The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 289: : Jiuli Demon King!

"You are confused!" Ci Hang flicked the dust: "Your kindness will eventually harm you."

"Hmph, this seat has long said that Feng Ruchu is a scourge. You have to listen. Just look at it. As soon as the holy master is gone, she will "show" the tail of the fox. The palace sanctuary cleans up the portal!" Jin Wu said that he was confident of destroying demons and demons.

The sword in his hand flew and rushed up.

Seeing him do something, Ci Hang didn't give in too much, and Bu Nian Chen turned into a thousand strands of silver silk to greet him.

The Fire Phoenix almost jumped anxiously, and threw two fireballs over, trying to stop them: "Don't fight, don't fight, maybe it's a misunderstanding, hey, you guys..."

However, those skills have not yet touched Feng Ruchu.

Suddenly, a powerful demonic energy burst from her.

The dark red fog whirled quickly, turning into countless maple leaves dancing around her.

Yao Feihua yelled, "Be careful, it's the Demon Emperor's soul burning technique!"

But it was too late.

In the maple leaf vortex, there were countless black "color" skeletons, which opened their mouths from Feng Ruchu's body, and rushed to the crowd in all directions.

Xuanbing, Phoenix, Jizo and Yao Feihua raised shields to defend.

Cihang Jinwu had no time to stop, and was besieged by countless skeletons and countless maple leaves.

The sword fell, the ups and downs were broken, and the two Sect Masters of the Saint Realm of Yun Palace had no power to bind the chicken, and they were strangled by the devilish air over the fate's neck, unable to move. Except for other real people who are far away and are shielded.

In the entire yard, Feng Feier, Queen Mother, Feng Zheng, and dozens of spiritually-powered Jiading, Keqing, Dongluan maidservants, everyone, all living creatures, were all attracted by the magic whirlpool. He sucked in everyone's aura with the arrogance visible to the naked eye.

"Cihang, "medicine", "medicine", "medicine", "medicine"..." Jin Wuming was gnawing at the skeleton and spitting out maple leaves.

Ci Hang was trembling all over, her dantian aura kept leaking, and seeing her age was a lot older, she stammered: "Which...I can take care of..."

I can't point out that I can't talk about Ci Hang. I was looking at the other brothers. They were all immaculately cloned by the devil. The only Celestial priest Duobao Shenjun was still lying in the tiles with rotten pants.

As for the other spiritualists, they have long been inhaled by the devil, so they are dead and wounded.

The entire courtyard of the Prime Minister's Mansion is full of grief and corpses.

The dark red "color" of the devilish energy permeated everywhere, with teeth and claws dancing, staining the main night sky red.

Like Shura Purgatory.

"Feng Ruchu, stop, stop, you stop! The sacred master trusted you so much to protect you, and even helped you open the Sky Profound Pavilion. You shameless demon, do you return like this!?" Struggling in mid-air, I didn't forget to scold him.

The red light on Feng Ruchu's forehead was dazzling, and even his agile eyes were stained with enchanting red.

She smiled, using a male "sex" voice that didn't belong to her, and said coldly and wickedly: "Having dormant in Xuan'er's body, I want to wake up the emperor. A group of ants who don't know the height of the sky, die. "

With that, the maple leaf tightened, and Cihang and Jin Wuming suddenly surged with blood, and their hearts became unstable.

"Nine... Jiuli... Demon Emperor!" Jin Wu's life was shocked. When he came late, he only heard that Feng Ruchu had an affair with the Demon Clan, but he didn't expect a ray of Demon Emperor's energy lurking in it.

Even though Jiuli was sealed in the Blood Maple Forest, he was after all the ancient Demon King who had killed the world.

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