The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 145: : Double standard dog

"Mo'er, don't act rashly!" Nangong Yan called out from behind.

But it was too late.

The sixty golden "color" talisman instantly condensed into one body, turning into twelve faces with different but extremely upright faces.

Feng Mo'er had thought that the artifact had been entangled in the monsters, and she could even sneak a attack, but she didn't expect that the spirit guarded by the artifact would condense together to block her!

And the monsters that were originally constrained by the golden "color" talisman also attacked with their teeth and claws when they felt the creatures approaching.


Shui Yun Jian hasn't even been close to Jiuyou Spring.

I saw the Eight Diagrams diagram on the magic staff instantly magnified several times, pressing over with the overwhelming momentum, unexpectedly bending the Shuiyun sword into an arc.

Feng Mo'er, who had fluttering clothes a second ago, was bound to teach others a lesson. At this time, the same fluttering clothes was taught a lesson. The gossip picture hit his chest directly and was shaken into a spray. The parabola of blood.

With a sound of "bang...", it happened to hit the feet of Feng Ruchu who had come.

Feng Ruchu was shocked, took a step back, patted her chest, and said in surprise: "I was scared to death, I was scared to death. I thought there was something like red, yellow, and yellow that came out of the well. It turned out to be Miss Feng San who was slapped and slapped in the air!"

As she said, she squatted on the ground, pinched Feng Mo'er's chin, and said, "Come here, let my sister take a's so pitiful, this little face is swollen, I'm afraid Your mother can't even recognize it!"

The mana of that gossip was so powerful that Feng Mo'er's internal organs were almost shattered, and two and two halves were spurted out of a mouthful of blood. In addition, the gossip was pressed directly on the face door, and it was completely beaten by the pan. Garfield is flat! ~

However, the guardian spirit of the scepter had already been merciful, otherwise, with its thousand-year cultivation base, it would have dispelled Feng Mo'er's crushed soul.

"As always, Mo'er is your own sister. Not only did you not help her, you even laughed at her, are simply too much!" Bai Lianhua's rare "show" she is proud of. Poor, blushing angrily, scolding Feng Ruchu.

After that, he ran to Feng Mo'er's side, helped her up, and fed a "medicine" pill.

Feng Ruchu embraced his shoulders with his hands, and leaned lazily against the tree next to him, saying: "Feng Feier, are you the white lotus that grew up in that snow-capped mountain? The Virgin's radiance can't wait to love the earth?"

"If I remember correctly, when I first entered the Blood Maple Forest, Feng Mo'er said that if there is any danger, even if I kneel at her feet and cry and beg her, she will not take action against me. Saved, why didn't you jump out at that time and say I paid her sister back?"

Feng Ruchu rolled his eyes in disgust, and said with disdain from his nose: "Double-standard dogs know that they will pretend to be pitiful and sympathetic, and that stupidity will be fooled."

Nangong Yan, who was standing not far away, felt that he had been humiliated when he heard these words! ~

However, although he was impulsive and hated Feng Ruchu, he had to admit that there seemed to be some truth to what he said.

Feng Moer always bullied her demented and mentally retarded. Before, she didn’t know how to resist. She just cried and hugged her thighs. Sometimes Feng Feier would advise Feng Moer, but she never really stopped her. Nangong Yan only feels that this kind of waste material is a cumbersome alive, and it is not an exaggeration to bully him to death.

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