The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 166: : Xuanbing protect short

The queen mother figured out this joint, and her worried expression suddenly became clear, and she continued to say: "The real person Jin Gang said very much, and what she said was very true."

It's your "milk" or "milk" claw! Does he treat himself as a human being with peace of mind?

Weekend with Nangong Scum? Use your own five element spiritual veins for his Mahayana? She would rather carry two barrels of gasoline and burn herself on the spot in the Qifeng Palace until there is not even a scum left, and don't even think of letting this scum man touch her.

Feng Ruchu was so angry that he couldn't even say the curse. His teeth creaked, his hands hanging on his side clenched his fists, the joints gradually turned white, and his delicate face was also held back by anger. There was a very ugly dullness.

Suddenly, someone grabbed his wrist and walked outside the hall without saying anything.

Looking up, it was Xuan Bing.

"Junior Brother Xuanbing, what are you doing!?" Jin Wuming stopped him in surprise.

Xuan Bing is the most polite, modest and polite among the six real people of the sect. He is known for his good temper, good speech and education. It is rare for a hundred years to detect a sullen expression on his always gentle and jade face.

But this time, he was so ignorant of etiquette that he flung his sleeves and left without even saying hello.

It was jaw-dropping, incredible.

Xuan Bing's appearance belongs to the kind of elegant man with a strong bookish air, but now between the faint eyebrows, there is also a trace of coldness.

After sweeping through Ci Hang and Jin Gang, he finally turned his eyes to the queen mother and the emperor. He said, "The face of Ci Hang Sect cannot be damaged. Could it be that my Xuanbing Sect's face can be damaged?" Jin Wuming was confused: "What's the matter with Guan Xuanbing Sect?"

"On the day of the trial, I said that I would take Feng Ruchu back to my family, and personally bestow her with a glass bead for self-defense. I want to accept her as a disciple. Everyone naturally understands."

"Now in front of me, I deceive her without a teacher, no backing, every word of waste material, every child yelling, and even the thought of letting her enter the royal family to help the prince cultivate."

"Cihang, Jin Gang...Do you really think that Xuanbing can't protect shortcomings?"

Real person Ci Hang saw Xuan Bing's words for the waste of a two-sided bond, and was filled with righteous indignation.

Ci Hang's face was full of disbelief, and he was heartbroken: "Xuan Bing, you actually... challenged Brother Jin and me for her, even hurting our fellowship?"

Xuan Bing didn't even look at her, and said indifferently: "You humiliate my disciple, it is equivalent to humiliate me, and when have you ever cared about our fellowship?"

Ci Hang snorted coldly: "You're a disciple? Not necessarily... On the day of the trial, she Feng Ruchu was very arrogant, and no sect looked good at it!"

Hearing this, Xuan Bing's cold eyebrows wrinkled a little lonely, turned to look at Feng Ruchu, and the coldness between the corners of his eyes and eyebrows disappeared, and they became much warmer.

"As always, would you like to worship me as a teacher? Since then, under my Xuanbing Sect, with me protecting you, no one will dare to look down on you and bully you again."

His eyes were deep and sincere, and his tone was light but firm. It felt like a loving big brother who had picked up a lonely and helpless puppy on the roadside and spoke to it in the most patient and gentle tone. : "I will take you home and protect you from wind and rain from now on."

What Feng Ruchu couldn't say was touched and warm.

This was the first person who made her feel that since she came to Canglan Continent, someone didn't care if she was a waste material or mentally retarded, a goddess or a genius, but simply willing to protect her.

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