The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 288: :The Eight Desolation Mirror Examining the Magic Qi

Yao Feihua cast a curse. The Eight Desolate Mirror changed to a half-human height and hung in the air. A gentle halo surrounded Feng Ruchu. Seeing herself "shooting" in the bronze mirror, she suddenly had a headache. feel.

It's as if something has been removed from thoughtfulness.

"Look, look at the brows as before!" Feng Feier exclaimed.

Feng Ruchu closed his eyes in sorrow, and his expression was very painful. The smooth forehead burst at the moment the light from the Bahuang Mirror passed through, and a black and red light pierced from the original scar on the brow. After that, the Yahuang Mirror was dyed a dark red in an instant.

"This breath..." Real Cihang took a breath: "Blood Maple Forest... is the magical energy of Blood Maple Forest...!"

A wisp of demon soul of the sealed ancient demon emperor would actually appear in Feng Ruchu's body. Ci Hang was surprised, and felt that things became more and more difficult to control. She immediately threw a white lotus into the air.

After a while, Jin Wuming, Xuanbing, Ji Zang, and Lin Yu, who rarely "showed" his face, appeared in the prime minister's house.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ci Hangzong's summoning order?..."

"Ruchu..." Xuan Bing noticed Feng Ruchu the moment he appeared, his face pale instantly, and he wanted to rush over.

Ci Hang stopped her quickly and said, "Are you crazy? You didn't see her..."

As the black and red aura that came out of the Eight Desolation Mirror became more and more dense, Feng Ruchu's whole body was wrapped in a devilish energy. Seeing Feng Ruchu's involvement with the demon clan, Feng Feier was very excited, but on the surface she was very surprised and terrified.

"Ruchu... how could Ruchu have something to do with the demons?... By the way, I remembered... When the scepter was conquered in the blood maple forest, the spirit of the scepter suppressed in Jiuyouquan mentioned it before, and said She said that she had a devilish energy in her body... For this reason, the scepter was almost crushed as before... But then I didn’t know where an enchantment emerged, isolating us all... Then, as before To subdue the scepter, the five elements of spiritual roots were restored."

Real Cihang asked, "Is this serious?"

Feng Feier nodded vigorously: "What the disciple said, every sentence is true, and the other sect brothers are also present, they can testify."

"Why didn't you tell me about such a major event!?" Ci Hang reprimanded.

Feng Feier lowered her head and looked innocent. She was so pitiful: "Mayfair, Mayfair only feels that she is her own sister since she was a child. She has been weak and very pitiful since she was a child. It is impossible to be involved with the demons, and she is also afraid of you. Because of this, I will be even more unhappy, so the disciple didn't dare..."

At the beginning, Feng Feier seriously considered whether to tell Cihang what she had seen and heard in the Xuefenglin.

But seeing Feng Ruchu recover the five elements of spiritual roots, the Queen Mother liked her so much, even Yu Xiao and the Holy Venerable favored her more than once, and they didn't know when they actually got involved with Jiang Li.

If at that time Feng Feier suspected that Feng Ruchu had something to do with the demons.

There is no evidence, not only will no one believe her, but Feng Ruchu might oppose the general and say that he is jealous and framed her.

She wouldn't do such a thankless thing.

Now, seeing that the time is right, Yao Feihua is in front of him, and Bahuang Jing testifies, Feng Feier only added a fire and confirmed Feng Ruchu's charges.

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