The Intelligent Potter

Chapter 62 - Minister Bones

*** Later

It had taken much persuasion to convince Amelia Bones that she would be the Light's best shot at installing a Minister for Magic, but that was only the first step in a long and boring political process involved in trying to get Amelia into the Minister's office.

It had been a long and tiresome publicity campaign, and Amelia was running against Lucius Malfoy as well as one third party candidate named Pius Thicknesse.

None of the members of the Light had had Pius on their radar, as a follower of Voldemort or otherwise, but had decided it was probably safer to have Amelia in the top spot rather than an entirely unknown figure.

While Amelia was pretty well-liked as the DMLE head, there were too few people in Magical Britain who followed magical politics enough to know exactly who she was or how competent she was.

Their campaign for the most part involved the war effort, they posed Amelia as the perfect candidate to take Voldemort and the war by the horns, which she, in a sense, was.

Death Eater raids had continued though Voldemort himself hadn't been seen since the attack on the home of Minister Fudge, possibly healing his near-destroyed husk of a body.

Babajide had called for a significant force of aurors from the Nigerian Magical Ministry. The ICW had yet to pass a judgement on the Wizarding War, the motion having been delayed for a month by the combined political force of Dumbledore and Babajide, but they had also yet to provide any forces to aid the war, thankfully, they hadn't been able to call Babajide and his team back, so they were still there, aiding the war, along with a battalion of Nigerian troops, who Babajide had commanded with his incredibly significant influence in Nigeria.

The Nigerian Troops, along with Amelia's own aurors, who were being heavily trained by Arcturus, as well as Babajide, Cyrus, Anu, and Pierre who were all working tirelessly to prevent and fight back against these raids, which were against a variety of Magical settlements, usually not the big hotspots, but just the small places across the country where a large portion of Magical Britain's population resided in small communities.

Publicly, Amelia had been able to take full credit for the admirable fightback against the forces of the Dark Lord. While they hadn't been able to do away with as large a chunk of Voldemort's forces as they would've hoped, due to quick escapes which the Death Eaters were remarkably good at, they had been able to protect and save many a wizarding township, which had earned them a lot of goodwill across Magical Britain.

The election was held just over a month later, and the results ended up being far different than anything the light could have imagined.

Lucius Malfoy seemed to have been ditched altogether, even by the dark faction, having next to no votes at all, far less than he would have gotten simply for being the Dark Lord's candidate.

Pius Thicknesse on the other hand, had gotten a scarily large amount of the vote, it was obvious the dark side had thrown their ch.i.p.s behind him while his own publicity campaign had resulted in a fair few people voting for him.

Thankfully for the light, Amelia had ended with a slightly higher vote-count, just over a hundred votes more than Thicknesse.

*** Amelia's Office

Babajide entered with a big smile and a bottle of champagne, "Congratulations Minister Bones!" he said enthusiastically, handing her the bottle of champagne, and waving his wand, creating a bouquet of flowers out of thin air to hand to the new Minister.

Amelia smiled, "I don't want the role and you know it." she said.

"With you in office, we can finally give the ICW a kick to the backside and get some help around here." Babajide said.

"What about you, are you and your team going to stay on in Britain? You've been incredibly useful, we couldn't replace you with anybody."

Babajide laughed, "I would not miss out on this war for anything, worst comes to worst, I would have to retire from the ICW, and request your International Affairs department for an auror visa, with my auror credentials." he said, "I cannot speak for Cyril, Anu, or Pierre, but I have no doubt that they would also wish to stay on here, each one of them is a staunch supporter of the Light, and they have all been drawn into the conflict here, and not one of them is the type to leave a job half-done." he said.

"Of course not." said the voice of Anu Iyer behind him, as the Indian witch entered the room with a grin, and slapped the new Minister on the back, "Congratulations Amelia, I knew you had it in you."

Cyril Cosmos followed the Indian witch into the room, also with a smile, fl.i.c.k.i.n.g his wand to conjure classes, and unsolicitedly poured himself a glass of Babajide's champagne, "What she said."

Albus was next to arrive, along with Iliad, "Arcturus will be a little late, he's still working your aurors to the bone." he said to explain the Black Lord's absence.

Iliad snorted, "They're all a bunch of weaklings, with a few exceptions, Potter could take out half the bloody department."

"Now now, Iliad, I would like to think of that as as much of a reflection on Harry's skill as of the incompetence of the aurors." Dumbledore said, lightly before offering Amelia a hand, which she shook, "Congratulations Amelia, you have done the Wizarding World a big favour today." he said more seriously, "I hope that this is the turning point of this war."

Amelia smiled, "I hope so too."

"Don't we all." Babajide said, as more members of the Light came into the room, congratulating Amelia before taking a seat.

As Rufus Scrimgeour entered, Amelia walked over to him and handed him a badge.

The Head Auror raised an eyebrow in questioning.

"Congrats Rufus, you're the new head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement." Amelia said with a smirk.

Rufus' eyes widened, before a smile broke across his face, "Thank you Amelia, I know how important this role is, especially during wartime, I will do my best to continue this fight with the might and intelligence that I know you would."

*** End of Chapte

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