The Intelligent Potter

Chapter 107 - I Must Not Tell Lies

AN: I hope you enjoy this chapter!

*** Two Weeks Later, Hogwarts

Time passed slower than it ever had for Harry while he was at Hogwarts. It became very clear very quickly that one of Umbridge's main goals was to goad him into snapping.

He wasn't very sure whether she expected him to reveal something integral to The Resistance's plans, or whether she intended to apprehend him somehow, but either way, it was extremely irritating being picked on in every DADA class.

It has also become apparent that the High Inquisitor had no intention of teaching their class anything at all in terms of actual defense magic. It was quite a change for the class, as they transitioned from very practical learning under Iliad to the most useless possible theory class that could be offered.

"It's all an effort to quash opposition," Daphne said darkly as she and her two best friends made their way to another of Umbridge's useless classes - this one a combined lesson between the Slytherins and Gryffindors.

"What do you mean?"

"Outside of Hogwarts, the ministry has gotten rid of the majority of the opposition to the rule of The Darkness. Only here are there large numbers of wizards who could possibly stand against it. And if the students here don't know any battle magic, they can be dealt with easily," Daphne said grimly.

"That's terrible!" Hermione was aghast.

"Well, there's nothing we can do right now," Harry said, "McGonagall's role as Headmistress is really tenuous, and Nicolas has to do his best to blend in and act as if he's falling in line with Umbitch."

"Harry!" Hermione admonished him for swearing at the same moment that Daphne spoke, "I think I know how to fix this."

"Fix what, Daph?"

The blonde Slytherin may well have answered Harry, if a voice from behind her hadn't interjected, "Yes, Ms Greengrass, what is it that needs...fixing?"

The trio spun around to see their defense professor at the door, smiling fakely.

"Just my wizarding radio," the girl lied smoothly and without a hitch.

"Well, get to your seats, and quick! The classroom is no place to be discussing wizarding radios," she said, pronouncing the last word sceptically, as if she didn't believe Daphne was telling the truth.

Hermione inclined her head, "Yes Professor."

Harry simply turned and stalked off to his seat.

"Today, children, we will be covering something a little different than usual," Umbridge said, "We shall be taking a look at the potion known as Veritaserum. Now, you may certainly cover it in your potions class in a later year, but today we shall be talking about its uses as an aid for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement."

Harry perked up, paying attention in her class for the first time in a long time, as it seemed like she actually intended to teach them something of use. By doing so, he fell right into her trap.

"Veritaserum is a potion which helps the ministry tell the liars from those who tell the truth."

Hermione frowned. She had a feeling she knew where this was going, and it wasn't good. One look at Harry showed that he hadn't caught on. She nudged the boy as subtly as she could.

He looked at her, "What is it, Hermione?"

"She's going to bait you," Hermione whispered.

"What?" Harry said, just a little too loudly, not having heard her speak the first time.

"Liars like Mr Potter are best-curtailed by veritaserum," Umbridge smirked, "I have half a mind to have you down three drops of it before attending my class. Maybe that would stop the poisonous lies of that fraud Dumbledore that you seem insistent on parroting."

It was obvious from the immediate tightening of Harry's expression that Umbridge had hit a gold mine.

"You're a fraud just like your mentor, aren't you, Potter."

"Professor Dumbledore was no fraud!" Harry burst out, quickly rising to his feet.

"I do not tolerate lies in this classroom, Potter. Accept that your precious man Dumbledore was a fraudster and then sit down or you're risking detention, boy!"

"Say it. Dumbledore was a fraud!"

"I would never," Harry gritted out.

"Just say it!" Hermione hissed from his left.

"Yes Potter, listen to girl. Just say the truth."

"Albus Dumbledore was…" Harry muttered out, a sour look on his face.

"What was he?"

"Albus Dumbledore was a great man!" Harry said, practically roaring the words out with pride, "He was a great man, and the greatest Headmaster this school has ever seen!"

"Detention, Potter," Umbridge said, her face falling into a cold mask, "Detention for this entire month, in fact. I want you outside my office immediately after class."

"I would rather be in detention than be a liar, Professor."

"Well, unfortunately for you, you shall be both."

The rest of the class passed in tense silence. At the end of the class, he didn't even get a chance to check in with Daphne and Hermione.

*** Umbridge's Office

Harry knocked on his Defense Professor's door.

"Come in," he heard her sickeningly sweet voice. He did as asked, entering the room and shutting the door behind him with considerable force.

"Do sit down," Umbridge simpered, when it seemed obvious that Harry was going to stand defiantly until instructed otherwise.

Harry took a seat, crossing his arms, and giving the toad a glare.

"Do you know why you are here?"

"For telling the truth."

"Wrong," Umbridge said as if Harry didn't know that, "You are here for being a filthy liar. You are here so I can fix you."

"I think," Umbridge said, "That sometimes old-fashioned methods work best, wouldn't you say so?"

Harry raised an eyebrow at her but stayed mute. Did the bloody woman want to hang him from the ceiling and whip him like Filch had so many times suggested?

"I shall have you do lines!" she announced happily, much to Harry's confusion.

"Lines?" he repeated slowly, confused.

"Yes, Lines," Umbridge smiled a creepy smile, "And I want you to use my...special quill for it."

Harry shrugged and took the proffered utensil from his professor.

He looked at her expectantly, "Well. What do I write then?"

Her smile only widened as she spoke.

"I must not tell lies."

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