The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 174: : The Lord has no desires without desires

"Ninefold Hall, that's ninefold Hall!"

"Don't say I haven't been. In the entire Canglan Continent, apart from the head, no one knows where the fairy mountain is located. You say, what is unusual about you, let the Lord open the back door for you one after another. ?"

The extraordinary thing...maybe this is the only transcender in Canglan Continent!

Of course, she can't explain this kind of secret (yin) conspiracy (conspiracy).

Therefore, he was particularly at ease, and said straightforwardly nonsense: "It may be because of the artifact in my hand... After all, this is the ancient scepter that seals the blood maple forest. The holy lord pays more attention to it, and it is excusable."

The Fire Phoenix "touched" "touched" his chin, and then nodded and said: "That's right, the ancestor is a lot of age, he has no desires, no desires, no joys and sorrows, no emotions and no love, except for the demon. Even if this Canglan Continent turns around, it is estimated that "touching" it will not touch his old man."

Feng Ruchu nodded in agreement, and said, "The old man’s living habits are like this. You can fall asleep but don’t wake up, you can lie down without sitting, you can sit without standing... You see where he goes, I always lie down with him in a sluggish position. It seems that if I want to cheat him in the future, I have to be a wheelchair or something..."

The fire phoenix said, "Come on, are you still fawning on him? The Holy Venerable is not close to each other, young and old, and he can feel his cold air three feet frozen across a Baiyun Mountain. What if I...uh...uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Fire Phoenix was talking about her without a door. Suddenly, her upper and lower lips were pressed together, as if they were stuck together alive. They couldn't open their mouth anymore, and could only let out an impatience from her throat. 'Mmm...', he jumped up and down anxiously while pointing at his mouth.

Then, a faint floral fragrance came. Fire Phoenix was shocked.

Before that person arrived, he was very smooth, and he knelt on the ground with a loud ‘pop...’.

The magnificent hall, against the afterglow of the setting sun, folds out a layer of golden glare, lingering on the spotless white gown of Moqing, with a silver mask covering the side face. "Lu" showed a half-white and handsome outline, and his supernatural temperament was blended with respect and luxury.

Mo Qing Shi Shiran walked over, and cast a cold glance at the Fire Phoenix who was kneeling in front of him.

Although there was no wave on the face and no happiness or anger, the phoenix was so scared that he sent out a series of meanings similar to "The Holy Venerable disciple knows wrong, the disciple changes punishment, the disciple goes back to face the wall and think about it." , And then covered his mouth with both hands, drooping his head dejectedly.

With that horrified look, even the phoenix tail feathers on his head were shaken with a few "hairs".

Feng Ruchu looked miserable: As soon as the Holy Venerable made a move, Huofeng became a Firebird!

However, for the reason that Fire Phoenix told her so many gossips, we can't stand by and watch as we were kind, right?

So he lied and didn’t draft the script: “Sister Huo, didn’t you just say that you are faintly feeling that you are about to break through and are preparing to practice in retreat? Then don’t hurry back and prepare for it, just in case you get into trouble, Jade Sect I'm going to lose a lover..."


The Phoenix reacted quickly, and Xiaoji Daomi nodded quickly.

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