The Intelligent Potter

Chapter 97 - Dealing with an Ex Dark Lord

An: If you would like to read the latest chapters of TIP a few days early, please check this story out on webnovel.

*** Present

"How about we cut a deal," a new voice entered the room.

Arcturus Black pulled up a chair, which had been conjured by the Room of Requirement.

"I thought you might say that," Tom smiled a little bit, for the first time since he had gotten there.

"What are you doing!" Amelia hissed at Arcturus.

The Lord Black ignored her and incanted, "Crucio."

Tom twitched slightly but didn't cry out.

"Wipe that smile off your face, Riddle. This may be an unforgivable curse, but I have done plenty of unforgivable things in my life, and I am willing to do one more to keep you in line. Now, here are the terms of our deal, and they are all my terms, because you do not get any terms, do you understand, Riddle?"

In the midst of irregular breathing, Tom nodded jerkily.

"Good boy," Arcturus said, satisfied, "Now, I don't want to lift this curse, you understand, but I also do not want you to go crazy, so I will let you off the curse for now, got that Riddle?"

Another nod.

The curse was lifted.

"So here are my terms, you listening, Riddle?" Arcturus punctuated with a punch situated near Tom's belly.

"Yeah," Tom gasped, as all the air was knocked out of him.

"You will tell me everything you know about The Darkness. What its powers are, what it likes, dislikes, how it can be beaten, what it eats for breakfast in the morning. Then you will tell me where your two remaining horcruxes are, and you will get them for me. Sounds good?"

Tom opened his mouth to say that he was amenable with the terms but he was kicked again.

"Trick question, doesn't matter what you think," Arcturus said.

Amelia pulled the Lord Black back, "I think you are enjoying this a little bit too much, Arcturus," she said forcefully, "This is why we decided that I was going to be the interrogator and not you. At least I can hold back the vindictive side of me which demands that he feel pain."

Arcturus glared at her but backed down, "Fine, whatever, but get an unbreakable vow first."

Amelia glanced at Tom who shrugged. He had nothing to lose.

Amelia waved her wand, and the chain holding Tom's right hand came undone. He held it out and it was grasped by the witch.

Arcturus began the proceedings of an unbreakable vow, and the wizard and witch involved stood there, looking at each other in the eyes, as the strands connected their arms.

"Do you, Tom Marvolo Riddle, swear not to do any intentional harm to any member of the Order of the Phoenix or the Leaders of the Light?"

"I do."

"Do you, Tom Marvolo Riddle, swear to do whatever it takes to bring down The Darkness?"

"I do."

And the bond was sealed.

"Good luck," Arcturus wished Amelia, and then left.

Amelia nodded, "Will do," she nodded to Arcturus before turning back to Tom, "Now you, Riddle, spill the beans."

Tom nodded, "Okay, so The Darkness. The Darkness is a primordial being of the universe. It makes things exist. It mostly works through the power of its shadows, which it can use as basically anything. It can create things out of its shadows, or destroy things, or fly. Its powers are nigh endless. Anything it does cannot be reversed with a normal spell from a normal wand. It is strongest in the nighttime, and impossible for a regular wizard to defeat, no matter how powerful they may be. It fears the Champion of Death very much, that is Harry Potter. The Elder Wand possesses the essence of Death itself, another primordial being, so normal magic channeled through it can affect The Darkness. That is probably its only weakness, or at least the only one that I know of. The Darkness does not require any nutrition at all, but while it was occupying my body, it enjoyed eating muggle fruit loops and cheerios for breakfast, purely out of enjoyment."

Amelia blinked, "What?"

"The Darkness is a primordial being of the universe. It makes things exist. It mostly-"

"No, don't repeat yourself," Amelia interrupted, "Just… why was that last part useful?"

Tom shrugged, "It may have been a joke, but I have to respond to the entire question that the Lord Black asked me because I am under the influence of veritaserum."

Amelia g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "God damn it Arcturus, why does that man have to be dramatic about everything? It's a bloody waste of time."

"I do not know, because I am not Arcturus, but I believe that he was trying really hard to be intimidating," Tom said, compelled to answer to the rhetorical question.

"Oh shut up," Amelia snapped at Tom.

After a bit of an awkward silence, Amelia remembered this was an interrogation, "So, horcruxes?"

"A Horcrux is an object in which a Dark wizard or witch has hidden a fragment of his or her soul for the purpose of attaining immortality"

"Oh, for god's sake, answer my question properly. Where are your last two horcruxes located."

"Nagini is my next horcrux," Tom said grimly, "She is still back at The Darkness' base in Riddle Manor."

"The Darkness is based out of Riddle Manor?"

"Yes," Tom confirmed, "It is heavily warded."

"Well, I suppose we have to get her back."

"It's a suicide mission," Tom hissed, "You need to wait till Potter can take down The Darkness."

"No," Amelia shook her head, "You will lead an operation to acquire your bloody snake from your bloody Manor."

Tom looked so truly scared that Amelia almost went back on her words, "No...please don't make me face it again!"

"You made an unbreakable vow," Amelia said, "And since you can't die yet, I wouldn't want to imagine what torture your soul would be put through by denying."

Tom looked like he was about to cry but nodded nonetheless.

"And the last horcrux?" Amelia asked.

Tom's look softened, "I am actually sorry about this," he said, "I did not mean it to happen, even back when it did."

"Spit it out."

"My last horcrux is Harry Potter."

*** End of Chapte

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