The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 168: : The deity does not include marriage

"Aggrieved?" Mo Qing snorted, and said: "Canglan Continent, I have more than 10,000 disciples in the Cloud Palace? There are many amazing talents abound. Feng Feier is no more than a fourth-grade "medicine" master. Wang Gu is not qualified at the upper level, so why not be reconciled?"

"The body of the goddess was destroyed back then, and Feng Nianchu's aptitude has also fallen into a coma, so why are they unyielding and unwilling?"

"Cihang, Cihangzong's original self-cloud palace "medicine" sect, regards hanging pots to help the world and compassionate the world as its own responsibility. A "medicine" teacher, if he does not understand self-love and self-esteem, if he encounters some setbacks, he will seek life and abandon the world. Regardless, then this "pharmaceutical" master, don't worry about Yun Palace Holy Realm."

Mo Qing's tone was light and calm, and the melodious voice seemed to "show" no dissatisfaction or slight anger, just like gossip.

But it fell in the ears of real person Cihang, and she shuddered like thunder.

She simply knelt on the ground, put the whisk on her side, and said in fear and trepidation, "What the Lord taught is that the disciple is taught."

Mo Qing gave a satisfied ‘um’ and said nothing.

The empress dowager was still struggling between Cihang Xuanbing and no one dared to offend easily. Now the Holy Venerable's two words let Cihang put away his aggressive arrogance, bowed his head and proclaimed his court, and obeyed.

She immediately turned to the camp of strangers, leaning against the big tree so that she could enjoy the cool water, and said, "Holy Lord, what do you mean is that you are enrolled as a princess? Feng Feier is a side concubine?"

As long as the Lord said a word, in the world, who would dare not follow? !

Mo Qing closed his eyes lazily, as lazy and expensive as a cat, he whispered: "The deity does not include a marriage partner, do you want to be the prince, and you have to ask the person's opinion."



Do not marry you with Barabara all the same?

Really fainted the Queen Mother.

Isn't this...this strange feeling agrees with the writing of Lifeng as before? Otherwise, why bother to embarrass Real Man Cihang as before? By the way, stepped on Feng Feier?

However, the Holy Venerable asked the client, and even if the queen mother pretended to look at the client.

"As at the beginning, the Ai family drafted the imperial decree, announced to the world, restored your crown and concubine, and then ordered the priest to have a good day and auspicious day to arrange for you to marry the crown prince. From now on, you will be the most honorable in this Nanqiu country. The mother of the future!"

Faced with the joy of the Queen Mother, Feng Ruchu looked indifferent.

"What about Feng Feier?" she said.

"Naturally, I became a concubine!" The queen mother made a wishful calculation and said with joy: "Your two sisters will enter the palace together to serve the prince. In the future, after this harem, there will be a caregiver. Wouldn't everyone be happy?"

"Everyone is happy? Huh..." Feng Ruchu sneered and said coldly; "The crown prince embraced the beautiful woman and got me the best furnace tripod of the five elements, naturally everyone was overjoyed."

"But the empress dowager, I, Feng Ruchu and Feng Feier, have always been like water and fire, and I have violated her character. Of course, I am the one who defeats her!"

"Put the two of us together, then the entire Nanqiu imperial family will have no peace."

Feng Moer stared at Feng Ruchu fiercely, wishing to shred her body into pieces: "Feng Ruchu, my sister has already fallen under you, what do you want!"

Feng Ruchu's chin raised, and he said proudly: "I Feng Ruchu Ming people don't talk secretly, there is her without me, and I don't have her."

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