important point..." Feng Ruchu's beautiful pupils were playful with a little playfulness, as bright as stars.

She stared at Mo Wushuang's spotless posture and looked back and forth, and smiled: "Zhu'er is a female cat...but you have to defend your male dignity and turn into a male cat...hide behind the stone. If you don’t hide your butt, you have to **** your tail "exposed"..."

"Shut up!" The dignity of the male's "sexual" finally reached the moment when he had to speak to defend it. Mo Wushuang gritted his teeth and popped these two words from his teeth.

After groaning, I felt that my heart was still a little unspeakable, and said with a cold face: "Men and women are not giving or receiving, especially if you are a girl, you should pay more attention to your words in the future."

She was fooled by him for two days, and she was not angry. Why was he upset? !

She... She just took a branch and teased him... Is it necessary to teach her with such a straight face?

"You also know that men and women can't kiss me! Then you are a big man, and you hang me as a pendant every day, why don't you pay attention to your behavior!?" Feng Ruchu retorted.

Mo Wushuang's cold and clear expression finally showed a slightly cracked stiffness: "I..." Then, he seemed to have a sigh of relief and returned to his indifferent appearance, and said seriously: "I heard that there have been immortals recently. I'll come over and take a look, but I am not a disciple of the Holy Realm of the Cloud Palace. It is always not appropriate to enter the blood maple forest without permission.

As soon as the voice fell, Mo Wushuang suddenly disappeared without warning, turned into a "hair" ball ornament, and hung automatically on Feng Ruchu's waist.

At this time, at the entrance of the cave, there were many rapid footsteps, accompanied by the shouts of everyone.

"Second Miss."

"Girl Feng."

"where are you!"

It's Wang Yu and Yu Kui!

Feng Ruchu adjusted his clothes, walked back to the cave quickly, and said, "I'm here."

"Second Miss!" Several people hurriedly gathered around, their anxious expressions instantly turned into surprises.

Wang "Lu" held Feng Ruchu's hand affectionately and wept with joy: "Second Miss, are you injured? We have been looking for you for a day and night, and we have been worried about whether you will have any accidents. Now we see you. It's okay, it's great!"

Feng Ruchu patted the back of Wang Lu's hand as a comfort. He looked at people, but there were only a dozen of them, all of them were Ksitigarbha sect disciples. Feng Ruchu asked in doubt, "Why are you here? Others. What about people? Are you separated?"

Yu Kui slapped his thigh and said: "Don't mention it, when you were fighting with the post-Qin with your own strength yesterday, we were first trapped by your glass ball, and then we didn't know where a red mist floated out. We are all blocked out of the barrier. We don't know whether you are alive or dead. In the end, we were "confused" by the mist."

"When I woke up, I fell on a haystack in a mess."

"Prince Nangong took the other clerks to the direction of Jiuyouquan, and we were worried about your safety, so we came to you."

At this time, a colorful "color" bubble ticket arrived in front of Yu Kui, and Yi Da's voice came from inside: "Junior Brother Yu, have you found Miss Feng Er? Jiuyouquan changed, the artifact was born, please come forward Come and support!"

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