Chapter 230

The last flame of the earth’s center was auctioned, and the auction held by the Ji family has ended. Many families and groups have won treasures in this auction. For them, this is the key to improving their strength. The same is true for the Ji family. This auction not only made a lot of money, but also won a lot of popularity in major cities.

Leaving the auction, Xiao Ran brought Luo Xue, Xi Yan, and Ji Yi back to his Yunyue Hotel. Of course, Zhou Yi also followed. Originally, Zhou Yi always wanted Zhou Yi to go to Ji Yuege to have a good chat with Ji Yueyao and cultivate his feelings. , However, although Zhou Yi didn’t go to the Dao, although he admitted that he liked Ji Yueyao, he still had some scruples when he remembered the past.

It happened that Ji Yueyao had many things to deal with after the auction ended, so Zhou Yi was directly liberated.

“Big Brother, this is your Yunyue Hotel?” Zhou Yi asked, looking at Jian Zhu in front of him.


“Let’s go.”

Entering my hotel is the same as usual. The lobby on the first floor of the hotel is crowded with patients and many guests are dining. This is the effect of the spirit chef sitting in the hotel. Although the people in the lobby on the first floor cannot taste the cooking of the spirit chef, eating in such a hotel is It has more face than other liquor-shops.

“Well, you go to Tianzi Pavilion first. I’ll prepare cooking.”

“Brother, I want to eat those seafood dishes in Linhai City.” Xi Yan said softly while watching Xiao Ran.

“Yes! Then Luo Xue, Ji Yi, Zhou Yi, do you have any special dishes that you want to eat?” Xiao Ran asked when he looked at the three of them.

“I don’t care, brother, you can prepare whatever you like.”

“Then I want to eat that [Song of Yinyue Song]” Luo Xue said softly.

“Jie Yi wants to eat grilled octopus balls.”

“no problem.”

Xiao Ran turned and headed to the kitchen, while Xi Yan took them to the Tianzi Pavilion to wait for Xiao Ran’s cooking.

“I don’t know what kind of cooking my eldest brother will cook, but it is really hard to believe that my elder brother is only 18 years old and he has become a junior spiritual chef. It seems that my eldest brother is very talented in spiritual chefs.”

“Young Master Xiao Ran’s talent is indeed outstanding, and he might grow into a king-level spirit chef in the future.”

“Chef Wang-level spirit?”

Old Zhou’s words made Xiyan, Luo Xue, and Zhou Yi very puzzled. They knew the spirit chef, but they had never heard of the king-level spirit chef.

“Haha! Simply put, a meal of chef Wang Jiling can directly give an ordinary instant the strength of innate or even transformative phase, of course, the premise is that his body can withstand it.”

“so amazing.”

Although a few people didn’t have any idea about Chef Wang Jilin, they knew how good Chef Wang Jilin was by just listening to Zhou Lao’s introduction.

“But why has Uncle Zhou never heard of a king-level spirit chef before?” Zhou Yi asked.

“Because it is very difficult for a spirit chef to grow to a king-level spirit chef. Even the highest in the city is only a top-level spirit chef. The king-level spirit chef is in a more mysterious place.”

“Master, you need to know that if a family has a king-level spirit chef, then this family can be 100% settled in the royal city and become the top family.”

“Hehe! Sure enough, holding the big brother’s thigh is the right choice.” Zhou Yi was overjoyed after hearing what Uncle Zhou said.

“Senior Zhou, sit down too.” Xi Yan said softly.

“No need, Miss Xiyan.”

“Well, Uncle Zhou, don’t be polite, too. Brother and Sister Xiyan won’t mind.”



“I don’t know when my brother will become a king-level spirit chef.”

“Xiao Ran is still a junior spirit chef and it is too far away from a king-level spirit chef, and it will take a lot of time for him to concentrate on cultivation and become a king-level spirit chef.” Luo Xue said softly.

“Master Xiao Ran’s practice of martial arts will definitely spend a lot of time in spirit chefs, but there is a king-level spirit chef in the spirit chefs guild. If Master Xiao Ran can apprentice a king-level spirit chef, then his talent is a spirit chef. The advancement must be very fast,” Zhou Lao said softly.

“That’s right! The eldest brother of the Spirit Chefs Guild will go to the Spirit Chefs Guild for an assessment tomorrow. With his talent and age, he will definitely be favored by a King-level Spirit Chef.”

“Young Master Linhai City is only a second-tier city, and the highest level of the Spirit Chef Guild here is only the senior Spirit Chef. Only the Spirit Chef Guild in the Royal City has a King Level Spirit Chef.”

“Only a senior spiritual chef.”

In Zhouyi’s view, with the talent of his elder brother Xiao Ran, he should at least approve of the Wang-level spirit chef. The high-level spirit chef is too far away to teach Xiao Ran.

“What are you talking about?”

Xiao Ran walked in and the waiter at the back put the dishes on the table one by one.

0 ·······Find flowers 0 ····

“elder brother!”

“It’s this kind of senior Zhou who is telling us about the king-level spirit chef…!” Luo Xue briefly told Xiao Ran about the king-level spirit chef.

“In this way, the spirit chef is just a side job, and I don’t care how high it can grow in the end, and I just want to quickly improve my strength, so let’s take my time as the spirit chef.”

“It’s also based on your elder brother’s martial arts talent, and in the future you will directly let Chef Wang-levelling prepare the dishes for you.”

“Okay, let’s stop talking about this and taste the dishes I prepared.” Xiao Ran pointed to the large table in front of him and said softly.

“It’s worthy of being the eldest brother’s junior chef who can prepare such a hearty meal, so I’m not welcome.” Zhou Yi took the lead in using his chopsticks to pick up a piece of meat directly into his mouth, and then he was stunned.

….. …… 0


“Master, what are you doing?”

“I broke through a small state.”

“Hehe! What you tasted is my cooking with one-horned spirit sheep. This kind of spiritual energy ingredient is most suitable for those who have reached the bottleneck in their cultivation to break through.” Xiao Ran said with a smile.


Xiyan ate a slice of sashimi, and her face instantly became smooth and delicate.

“Your cooking has improved again?” Luo Xue asked.

“That’s it.”

During this period of continuous cooking, Xiao Ran really feels that he has made a lot of progress.

“By the way, I almost forgot.”

Zhou Yi took out the spirit wine under auction from the space. Xiyan, Luo Xue, and Jie Yi did not drink, so Xiao Ran, Zhou Yi, and Zhou Lao were responsible for this jar of spirit wine, because this spirit wine would be tasted under the moon. Good results, so Lin Feng opened the window to let the moonlight from outside shine in.

“Good wine, no wonder it’s so expensive.”

Zhou Yi drank the spirit wine and felt a powerful spirit rushing around in his body, but he quickly improved his refining strength again. Similarly, Zhou Yi drank the spirit wine and gained a lot, but with his current strength It is difficult to break through again.

“This spirit wine…!”

Tasting the spirit wine under the moonlight, Xiao Ran felt that the aura of the body was surging rapidly, and the effects of the spirit-melting pill that he ate at the Otherworld grocery store combined with Xiao Ran’s breakthrough to the eighth floor of the Huatian period as a matter of course.

…! Four.

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