The Intelligent Potter

Chapter 106 - Confrontations

AN: It's been a year, and I doubt that there's anyone who really wanted or expected an update here, but I've been thinking that I want to get back into FanFiction again and start something new. However, I really don't like leaving loose ends, so I am going to be finishing this story to the best of my ability first, so that I can move on from it. If there's still anyone reading this, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Also, thanks for sticking with this for so long.

*** Hogwarts

Hidden under his invisibility cloak, Harry spied on the angry conversation taking place in the Headmistress' Office.

"Under what authority have you come into my school," McGonagall growled at the woman who had declared herself the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts - whatever that meant.

The shorter woman of the two simpered, "On the authority of the minister, of course."

"Dolores, you and I both know that there is not a Minister right now. Only The Darkness and his stooges reside within the walls of what used to be the Ministry for Magic."

For her troubles, McGonagall got a condescending finger to the c.h.e.s.t from Umbridge, who said, "And that is what I'm here to stamp out of this school. This bizarre alternate reality that the staff of Hogwarts seem to have undertaken in an effort to discredit the Ministry. Brainwashing the children!"

"We're not the ones brainwashing people," McGonagall g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "Are you truly this blind, Umbridge?"

The toadlike woman peered at McGonagall, "You really do believe all this nonsense, don't you? Dumbledore's hands are all over this. That man had you duped and the sooner you realise it, the sooner we can get this institution back on track...otherwise I fear it my only option may be to appoint a new Headmaster here at Hogwarts."

"I assure you, a new Headmaster is not necessary," McGonagall said. She didn't sound defeated exactly, but there was certainly an element of helplessness in her voice.

"I hope I shall agree with you once my inspection of this school is complete," Umbridge sniffed, "Now. Please have me shown to my quarters."

McGonagall clicked her fingers and instantly there was a house-elf standing in front of her.

"Please show the Professor to the guest suite on the third floor, Rumi," she instructed the house-elf.

Umbridge walked off with the elf, not uttering a single other word.

After a little silence, just as Harry judged it safe for him to sneak off himself, McGonagall turned and looked right at him.

"You can come out from under there now, Harry," she said drily.

Harry tried not to let the surprise show on his face as he took off his cloak, but the upturning of McGonagall's lips meant that she was certainly amused at finding him there.


"This is my school now," she said simply, "And this is my office. I know everything that goes on in it."

She didn't seem to elaborate on that at all, so Harry switched topics, "So what now?" he asked.

"I will not be at Hogwarts for much longer," McGonagall said, as if it was a fact, "We thought the Ministry under The Darkness would try to straight-up attack us, but it seems like they're willing to choke us out legally. If we subdue Umbridge, there will be sufficient cause under the contracts binding Hogwarts to the Ministry for them to simply attack us with all the forces that they can gather, to get the school back under control."

"But Dumbledore's sacrifice," Harry said, incredulously, "How could the Ministry overcome that!"

"Dumbledore's sacrifice, while great, was very targeted. Like the protection your mother cast over you protected you from Voldemort, Dumbledore's sacrifice protects the entire school from The Darkness, and him alone. We rely on the power of Hogwarts to defend us against the rest."

Harry grimaced, "So what, we're going to do nothing? We could stand our ground and fight, but we'll let gods damned Umbitch lord over us!?"

McGonagall frowned at Harry, "I know you've been through a lot recently, but so have the rest of us, kid. Not only do we need you to be ready to take on The Darkness, we need to ready actual forces to fight it. Engaging in constant battle makes it a war of attrition, and it's clear that we are far shorter of resources than our enemy. A year of Dolores Umbridge is far preferable to a lifetime under The Darkness."

"Then why am I staying at Hogwarts. Take me with you when you're sacked, train me!" Harry demanded of the Headmistress.

"We need you at Hogwarts now more than ever," McGonagall smiled wryly, "You've been wanting to actually contribute to the cause for a while now, haven't you? This is your chance. You have to lead the students. You, Harry, are the General of the Next Generation."

Harry finally nodded, his eyes filled with determination. McGonagall knew that would happen, the boy thrived on responsibility and under pressure. Thrived with power.

"Besides," she continued, "Nicolas is here as well. The Darkness thinks him dead, or at least as good as dead. As long as he does not become a target, we will continue to have a spy within the ranks of Hogwarts. Knowing him, he will do his best to ingratiate himself with Umbridge."

Harry nodded.

"Good luck, Harry Potter," McGonagall smiled, "You will need it."

*** Defense Against the Dark Arts

Umbridge, it seemed, had not been sent to Hogwarts for the sole purpose of inciting war and spreading propaganda as the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts. She had also been sent for the purpose of spreading propaganda as the professor for Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Harry felt like smashing his head against the desk as he listened to Umbridge speak, but the warning hand that Hermione had placed on his arm kept him calm, and cognizant that he shouldn't do anything to get himself into trouble.

"The instruction in Defense Against the Dark Arts has been incredibly barbaric at Hogwarts over the last few years, and quite fragmented too. You poor dears have been exposed to lies and disgusting dark magic by the a.d.u.l.ts running this school…" there she paused.

The portly professor walked slowly over towards Harry's desk, not touching him but keeping her eyes trained on his, "By the a.d.u.l.ts running this school and, of course, a few select student miscreants and liars."

"I am not a liar," Harry couldn't help muttering under his breath, angrily.

"What was that, dear?" Umbridge simpered.

"Nothing, Professor," Harry said impassively.

"Really now?" she asked, raising her eyebrows, "I think you have just lied to me, Mr Potter. And I do not appreciate filthy lies in my classroom. Is that clear, Mr Potter?"


"Very good. Then please repeat what you said under your breath to the class."

Harry glared at her, but Umbridge did not let up on him.

"I'm waiting, Potter."

"I am not a liar," Harry said, out loud this time.

"You think not?" Umbridge asked rhetorically, "Is there anyone else in this class who believes that Potter is not a liar?"

Harry looked around. Most of the students were looking exceedingly uncomfortable but there was not a single hand raised.

"You see, Mr Potter, not one person here thinks you are not a liar. Every single person in this room agrees that You. Are. A. Liar." she punctuated her words by tapping her wand on his desk for emphasis. With the last tap of her wand, she left engraved into Harry's desk a word.


She turned and returned to the front of the class.

"Place your wands at the back of the class and open your new textbooks to page fifty-three. We shall be starting to learn the theory behind the stinging spell today."

*** End of Chapte

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