The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 172: : Ci Hang and Xuan Bing

Feng Ru first understood: "So, when a spiritualist cultivates to the distracting state, he can maintain his shape when he broke through?"

"Smart!" Fire Phoenix didn't hesitate to praise her, saying: "Like Jin Gang, he is 43 years old and distracted; Jizo is 45 years old; this Phoenix is ​​27 years old and distracted."

"Where is the Sect Master Bodhi?"

Feng Ze’s master only saw him from a distance in the Yungong trial venue. He only felt that the man was thin and pale, melancholic and silent, and his skin was surprisingly white. It is not an exaggeration to say that he has no blood. It is that he is very young, and he is like a young man who should be studying hard in a private school.

The fire phoenix shook his hand and said, "The monster who was distracted at the age of fourteen, don't mention it."

Fourteen! Distracted!

Damn it!

The same nose and two eyes, why did she only form a pill when she was fifteen, and she was distracted when she was fourteen!

Fire Phoenix saw through Feng Ruchu’s surprise, envy, jealousy, and hatred, and it hurt her fragile glass heart from waste material and spring again, so he quickly changed the subject, got back to the gossip, and said: "Mr Cihang was a long time ago. Just admire the real person Xuanbing, the two can be said to be childhood sweethearts, cultivating together and growing up together..."

"It's a pity that Luohua deliberately runs water and ruthlessly, Xuan Bing is obsessed with spirituality, without distracting thoughts, and is infatuated with Ci Hang, and has no response."

Feng Ruchu expressed his opinion: "So, real person Cihang hated him because of love?"

Fire Phoenix shook his finger and said, "No, no, no! At that time, although Xuan Bing didn't think much of Ci Hang, he had a fellowship, plus Ci Hang was the only "medicine" among the six sects. Master, several seniors will often help her instruct and help her in her cultivation, and Xuan Bing is no exception." "Until Xuanshuang's death... Two talents..."

Hyeonshuang? Xuan Bing?

Feng Ruchu immediately thought: "Master Xuanbing's younger sister?"

The fire phoenix nodded and said: "Yes, I am not too clear about the specific situation. I only heard that Xuan Shuang was seriously injured back then and needed Ci Hang to refine a pill "medicine" to save his life, but Ci Hang was in retreat at that time. Leaving halfway will consume her decades of cultivation, so..."

"So, because she didn't save her in time, Xuan Shuang just..."

Fire Phoenix shrugged, "showing" an expression that was indeed the case.

"Although Ci Hang can't be completely blamed for this matter, after all, he is Xuan Bing's relatives and his only relatives in this world. It is also human nature that he has been so stubborn to this day."

Feng Ruchu suddenly thought of when he was in Huangcaotang, Feng Ze said to her: Nianchu's illness, only real person Cihang can help, but it will also damage her decades of cultivation.

Now think about it... Fortunately, she didn't have a brain to ask Ci Hangzong at the beginning, otherwise she would help someone who has nothing to do with her in such a way that her sweetheart's relatives and sisters can see the death. Feng Nianchu?

"Xuanbing is protecting you so much, maybe it looks similar to the Xuanshuang of the year." Fire Phoenix said.

Feng Ruchu came back to his senses and asked curiously, "Me? And Xuanshuang? Where do you look like?"

"The same pride, the same stubbornness, the same..." Fire Phoenix thought of an appropriate word: "To the air in a stunned manner."

Thinking of reading the beginning, I couldn't help thinking of the Heavenly Sacred Pill and the "medicine" Wanggu. Feng Ruchu asked more: "The young master of the "medicine" Wanggu and the real person Cihang..."

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