Chapter 1040

Xiao Ran looked at Chen Luoxin and was also a little shocked. The pupil technique is too rare, whether it is congenital or acquired to be inherited. It is more difficult to condense on his own. Xiao Ran can get the purple moon star pupil, which is already considered lucky. result.

Among the current candidates, Chen Ran learned that there were no more than three students with pupil skills, but now another one appeared, and it was still far superior to the other three.

Sansheng pupil even possesses a terrifying power comparable to the pupil of time.

It can be said that only with this pupil technique, under the same realm, Chen Luoxin will not lose even when facing a king-level genius.

“I didn’t expect Chen Luoxin to have such strength.”

As a local tyrant who consumes in the Nine-layer Immortal Realm, but also candidates who really want to enter the Tianfeng Holy Academy, Chen Luoxin and Xiao Ran are naturally the people who focus on them. Xiao Ran also knew that her strength was not simple from the beginning.

But she didn’t expect her to have such a hole card.

Zero Four Zero   “It seems that the top three places are pre-booked.”

“Is my brother Sansheng very strong?”

“In terms of single-wheel pupil surgery, our Purple Moon Star pupil is far inferior to Sansheng pupil.”

“That’s a pupil technique that can break the rules, and it can match it. The pupil technique is extremely rare in all realms.”

“so smart.”

Hearing what Xiao Ran said, the women were also a little shocked.

“Which is stronger than the power of Sansheng pupil, Qin Tiange’s Pangu bloodline, and Ji Ruoxi’s spirit tree soul tree, Xiao Ran is looking forward to it now.”

“There is another terrifying existence among the top geniuses in the star realm.”

“Chen Luoxin, Qin Tiange, and Ji Ruoxi. Fortunately, they have not been promoted to king-level geniuses, otherwise I am not too sure about playing against the three of them.”

“Gu Feng, this is not like what you said.”

“Ha ha!”

“wake up.”

Chen Luoxin had enough play and turned off the power of Sansheng pupil.


“My talent really didn’t feel wrong. Trying to challenge is really not a wise move.” After saying this, Dong Hang fell directly into the ring.

The crowd of candidates under the arena, and the residents of all star realms watching the live broadcast were all bewildered. After all, not everyone could see that Chen Luoxin had used the power of the Sansheng pupil.

Even the king-level geniuses only knew that Chen Luoxin had used a terrifying hole card just now, but they didn’t know exactly what it was. The only thing that could be seen in the Prison God Tower was Xiao Ran.

The guild presidents, dean old men of the Holy Land Academy, as well as the powers of the stars, should also know some.

“President, what was that just now?”

A group of core students looked at Gu Yudie together.

“I have read the record in an ancient book. Although it is only a moment, it is basically certain that it is the Sansheng pupil.”

“Sansheng pupil?”

“What is Sansheng pupil?”

“I usually let you read more classical books, but now I don’t know anything. After this time I go back, in addition to the development history of the academy and the information of the deans, all these classical books will be shown to me and I have to take the test.”


“Do you have an opinion?”

“Absolutely not.”

“very good.”

“I blame you, what do you ask.”


“Unexpectedly, there will be three pupils. It is really not easy for the admitted candidates of Tianfeng Holy Academy.” Chu Hao looked at Chen Luoxin and said.

“Do you know the president?”

“Know some, Sansheng pupil, the top pupil technique, can see through the past, present, and future.”

“Speaking of Lin Ze, you also have Red Flame Golden Eyes.”

“My Chi Yan Jin pupil is far from her Sansheng pupil.”

Chi Yan Jin Tong is also Lin Ze’s big trump card, but he also knows that his Chi Yan Jin Tong is far from Sansheng Tong, and this is a gap that cannot be crossed.


“Has Sansheng Hitomi appear.”


“Did you even notice the president?”

Jiu Qingquan had been drinking, and he didn’t pay much attention to the admission assessment of Tianfeng Holy Academy, but the appearance of Sansheng pupil even his drunkenness dissipated a bit.

After all, that is the legendary pupil technique.

“This little girl actually has the power of Sansheng pupil.”

“It looks like a congenital third pupil, it’s not easy.”

“Chen’s family has hidden so deeply. If the little girl had the Sansheng pupil, if she didn’t display it by herself this time, no one would have thought of it in the entire Sanctuary world.”

“Old fellow, I will give you two king-level geniuses from our sanctuary. How about this little girl giving us the academy?”

“Just dream.”

“Miss San is so strong…!”

The butler of the Chen family was stunned. He didn’t know that the playful third lady in his family had such a powerful pupil technique…

Of course, the whole Chen family knew not many people.

After all, it was Sansheng pupil.

“How can Luo Xin use the power of Sansheng pupil.”

“The clan elders don’t get in the way. Sooner or later, the major forces will know it. Now it’s just knowing in advance.” The Chen Family Patriarch was very calm.

“What happened just now?”

“Dong Hang was killed in a second.”

“The goddess snapped a finger, and Dong Hang’s formation was instantly broken. The next second Dong Hang fell directly and said something inexplicable.”

“It’s so weird.”

“Is the goddess strength so terrifying?”

“Oh my God!”

The top forces probably guessed the power Chen Luoxin used just now, but the ordinary residents of the major star realms who watched the live broadcast were unclear. Therefore, they did not understand why Dong Hang suddenly fell.

“Really strong!”

Liu Xinyue looked at Chen Luoxin with solemn eyes.

Not to mention Chen Luoxin, even the strength that Dong Hang showed was completely unable to cope with her. Faced with such a formation, her starlight stealth was useless at all.

Of course, she was not the only one who was hit. Wang Xu, Qin Lang, and Xi Yun were all hit.

As for the other star realm top geniuses, for them it is not chasing the goal but despair. They don’t even have the kind of idea to catch up with those star realm top geniuses.

“Another Chen Luoxin appeared.”

“It seems that the first three are completely hopeless.”

“Just 0.5, what power did he use?”

“Did not see it.”

“Haha! Gu Beichuan and the others are a little uncomfortable now.”

“Don’t talk about them, even Qin Tiange, Ji Ruoxi, and Puhui are all looking at Chen Luoxin, which shows her strength.”

“Buddha, are you talking about Chen Luoxin?”

At this time, all the lights are full of heads, and they understand why their Buddhas are not optimistic about Inclusiveness.

“It depends on how you understand it.”


“Chen Luoxin wins.”

The Moon Spirit referee announced the result.

The Star Giant Beast rescues Dong Hang.

“What was that just now?”

But at this time, it was not only the candidates who couldn’t calm down. Even Yueqin, the invigilator, was very curious about the power Chen Luoxin had just shown.

…! .

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