The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 167: : The Lord is here!

Feng Ruchu sniffed fiercely, just about to nod and say; I would...

At this time, the **** outside the door screamed: "Holy Venerable Immortal Driver."

Afterwards, accompanied by the faint fragrance of flowers all over the hall, a touch of white and flawless fairy posture appeared on the main hall of Qifeng Palace without warning.

"Welcome the Lord!"

Everyone got up from their chairs and bowed their hands in salute.

"Quickly, let the Lord see you." The queen mother hurriedly sent the maid to move a comfortable seat, placed it on the lower left side of the dragon chair, and then smiled openly: "How come the Lord has time to come to the palace today? "

"Feeling that there is a wave of spiritual power in the palace, the deity uses the Xuantian mirror to look at it, not wanting to be from the hands of the three sect masters of Jin Gang Cihang Xuanbing.

Mo Qing's words were not painful, but the three real people who were named were suddenly a little frightened. They were brothers of the same sect, but they met each other in battle, fighting each other spiritually, and even alarmed the Lord.

Although, they only used less than 30% of their skills, and they didn't know why they fluctuated to the Ninefold Hall.

But since the Holy Venerable mentioned it, the three of them didn't care about what happened. They hurried forward, bowed and said, "The disciple is terrified, the disciple dare not."

"Let's talk about it, what is the big thing that has caused the same family to kill."

The masters of several sects look at me, I look at you, and I am very puzzled. They have been in the business for a hundred years, and the master Yuxiao has always been used to idle clouds and wild cranes, and rarely talks about things between them.

As for the saints, they are in retreats and above the Nine Layers Hall all year round, and it is difficult to "show" once in decades, let alone care about them.

But now, how could... Fire Phoenix’s “sexuality” is aggressive, straightforward, and can’t hide words in his heart. Seeing the stranger’s question, he replied openly: “Return to the Lord, the matter The reason for this was because the Nanqiu royal family wanted to dethrone the crown prince of Feng Feier and change Lifeng as before. True man Cihang could not bear the humiliation of his lover and blamed him, while Mr. Xuanbing was eager to protect him. There were some disputes between the two talents."

Mo Qing's indifferent eyes darkened slightly, and the slight fluctuations flashed away.

"It's no wonder that the deity saw in the Xuantian mirror that Ci Hang was so angry at Feng Ruchu because Xuanbing was protecting it..."

Mo Qing squinted his forehead with one hand, and sighed slightly, like a helpless old father.

"Cihang, the love, hatred and hatred between you and Xuan Bing in those years should have disappeared long ago, why bother spreading the early ignorance to the younger generations? Every word of wasteful children, so incapable of tolerance, Wouldn't you lose the dignity and magnanimity of a sect master?

Feng Ruchu:...

This is a huge amount of information!

Real person Cihang and real person Xuanbing?

Is there a melon?

However, the real person Cihang now looks like he is in his early forties, stern and stereotyped, and is almost a combined boss of extinct Master Tai + Black Mountain Old Demon.

Look at the real person Xuan Bing, but the appearance of twenty-five and sixty-six, gentle and gentle, elegant and modest, is simply a fit handsome man of Wuji + Ning Caichen!

No matter how they look at it, they don't want to have a relationship of "love, hatred and hatred"! ?

Madam Ci Hang was wounded, his face was blue and white, embarrassed and embarrassed, and slightly irritated, but he didn't dare to "show" the slightest dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction.

She bowed and said humbly: "What the Lord taught is that the disciple had failed to say something... The disciple just couldn't bear the misfortune of the disciple, and the heart was unwilling."

"Aggrieved?" Mo Qing snorted.

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