The Intelligent Potter

Chapter 96 - Interrogation

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*** A Little Later

The former Dark Lord was shackled to the middle of the interrogation chamber. Or well, the interrogation chamber which had been created by the Room of Requirement.

The interrogation had yet to start, but plenty of Order members had roughed Tom up a bit, they couldn't stand the sight of him, for obvious reasons. Still, no matter how many times they punched him or kicked him, the pain was nothing relative to what The Darkness had already inflicted on him, so he just took the attacks quietly.

There was nothing else he could do really.

Amelia Bones walked into the room. It seemed like the former DMLE Head had been chosen as interrogator. There was a window of tinted glass behind which, he assumed, the rest of the Leaders of the Light were hidden.

"Amelia Bones," Tom greeted quietly.

"Murderer," she returned.

Tom nodded, accepting the title. He saw no point denying it. He was a murderer after all. Just because he didn't really have it in him to hurt anybody anymore didn't mean he had completely repented of his many murders.

"Why haven't you freed yourself," Amelia asked first.

Tom supposed that was the most important question. They couldn't kill him, because of the two remaining horcruxes, but at the same time, there had to be a reason that he practically walked into the den of his enemy with no backup and let himself be captured. And he had let himself be captured. It was possible that Arcturus could have taken him in this weakened state but not without a very long fight, even with the help of the Black Lord's allies.

"Because this is the only place I am safe."

Even Amelia couldn't stop herself from snorting, "Safe? You think you are safe here? You will die as soon as we can figure out how."

Tom raised his eyebrows, "You would make Harry a killer while he was still in school?"

He could see the conflicting emotions on Amelia's face, "No," she said simply, "I would kill you myself. The prophecy may well be fulfilled by Harry directly causing your death by hunting down all of your horcruxes."

"Well," Tom said, "Right now, dying is the safe option for me."

Amelia went quiet for a little bit. If she was completely honest with herself, she was extremely unsettled by this version of Lord Voldemort. The maniacal crazy who had killed her brother was a man she could easily get behind murdering. This man was quiet and subdued, and she couldn't help but want to know what had happened to the fearsome Dark Lord.

"So what's the other option," Amelia said roughly, "What could be worse than this," and her roundhouse kick caught him across the face, making the chair he was tied to fall over.

Tom crashed to the ground but didn't flinch.

"The Darkness did worse," he said, "Much, much worse."

Now Amelia was really confused, "The Darkness? Weren't you using it?"

Tom looked Amelia dead in the eyes, with his dead eyes, "I will not lie to you for your sympathy, Amelia Bones. I was - maybe still am, somewhere deep inside - a psychopathic man thirsty for power, willing to do anything to get it… but for the last two years, I have been little more than a slave. A slave of The Darkness. It tortured me day and night. My own body was a hell that I could not escape from. After that, everything seems insignificant. I just… can't go back to the pain. So kill me, I beg of you, gather my horcruxes, destroy them, and kill me."

Amelia began to see an opportunity forming, assuming that Voldemort was telling the truth.

"If you're really so ready to die, surely you would not mind a questioning under veritaserum?"

Tom shrugged, "I have nothing more to lose."

Amelia disappeared, maybe she had gone to discuss with the rest of the Leaders of the Light, and returned a few minutes later with a vial of veritaserum.

She dropped three drops onto the tongue of Voldemort, who opened his mouth willingly, and swallowed obediently.

"What is your name."

"Tom Marvolo Riddle."

Amelia nodded. So it seemed that she was familiar with his real name, Tom noted.

"Are you or are you not the self-styled mass-murderer and terrorist leader Lord Voldemort."

Tom knew what she was asking but the serum forced him to answer honestly as per what he thought, "No," he said.

Now, Amelia was surprised, she thought over her question and realised where she had misspoken.

"Are you or have you ever been the self-styled mass-murderer and terrorist leader Lord Voldemort."


It was unrelated to the purpose of the questioning, but Amelia felt compelled to ask, "How many people have you killed."

"I have personally murdered three hundred and eighty four men and women, but I do not know the total number of people killed by my actions, or my Death Eaters."

"Do you repent your actions?"


"Then why in hell are you here, Tom Marvolo Riddle."

He looked her straight in the eye and said, "Because I want The Darkness to suffer and die. I no longer care about my life, or my immortality. I just want The Darkness to end."

Amelia was silent. She was not sure how to proceed with that revelation.

"How about we cut a deal," a new voice entered the room.

Arcturus Black pulled up a chair, which had been conjured by the Room of Requirement.

"I thought you might say that," Tom smiled a little bit, for the first time since he had gotten there.

"What are you doing!" Amelia hissed at Arcturus.

The Lord Black ignored her and incanted, "Crucio."

Tom twitched slightly but didn't cry out.

"Wipe that smile off your face, Riddle. This may be an unforgivable curse, but I have done plenty of unforgivable things in my life, and I am willing to do one more to keep you in line. Now, here are the terms of our deal, and they are all my terms, because you do not get any terms, do you understand, Riddle?"

*** End of Chapte

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