The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 183: : Leapfrogging

This is a wheel fight?

Exhausted her spiritual power and thought power?

As usual, Feng Ruchu might choose the thirty-six plan as the best plan, and the hero will not suffer the immediate loss.

But this ruined temple is a phantom set by a monster, and you can't escape.

While Feng Ruchu was thinking about it, the man in black swept the black stick in his hand.

The demonized fierce beasts flung their teeth and claws towards her.

Feng Ruchu reacted extremely quickly, throwing a floating light with his left hand to entangle the feet of several fierce beasts, smashing them onto the stone statue, taking out the talisman with his right hand, and throwing it into the skeleton corpse.



Accompanied by the cracking sound of the stone statues, the brains of those fierce beasts burst out, and in front of them, the spontaneously burning skeletons burned by the talisman were also struggling in the sea of ​​flames.

But even so, these demonized beasts and skeletons are not afraid of life and death, nor pain.

Even if the brains were shattered and the burned bones shattered like slag, they could regroup in minutes and launch an attack towards the target again.

Just like this, I was broken up, reunited, attacked...disrupted again, reunited, attacked again...

Repeatedly, endlessly.

Faced with the inexhaustible monsters, Feng Ruchu felt a little physically exhausted during the time of a stick of incense.

After all, long-term and super-powerful melee evasion and spiritual energy transmission simply cannot support these monsters' attacks from round to round.

The most terrible thing, the talisman she carried on her body became less and less!

"The end of the crossbow..." The man in black looked at the floating light in his hand stained with the black blood of the beast, and it was so filthy. Hand over the wand, I promise you can leave here safe and sound...otherwise..."

There was a ‘Da...’ like something was crushed.

The moment a skeleton rushed to Feng Ruchu's eyes, it was completely crushed into dregs by a demon energy, and could no longer gather.

It was predicted that she would be broken into pieces next.

"These puppets and illusions are all controlled by me. Unless I die, you will never want to destroy them." The man in black showed off to her.

Feng Ruchu swiftly rolled on the ground, avoiding the fierce beast minions attacking from his side.

A sneer crossed the dirty little face and said, "Thank you for reminding!"

After finishing speaking, bit his fingertips, drew a blood talisman in the air, jumped up, stepped on a black panther who was leaping towards her, and rushed to the black man with the help of its back. .

"Nine Nether Gods and Demons, order me to execute..."

"I can't help myself!" The black-clothed man's voice sank, with a short stick in his hand, a powerful magic energy gushing out from it and directly greeted him.

The formula was interrupted before it was finished.

Coupled with the magic power of the demon commander, it is equivalent to the cultivation base of the spiritualist during the out-of-aperture period.

Feng Ruchu passed the fourth level to fight monsters, and was entangled by those fierce beasts and skeletons for so long.

Now the man in black suddenly made a move, the devilish energy broke the talisman, and he was "forced".

Fortunately, Feng Ruchu reacted extremely quickly, turning sideways in the air, passing the attack of the short stick, and quickly leaving the danger area.

But at this moment, a black thread entangled her ankle, directly pulled her body, and fell to the ground fiercely.

The devilish scepter hit her chest mercilessly.

"Puff..." A mouthful of blood finally spurted out of the mouth uncontrollably.

She felt that her internal organs were almost shattered.

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