Chapter 229

In a blink of an eye, the auction passed another hour. During this time, more than a dozen items were auctioned, but they were all things that Xiao Ran was not interested in. Xiao Ran did not make a move.

“The next thing to be auctioned is a jar of spirit wine brewed by a certain top spirit chef with a variety of rare spirit ingredients, Qinglu Yinyue spirit wine, this kind of spirit wine will have unexpected effects when it is tasted under the moon.”

“That spirit wine jar is quite beautiful.” Xi Yan said softly while looking at the spirit wine jar made of transparent ice crystals below.

“Haha! Great! The value of the ice crystal wine jar alone is no less than 30 million high-grade purple gold spirit stones, so the price of this jar spirit wine is not low.” Xiao Ran said softly.

“No, every wine jar is worth 30 million high-grade purple gold spirit stones.” Zhou Yi said in surprise.

Zhouyi didn’t understand the aspect very well, and for so many years, it only spent a few million high-grade purple gold spirit stones on a jar of spirit wine.

“Well, everyone, Qinglu Yinyue Spirit Wine, the starting price of fifty thousand spirit crystal coins, please bid.” Ji Yueyao said loudly.

“Lingjiu is a good thing. It happens to be a birthday gift for Dad in the world.” A beautiful woman in the private room looked at the jar of Lingjiu and said softly.

“Miss, we only have three hundred and two hundred thousand spiritual coins left.” The young woman reminded it.

“I know, it should be enough. After all, it’s just a pot of spirits, no matter how high the price is, it can be up to 300,000 yuan.” The beauty said 560 confidently.

“Make a bid.”


“One hundred thousand spirit crystal coins.” Zhou Yi directly quoted on the other side.

“Do you like to drink spirit wine?” Xiao Ran asked, looking at Zhou Yi.

“This is one of them. Big Brother, don’t you go to the Spirit Chefs Guild to participate in the assessment tomorrow. Of course, it should be a good choice to have a good glass of spirit wine tonight.” Zhou Yi said softly.

“Okay, let’s go and buy it.” Xiao Ran said softly.

“This can’t work, let me buy this altar of spirit wine, brother. It just so happens that there are more than 400,000 yuan left in the spirit crystal coins that the family asked for. It should be more than enough to buy that altar of spirit wine.”

“Well then.” Zhou Yi said so Xiao Ran did not refuse.

“Twenty-five thousand spirit crystal coins.”

“Three hundred thousand.”

“Thirty-two thousand spirit crystal coins.”

“Three hundred and fifty thousand spirit crystal coins once or twice……! The transaction.” Ji Yueyao announced loudly.

“Who the hell is it, don’t let me know who you are.” The beauty was in a bad mood without the spirit wine being auctioned off.

“Yeah! The smell of this wine is good.” And Zhou Yi, who successfully auctioned the spirit wine, couldn’t wait to open it and smell the spilled spirit that directly filled the entire private room.

“Brother, can you taste the food you cook tonight?” Zhou Yi asked, looking at Xiao Ran. Since knowing that Xiao Ran is also the spirit chef, Zhou Yi wanted to taste the dishes made by Xiao Ran.

“Yes, for the sake of this altar of spirit wine, I will prepare a great dinner for you tonight.” Xiao Ran said with a smile.

“Then have a big drink tonight.”


“Next, the last treasure to be auctioned is also the last item in this auction, the heaven, the earth, the fire and the earth, the flames.” On the auction stage, Ji Yueyao lifted the white cloth, which was an orange flame in a special container.

“This earth center flame is a flame that has just been bred from an island volcano. I believe everyone is very clear about the rarity and power of the heaven and earth spirit fire. Please bid for the starting price of 1 million spiritual crystal coins.” Ji Yueyao shouted. Said.

After a thousand years of Ten Thousand Years, some special places on the Earth of the New Origin era will give birth to these heaven and earth spiritual objects, spiritual fire, spiritual water, spiritual wood…! However, the quantity is very scarce, it is difficult to find and even more difficult to recover.

The Flame Flame of the Earth’s Center is a newly conceived spiritual fire, so it is restricted to be brought to the auction house. If it is a growing spiritual fire, it is not something ordinary people can deal with.

“Finally, the saint’s blood can’t be auctioned. This Geocentric Flame must be auctioned.” The young man in the private room looked at the flame below with eager eyes.

“One and a half million spirit crystal coins.”

“two millions.”

“Two million and five million.”

The appearance of the different fire once again made the families and groups in the big private rooms go crazy, and the blood of the saints in the crazy private rooms can’t compete for this spiritual fire, but they don’t want to give up.

“Let Dad transfer another 30 million Lingjing Coins.”

“Good lady.”

“I will find you a stronger spirit fire when I go to Otherworld after a while.” Xiao Ran said to Luo Xue.

Luo Xue mainly cultivates fire-attribute martial arts and martial arts, and naturally also wants the spirit fire below. If it is something else, Xiao Ran will directly ask his mother to transfer ten million spirit crystal coins to buy it. For spirit fire, Xiao Ran is not in a hurry. Xiao Ran knows that many otherworlds have heaven and earth spirit fires. Even if you can’t buy that spirit fire, you can go to Otherworld to find other spirit fires.


Luo Xue believed that Xiao Ran would definitely find a spiritual fire for her, especially since she knew Xingyue’s existence, so she was not in a hurry.

“Brother, I want Lingbing too.” Xi Yan said while looking at Xiao Ran.

“Spirit fire is still relatively common, but Lingbing is…! Go to Otherworld to find it slowly after a while.” Xiao Ran said to Xi Yan.


Xiyan also knew the scarcity of Lingbing, so she just said that she didn’t have much hope.

Spiritual fire is more common in heaven and earth spiritual objects, in addition to spiritual water and spiritual wood, the difficulty and time of the birth of spiritual ice and its rarity are not comparable to that of spiritual fire, and the New Origin Earth has been around for thousands of years. There is no news about Lingbing either.

However, the spirit ice that Xiyan needs is pretty good. Xiao Ran’s Cloud Sea Sacred Book requires two heaven and earth spirit objects, the other cloud and the spirit sea. Their scarcity is even hell-level, and the spirit sea is equivalent to the entrance of spirit water. Step version.

Spirit water may be bred after thousands of years in the spiritual lakes or even deep pools in special environments, while the spiritual sea needs the spiritual power of the entire sea to nurture the huge gap between them…!

“It seems that after going to Otherworld for some time, I will have to look for these heaven and earth spiritual things carefully.” Xiao Ran said softly.

Just when Xiao Ran thought about this, the auction of the spirit fire below was also coming to an end, and the price had soared to more than 23 million spirit crystal coins.

“Fifty-five million.”

“Fifty-five million Lingjing Coins are sold.” Ji Yueyao announced loudly.

“Finally, the heart of the earth’s flames was put up for auction.”

The young man in the private room looked at the banned Geocentric Flame Flame with excitement, and at the same time he was also very upset, because he knew that even if the Geocentric Flame Flame was successfully auctioned off, he would not have his share in the end, and the spirit fire belonged to it. It was an elder in the family, and he couldn’t compete at all now.

“Strength is all strength, if my strength is stronger, the talent is even better, this spiritual fire might be mine.”

“Master, you will get your own spirit fire in the future.” The old man reminded him.

“Yeah! Thank you.”

…! .

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