The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 164: : Cihang **** short

This Nangong Yan really hugs left and right, sitting and enjoying the blessing of all people.

While fulfilling his prophecy of'getting a goddess into a Mahayana', while not preventing him from being as glued as Feng Feier.

Feng Ruchu suddenly felt the "fucking" feeling of "being **** by the royal family and grateful for the royal family's enjoyment".

Although this analogy is very rude, but the words are not rough.

The Queen Mother had a reputation for being authoritarian and domineering, and she did not forget to ask Xiang Nangong Yan to show that she is a grandmother who respects and loves her grandson: "Prince, are you satisfied with this arrangement?"

Nangong Yan hurriedly bowed and said, "The Queen Mother bothers, and everything will follow the Queen Mother's will."

He is satisfied, he is simply too satisfied!

Nangong Yan was almost ecstatic at the thought of getting Feng Ruchu without losing Feng Feier.

With a sound of "bang...", the cup was smashed on the table, interrupting the double-action drama.

True person Ci Hang "exposed" his unhappy face, swept away the dust, stood up straight from the chair, and said: "The Queen Mother is very painful. My Ci Hang Sect cannot afford it. Although Feng Feier is the daughter of the prime minister, she is also How can I serve as a concubine, the first apprentice of the Ci Hang Sect, a dignified four-grade "medicine" master?" The empress dowager persuades: "Although she is a concubine, her status is respected. When the prince inherits the throne, Mayfair will be respected as a noble concubine. on."

After hearing this, the real person Cihang became even more dissatisfied, and his tone followed a little sharper: "Under one person? My Cihang lover, why should I be under one person like Feng Ruchu? Five elements of spiritual roots, huh. ...A waste that relies on the pill for washing the marrow and only began to form pill at the age of sixteen, is it worthy of my Ci Hangzong!?"

"Mo'er! Go and take Feier away!" Real Man Cihang ordered, then coldly glanced at the Southern Emperor and the Queen Mother sitting on the main seat, and snorted; "Prince Tuo, Master Jia Guo Which one didn’t come to Cihangzong early to propose marriage, and rushed to Fei'er, how come to your Nanqiu imperial family, but ask me to be inferior to others?"

"Since the Nanqiu imperial family despises my Ci Hangzong so much, it doesn't matter if you don't get married."

As he said, Whisk flicked, leaving his seat angrily.

When the queen mother saw that real Cihang was really angry about this, she quickly got up and calmed down and said: "The real Cihang has been serious. The Nanqiu imperial family and Cihangzong have always been good friends, and the Ai family has also taught Wanggu, Ben It's a family, so why hurt so much."

"Family? Huh..." The real Cihang said with a cold face, and did not give to the queen dowager, bluntly said: "I, Cihangzong is the fairy sect under the sacred sect of Yungong. The country, if not for the friendship between Mayfair and Prince Nangong..."

If the words were too unpleasant, Ci Hang stopped at the right time, but the meaning between the lines was very clear. It was because of Feng Feier's face that she got closer to the Nanqiu imperial family. Those medicines and doctors were also first. For the spiritist of Nanqiu Kingdom.

But without Feng Feier, it would be unclear who Ci Hangzong was close to.

The empress dowager and the southern emperor were panicking. Ci Hangzong's position among the six sects should not be underestimated. Although it has no combat effectiveness, it is an indispensable medical school for all spiritualists.

Just imagine, if the Nanqiu Spiritualist has no pill to take, no "medicine" to heal, let alone cultivation will be hindered, if it is confronted with a beast or provoked by a family of other countries, it will be defeated. .

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