The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 182: : Rob the Wand of Jiuyun Town

Ji Shitang went out and crossed three bustling streets before reaching the Prime Minister's Mansion.

However, when Feng Ruchu turned around the alley, he suddenly felt a strong devilish gas whizzing past.

Immediately, in a moment of turning around, the original bustling street disappeared without a trace, and replaced by a ruined temple on the top of the hill.

Feng Ruchu frowned: She was sucked into the illusion!

Still so unconscious.

Almost caught myself off guard.

"Why, you lure me into the illusion, but I am afraid of the road? Is it possible that I have tried my best, just want me to admire your broken base camp and these self-painted sculptures with blue fangs?"

Feng Ruchu had seen a lot of monsters in his previous life, and after a moment of surprise, he recovered his calm and playful attitude.

The broken wooden windows creaked and creaked, and as the magic wind hit, dozens of shadowy shadows appeared like snowflakes on an old TV. After a few flashes, they appeared. In front of Feng Ruchu.

Most of them are magic soldiers.

Only the man in the lead, wearing a black robes and a black gauze hat, was so dark that he could not see his appearance.

It was actually a demon.

Feng Ruchu smiled softly on her lips: "It took a lot of effort to lead me into your illusion, and even the demon commander was dispatched personally. I wonder what you guys do?"

"Hand over the wand of Five Aggregates Town in your hand, and you can spare you not to die." The black demon's voice is like a sound mixing effect that has been processed by a sound card, surrounded by emptiness, like a cold machine. . Feng Ruchu seemed to have heard a joke. He shook his head and rubbed the bracelet on his wrist: "Joke, ancient artifact, is it also something your demons can get involved?"

The pupils of the amber "color" raised slightly with a careless touch, suddenly the corner of his eyes squinted, a talisman turned out in his hand and threw it out, preemptively.

The demon commander deserved to be repaired, and he was quick to respond. A black short rod in his hand blocked him and collided with the talisman. The blood-stained talisman was suddenly torn to pieces by the devilish energy.

"Go!" Seeing that Feng Ruchu didn't discuss with him, he shot directly, and the man in black immediately gave an order.

A dozen magic soldiers rushed up behind him.

A contemptuous sneer crossed the corner of Feng Ruchu's mouth.

But the magic weapon equivalent to the spiritualist fusion realm, dare to destroy itself?

The left hand twists the word to make a tactic, and the right hand lifts a ball of fire.

"Boom boom boom..."

The powerful heat wave mixed with thoughtful talisman hit the body of the magic soldiers, and instantly blew them out ten meters away.

Outside the pale ruined temple, he was plunged into a sea of ​​flames, screaming miserably.

"Just these shrimp soldiers and crabs, dare you send them to die?" Feng Ruchu contemptuously said.

The man in black let out a soft sneer, the raging heat wave of the flames rolled up his black robe, and a short rod was spinning rapidly in his palm, accompanied by countless black mist like a tornado. Skeletons scattered from it, and fell on the ground with a crashing sound of "Kaka, Kaka...".

After a while, those skeletons gradually grew bigger and longer, forming a skeleton corpse!

Not only that, the man in black even re-summoned ten demonized panthers, surrounded by Feng Ruchu, arched, claws out, green eyes with bloodthirsty killing, straight Staring at her, his cracked mouth was swollen, and the two sharp canine teeth were ticking bright red blood.

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