The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 165: : The best of both worlds

Ci Hangzong, never offend!

"Sect Master Jin Gang, you have spoken out to persuade Real Cihang, don't be angry, have something to say." The queen mother softened her tone and looked at Jin Wuming. After all, Nangong Yan is his lover. Talk about the position of Nanqiu State.

Jin Wuming was also very angry, blowing his beard and staring at him, and it was not easy to teach the royal family. He could only give a vicious look at Feng Ruchu, and said: "Look at what you do well! Success is less than failure!"

Feng Ruchu:...

Blame her again? Can you lie down while pretending to be dead?

Silence, silence, don't die in silence, just pervert in silence.

Feng Ruchu belongs to the latter.

She almost couldn't laugh or cry: "I said the queen mother, real person Cihang, you are picking pork in the market, and you are negotiating whether to make me a ham or press me into a butcher? Also the concubine's concubine, you In this "force" "force" arguing for a long time, has anyone asked my opinion?"

"I, Feng Ru, deserved to have no right to speak at all. I was established and abolished by you like this, abolished and established, and then abolished?"

"Then what do you want!" Nan Huang's expression turned gloomy. Compared to Feng Ruchu, he prefers the gentle, kind, humble and sensible Feng Feier.

"I..." Of course, Feng Ruchu wanted to get rid of the Nanqiu Kingdom imperial family completely, and completely separate the relationship. Who knows, she still has time to say something. Jin Wuming seemed to be afraid that she would ask for the position of the prince princess. He quickly "interrupted" and said: "The emperor, the queen mother, the prince is the proud disciple of Jin Gangzong. To harm him, there is a way to get the best of both worlds. I wonder if the queen mother and the emperor would like to try it?"

"Oh? Jin Gang is a real person, come quickly." The Queen Mother said in surprise.

Jin Wu ordered to stroke his goatee and said: "The prince and Mayfair are in love, childhood sweethearts, and Mayfair's infatuation with the prince, I think you have also felt it, and the decree has been issued, and it is the emperor's own book, the prince I personally went to the Prime Minister’s Mansion to read the imperial decree. The red makeup is ten miles. Not only the Manchu civil and military people are well-known, even the head of the Yungong Palace was also present on the same day. If the crown of Fei'er is deposed at this time and the phoenix is ​​changed, it may not only harm the royal family. The majesty makes the true lover of Cihang even more ridiculed by the people of the world in Canglan Continent."

"This seat feels really wrong."

The queen mother thought for a while, and this is true, so she asked: "That's what the real Jin Gang meant..."

Jin Wu continued: "Back then, the queen mother enrolled the phoenix as before, but she valued her goddess body, but during the period, she was poisoned and damaged her spiritual veins. As for the sixteen years old, she received the blessing of the blessed marrow pill to consolidate her pill, so this seat I thought, "This goddess is no longer the other goddess" can help His Royal Highness achieve Mahayana, it is unknown..."

"If the queen dowager relied on the prophecy of the goddess, she could enroll Li Fengruchu as her side concubine. In this way, while the prince can be cultivated with her, she can also preserve the face of the royal family and Cihangzong. Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?"

The queen mother pondered, it really is so!

After all, the prophecy of'getting a goddess into a Mahayana' refers to the five element spiritual roots, and dual cultivation with them can help the other party to accelerate the cultivation and break through the bottleneck.

But it didn't say that it must be the queen's wife.

As long as the prince gets Feng Ruchu's body and can cultivate with Feng Ruchu for a long time, she is a court lady, a concubine, a noble concubine, and a queen, it is not that important at all.

There is no need to offend Ci Hangzong and Jin Wu for the sake of a weak Feng Ruchu.

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