The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 173: : What's the matter with you and the Lord?

Fire Phoenix asked in surprise: "Have you seen Jiang Li?"

"I have seen it, in Ji Shitang, twice."

The Fire Phoenix let out a'hey', laughed, with a bit of playfulness and surprise: "Oddly, this'medicine' Young Master Wanggu, but the Canglan Continent is notoriously unwilling to'show up' his face, and it is difficult to approach it. In addition to supplying the Nanqiu imperial family with the "medicine" for three years, it is almost impossible to get out of the valley. In the past ten years, I have only seen it once in the Dou Pill Conference. You actually saw him in these short two months. twice?"

"Girl Feng, is this a coincidence or a destiny? How come you have come out of the sacrificial grounds, not only the Holy Venerable "showing" frequently, even Jiang Li has also given up?"

Feng Ruchu "touched" the tip of her nose. She couldn't easily tell the transaction between Fire Phoenix and Jiang Li. After all, the artifact in her hand could be watched by all forces.

She changed the subject and said, "Jiang Li and the real Cihang..."

"Jiang Li is Ci Hang's son." Fire Phoenix said without concealment: "Since Xuan Bing became more and more indifferent to Ci Hang because of Xuan Shuang's death, Ci Hang found a favorite with her for a long time. The "Pharmaceutical" master of Beijing is married. Who knows that this woman was born too hard. Within a few years of getting married, the "Pharmaceutical" master died, leaving Jiang Li who was less than two years old."

"Fortunately, this child has outstanding medical skills and outstanding spiritual roots. He was already an eighth-level "medicine" refining master in his early twenties. He broke through the realm of distraction and promoted the "medicine" Wanggu. Porcelain Heju, the young "medicine" Wanggu Young Master, his future achievements will never be lower than any of our six real people."

From the first sight of Jiang Li, Feng Ruchu felt an inexplicable desire to escape.

He is handsome, enchanting, and honorable.

The gentleman is friendly, humble and polite.

Strong family background, extraordinary talents. has helped her many times.

This kind of handsome, golden, long-legged figure should belong to the kind of figure that pursues Yangou to go around the earth three hundred times.

But Feng Ruchu just didn't have any good feelings for him.

Even be vigilant and prepared.

And now when I heard that Fire Phoenix explained the relationship between Ci Hangzong and "Yao" Wanggu in such detail, she felt that in this life and that Young Master Jiang, we should not have any more entanglements.

Sheng's was first recognized as a thorn in the eye by the extinct master Tai because of Xuan Bing, and then as a thorn in the flesh because of his son.

Speaking of Jiang Li, Fire Phoenix couldn't help but sighed, "His aptitude, even the head of the head, has taken a fancy to him, so I wanted to accept him as a disciple."

As soon as these words came out, Feng Ruchu was a little surprised, and asked, "Didn't the head of Jade swear he won't accept disciples in this life?"

The fire phoenix scratched the tail "hair" on his head and wondered a bit; "Is there? No, right? The head of the sect still babbled that all of us have established sects for a while. It's not fun at all. I took a little apprentice so happy..."

There's none? But Mo Qing said...

Before the "confusion" in her heart was asked, Fire Phoenix suddenly slammed into her shoulder and said, "Hey, Feng girl, I told you so much, so do you tell me?"

"Say what?"

"Speaking of the Lord!" Fire Phoenix said, "You see me so gossip and so hungry, you are still pretending to be crazy and stupid," and said bluntly: "What is the matter with you and the Lord? From the sacrificial place to Wuwang Forest was taken into the Nine-layer Hall twice..."

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