The Intelligent Potter

Chapter 63 - Another ICW Meeting

*** International Confederation of Wizards, Emergency Conference

Albus took his place behind the podium of the Supreme Mugwump and cleared his throat.

"We are assembled here today to discuss the ICW's course of action in the war against Lord Voldemort, considering the recent assassination of the British Minister Cornelius Fudge, and the recent appointment of Amelia Bones in his place." Dumbledore said, "Once again, as a speaker in this debate, I would like to temporarily hand my position as Supreme Mugwump to Babajide Akingbade."

The Aforementioned Nigerian Wizard shook his head, "No, Albus, I would like to speak on this issue as well."

With just a hint of surprise, Albus blinked, "Well then, I temporarily yield my position as Supreme Mugwump to Greek Delegate Cyril Cosmos."

The Greek Wizard nodded his acceptance and took Albus' place at the Supreme Mugwump Podium, "As Albus has already rightly stated, we are here to discuss our actions in light of the happenings in Magical Britain. As head of the ICW taskforce set out to tackle this very matter, I would like to ask Mr Akingbade to give his opinion of the current administration in Britain and his take on what actions this committee should take."

Babajide rose and began his speech, "While the British Ministry in general reeks of the type of corruption that I despise, I have high hopes for their current administration. I shall not speak ill of the dead, but Minister Fudge's wartime policies left much to be d.e.s.i.r.ed. I have worked with Amelia Bones in her previous capacity as Head of Law Enforcement where she maintained discipline and which she deployed effectively to combat the forces of Voldemort. In my view, it is undeniable that Amelia Bones is one of the few factors that has kept the British resistance against the control of Voldemort alive and kicking. Her victory in the election means that Magical Britain will continue it's fightback against the Dark Lord and will no doubt cooperate with the ICW as long as it doesn't threaten the country's right to self-govern," at this Babajide gave a long glance at Moutinho, the delegate of Brazil, "I believe that it is high time that the ICW really join this fight, as the British Ministry cannot handle power the likes of which the Dark Lord has and his armies that have recruited not only dark wizards but also the support of the werewolves, vampires, and giants as well as many other dark creatures. I believe that the ICW should send a force of peace-keepers to work alongside the British Magical Ministry, and I would also like to personally volunteer myself to lead the peace-force."

Babajide bowed slightly and sat down as the room burst out in whispers once more.

Moutinho spoke up, "The peace-keepers are meant for exactly that, keeping peace. While they are trained in combat, their main duty is to prevent fighting in places where hostility is prevalent. They have no business doing what is essentially fighting a war."

Albus rose to counter him, "While the delegate of Brazil may be right in his statement that the intent of the peace-keepers is not to propagate fighting and is to maintain the peace, the threat of the Dark Lord transcends British boundaries, the very existence of Voldemort is a threat to peace of any kind in this world, peace-keepers are trained in combat so that they CAN fight back if it is absolutely necessary and it is easy to see that Voldemort will not permit the ICW to remain neutral, it's only a matter of time until this matter escalates to the point where we will be forced to fight him, and it will be far easier to try and nip this in its bud in Britain than let the influence of Voldemort and by extension The Darkness spread all over the world."

"We are decided then," Cyril declared, "A force of peace-keepers shall be deployed to Magical Britain under the command of Babajide Akingbade and his taskforce which consists of myself, Indian ex-auror Anu Iyer and frenchman Pierre Moreau."

There was a fair few differing opinions in the ICW who didn't think that sending peace-keepers to the aid of Britain was the best way to progress but they were outnumbered by the number of delegates who supported Britain or at the very least were opposed enough to Voldemort to vote in favour of Babajide's proposal despite whatever misgivings they themselves had to the plan.

Albus breathed a sigh of relief as he had been very afraid of the possibility of the Bones Administration ending up fighting a war on two fronts, against the ICW and the forces of Voldemort which would almost definitely have ended in the government being crushed politically and militarily, despite the resilience of Amelia and her ilk.

Babajide had ended up being invaluable, both politically and magically, providing the edge that Albus hadn't foreseen, keeping the light ahead of where Albus had thought they would be.

The Nigerian Wizard was on their side and would work with Amelia and her aurors, and Albus was sure that under their combined leadership, they were sure to make advancements on the forces of the Dark.

That wasn't to say that Albus wasn't worried for the times that were about to come, he was surprised that Voldemort himself had made very few appearances himself which had certainly helped the Light as for the most part, they didn't have very many wizards who could even hope to hold off the Dark Lord temporarily, Albus himself, along with Arcturus and possibly Amelia herself, notwithstanding.

Still, a victory was a victory, and while they couldn't stop to celebrate their current situation, Albus felt hope spring up.

Hope that they could hold up against the storm that was Voldemort.

Hope that they could win.

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