Chapter 1041

Chen Luoxin’s display of crushing strength shocked all the candidates, but the qualifying battle continued. After Chen Luoxin went down, the other two candidates entered the arena.

The battle continues.

“give up.”

Fang Shaohan glanced at Qin Tiange, Chen Luoxin, Ji Ruoxi, and bald Puhui. He was confident that he planned to compete for the top three, but now he didn’t have that thought.

“You just give up like that?”

“Puhui may still be able to win with his trump cards, but Qin Tiange, Chen Luoxin, and Ji Ruoxi, Gu Beichuan, are you confident?”


“But I don’t plan to give up easily.”

Unlike Fang Shaohan, Gubeichuan is now completely ablaze, and I really want to fight these people.

Even if it was a losing battle.

The time lasted for a day, and finally the top 30 places were counted out.

Qin Tiange, Chen Luoxin, Ji Ruoxi, Qin Yuan, Fang Shaohan, Gu Shaojun, Gu Beichuan, Jiang Yue, Dong Lei, Pufa, Ruan Junxi, Ran Junfeng, Ouyang Haotian, Li Jun… these people are a lot of all advanced.

It can be said that the current few and inferior people have all been eliminated, and none of the remaining people are weak in strength.

“Come! Here! Next comes the most exciting ranking match for the top talents in the star realm.”

“Qin Tiange, a few goddesses, and a group of people from Gubeichuan are all strong. The battle between them is really a bit of anticipation.”

“Is the first one.”

Jiang Yue walked towards the ring.

“It’s really bad luck, is it a master of Pratt & Whitney?”

Jiang Yue was still thinking about who his opponent was, but when he saw the bald head Puhui on the opposite side, his whole person’s feeling instantly became bad.

“Jiang Yue and the bald-headed Pratt & Whitney fight.”

“Come on Jiang Yue, defeating that big bald head will definitely not allow him to get the top three.”


Now the bald-headed Pratt & Whitney also recruits a lot of blacks in all star realms.

Of course, it is really impossible to say that the Buddhist practice in the sanctuary world is really not feasible. Even the number of Buddhist students in the Tianfo Holy Land is very scarce, and it is dissatisfied with the recruitment every year.

It is conceivable that although Tianfo Holy Land is an advanced Holy Land Academy, it is perhaps the most advanced Holy Land Academy that many young people see in the Sanctuary World.

After all, Buddhism’s set of clear rules and precepts, for young people in the sanctuary world, few can bear.


“Master Pratt & Whitney, I think my strength is not as good as you, but I can also understand my current strength when I fight with you. I hope you don’t keep your hands.”

“Amitabha Buddha, don’t hesitate to take action.”


“Glass light.”

Jiang Yue pulled the distance away with a glazed light, shone it down, and bombarded Puhui’s body. The Buddhist scriptures showed that Puhui still looked like my Buddha’s compassion, and he was unmoved by such an attack.

“My glazed light can’t even break a little defense.”

Although already known.

But Jiang Yue still suffered a big blow.

“I don’t believe that you can’t break your defense.”

“Liu Liguang · Yin Shenguang.”

A special colored glaze mark appeared on Puhui’s whole body. As long as it was marked by these marks, the colored glaze light would attack a little bit in all directions.

“Not moving like a mountain.”


The two of them are standing still, and the other is using the glass light to attack wildly, but it has no effect.


“How to break such defenses?”

“Jiang Yue’s glazed light is not good either, it’s a desperate defense.”

“The defense of the big bald head is too pervert, he will not rely on his terrifying physical defense to enter the top three.”

“How could it be possible? Without talking about the two goddesses Ji Ruoxi and Chen Luoxin, Qin Tiange can definitely smash his defenses with one palm.”

“That’s true.”

“How about not letting Bald head fight Qin Tiange, so that he can be eliminated first.”

“It seems that it’s really no use not to use the hole cards.”

“Sihe Seal·Ghost Seal.”

At the age of sixteen, Jiang Yue obtained the inheritance of Liuliguang in an intermediate martial arts world. At that time, it was his strongest trump card. Then at the age of twenty, he obtained the Sihe Seal in a relic in a certain star realm in the Sanctuary World. inherited.

According to the information he knew, the Sihe Seal was said to be the strongest seal of a certain martial arts world sect at that time. Although he did not obtain all the inheritance, he also got two seals.

Now he is displaying the first seal ghost seal.

The horrible ghost energy condensed in the sky, and a huge mark and grimace appeared, covering the entire battlefield. Under the ghost energy, except for a little place around Puhui, which was still shining with the Buddha’s light, the rest had been completely swallowed.

“Young Master has used the Sihe Printing.”

“Puhui is too strong, forcing the young master to use Siheyin against the enemy.”

“This is the top inheritance that Young Master has found in the Sanctuary World, and it will definitely break the defense of Pratt & Whitney.”

Speaking of which, most of the star realms, planets, and starry sky continents in the sanctuary world are robbing the rest of the plane world, and there are naturally many relics and inheritances left.

Just like the Heavenly Wind Star Realm, if you carefully search for heritage relics in all starry sky continents and planets, there will definitely exist.

This is why, after the establishment of the Tianfeng Star Realm, so many forces have poured into it in a short time. In addition to being optimistic about the Tianfeng Sanctuary, the opportunity of the Tianfeng Star Realm is also one of their goals.

“Kidō’s power.”


“Angry King Kong.”

Facing such a terrifying India and France, Pratt & Whitney will not really take the blow head-on.

The power of the angry King Kong erupted in an instant, the horrible Buddha light dispelled most of the ghost energy, and the whole person became 040 violent. All the powers gathered and rushed towards the ghost mark in the sky.

Obviously he wanted to blow the ghost seal with one punch.

“Master Pratt only wants to break the ghost seal with the power of the angry King Kong, then you would underestimate this seal.”

“The ghost emperor is here.”

The ghost emperor’s figure appeared in the ghost seal. This is the sect who suppressed and defeated the ghost emperor back then and directly refined it into a seal, which naturally urges the ghost seal, and the ghost emperor will directly appear.


“So strong.”

“I didn’t see that Jiang Yue was so strong.”

“It’s no wonder that he wanted to compete for the top three at the beginning, but he really had the idea to compete for the top three with a strong trump card.”

“Jian Yue, come on and blow his head.”


Puhui’s angry punch of King Kong collided with the punch of the ghost emperor, and the vibration caused even cracks in the space of the ring, and the defensive vibration was directly broken.

“Is the power comparable to the robbery period.”

However, immediately after the formation was broken, Qin Yue directly repaired and arranged a stronger formation, but nothing unexpected happened.

“The poor monk is indeed underestimating. In that case, the ancient Buddha’s soul blessed my body.”


The ancient Buddha’s power is too terrifying, and under this palm collision, the ghost emperor can’t resist and dissipate directly.

…! .

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