The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 144: : Wand of Wuyun Town


There are coordinates in the blisters from Yida, which is only 5 kilometers away from this cave.

Feng Ruchu casually picked up a simple teleportation talisman and passed it along with a group of people.

Jiuyou Spring is the place where the magic energy of the blood maple forest gathers.

For thousands of years, the seal was suppressed with an ancient artifact.

The damage of the barrier this time, and I don't know why, it caused the ancient artifacts to faintly agitate, the seal was cracked, and the magical energy overflowed in Quan's eyes.

When Feng Ruchu and his party arrived at Jiuyouquan, more than forty spiritualists had been wounded and disabled, lying on the ground covered in cuts and bruises.

Above the spring, the devilish energy rose.

Tens of thousands of demons and demons spread their teeth and danced their claws in the black mist, making all kinds of screams of ‘Jie Jie... Jie Jie...’ eerie and harsh.

The entire spring eye was full of black energy and blood, almost overflowing.

Countless skeleton demons struggled and crawled up, like Shura hell, full of blood, ghosts, dark and violent.

In the spring eye, an ancient scepter floats in it. It is five feet long and lingers with the dazzling golden "color" holy light, like a burning star, dazzling and dazzling.

In the hollow pentagonal rhombus, a gossip mirror hangs in between, rapidly rotating, among which 22 heavenly stems and earthly branches are constantly transformed into sixty golden amulet urns, rotating around the mouth of the Jiuyou spring, one after another and constantly The demons and demons who want to break through the barrier compete with each other. Feng Ruchu's eyes constricted, it was the wand of Wuyun Town!

Although Nangong Yan, Yida, Gu Shan, Feng Ze and others were unclearly injured in this battle, after all, these people are all late-stage Yuan Ying mages, so they are naturally not a problem.

At this moment, they were lined up to form a formation, with Ci Hangzong supporting in the back, standing in a row, ready to attack or defend at any time.

"Mayer, it seems that this artifact will not last long. When the devilish energy breaks through the Jiuyouquan, this prince will conquer the artifact as soon as possible. You and Moer will act on the occasion and help me!" Nangong Yan methodically Arranged.

Since the ancient artifact was born, he would naturally not be able to claim it for himself, but if he could conquer this artifact and dedicate it to the Lord, then he would surely use it to achieve an extraordinary position in the Holy Realm of the Cloud Palace.

The status of their Nanqiu country will also become the unshakable overlord among the four countries!

"Okay! Your Royal Highness! Mo'er believes that with your strength, you will surely be able to conquer the artifact and make it in your pocket!" Feng Mo'er did not forget to flatter her during the battle.

When the wand of Wuyun Town heard something like ‘conquer’ and ‘what’s in the bag’, he felt like he was humiliated.

Sixty golden talismans dealt with the monsters around them, while still not forgetting to reprimand them in unison: "Ignorant child, how can you mere mortals to handle ancient artifacts! Those who are familiar, quickly exit the blood maple forest, otherwise, don't blame it. This seat is cruel!"

A word of warning, like coming from the mouths of countless people, like a systemic harmony, neat but with different voice lines, giving people a very strange and empty feeling.

Feng Mo'er Shuiyunjian pointed straight at the wand of Wuyun Town and yelled: "Nangong Yan is the prince of Nanqiu Kingdom, the first disciple of the Jin Gangzong. You are just a magic weapon that seals monsters. How dare you utter such wild words! Miss will not teach you a lesson today!"

As he said, he raised the Shuiyun sword and rushed forward.


ps: 4 is over! Remember to recommend the ticket! The new weekly activity level will be posted in a new chapter the day after tomorrow, so remember to accept the award!

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