Chapter 239

“Thanks to the power of fusion, otherwise it would take a lot of time to fully master Hyōrinmaru’s power.”

Integrated control allows Xiao Ran to get all the power of Hyōrinmaru, so that Xiao Ran doesn’t have to bother to learn Shikai and Bankai because Xiao Ran has already used the method in his memory, but with Xiao Ran’s current strength, Hyōrinmaru cannot be used. The most powerful force.

“Next is Senbonzakura, Zanpakutō of Byakuya Kuchiki, the former leader of Gotei 13th Division.” Xiao Ran knows that Senbonzakura is still stronger than Hyōrinmaru.

“Control and integration.”


Xiao Ran used his ability again to gain Senbonzakura’s abilities and memory, but he used his heaven-defying ability twice to control the powerful Zanpakutō. Xiao Ran’s mental power was a bit unbearable, and now he was even hit back.

“Brother, are you okay?”

“Don’t worry, just consume too much mental energy and wait a while.”

This backlash made Xiao Ran understand that powerful abilities cannot be used at will. Fortunately, Hyōrinmaru and Senbonzakura are uncontrollable things, otherwise it is basically impossible for Xiao Ran to get them with their current strength.

“Spread it, Senbonzakura!”

Xiao Ran swings the knife. The body of the Senbonzakura knife is broken down into countless flying Sakura flowers, but although these Sakura563 flowers are beautiful, they are not for viewing. The scattering of countless Sakura flowers makes the surrounding piles of boulders shattered directly…!

“Shikai is a bit different from the original Senbonzakura, but its power is even stronger.”

“Bankai can’t be activated with the current strength and spiritual power. I am afraid that Bankai will not be used until after breaking through the awakening period.” Xiao Ran looked at Senbonzakura in his hand and thought.

“Senbonzakura Kageyoshi” Bankai has four styles, which are “Senbonzakura Kageyoshi”, “Jijing·Senbonzakura Kageyoshi”, “Final Scene·Bakudi Sword”, “Hangjing·Senbonzakura Kageyoshi”


Kidō is an advanced spell in the Shinigami world. It is divided into Hadō and Shudao. I got the memories of Senbonzakura and Hyōrinmaru. Xiao Ran also learned a lot of Kidō’s casting methods. Xiao Ran also plans to learn Kidō’s offensive spells.

Time flickered and another month passed. During this period, Xiyan and Luo Xue had already left the space with Jiyi. Both of them had used up all their training resources and their strengths had improved a lot, because there was really no way to improve again in a short time, so they brought them. Ji Yi left the space.

And the summary of Jieyi’s cultivation talent has once again improved after absorbing the ice crystal bone washing liquid itself. After more than two weeks of cultivation in the space, his strength has broken through to the agile stage, and he is a veritable little genius.

“Hadō Four Bai Lei.”

“Zizi…!” A huge white thunder and lightning in Xiao Ran’s hand instantly destroyed the rocky mountain in front of him.

“Hadō Thirty One Red Cannon.”


A red energy ball burned with flames and directly destroyed the rocky mountains in front with one blow. Fortunately, Xiao Ran could create these rocky mountains at will in Xiao Ran’s own space, otherwise it would be really troublesome.

“Bakudō’s 21st Red Smoke Escape.”

A huge white smoke instantly enveloped the surrounding area. Red Smoke Escape is an escape technique. Smoke will appear after use. Using the smoke to confuse opponents and take the opportunity to escape. Xiao Ran feels that the effect of this kind of Bakudō is too low. Xiao Ran is already at the end of the road.


“The current strength comparison has really changed a lot more than two months ago.” Feeling his own strength Xiao Ran has no worries about the next trip to Otherworld.

Now Xiao Ran has the abilities of Qingyuan Glass Body, Chaoshan Sea Burial, Blood Origin Jiefang, Sword Art Wind Yin Sword Hang, powerful sword intent, mental storm, abilities, Zanpakutō, and Kidō. Xiao Ran has exhausted all available abilities. The enhancement of strength resources has also been upgraded to the current stage of Ultimate, and the realm has also broken through and reached the peak of the Huatian period.

“There is still more than a month before the selection battle of the academy, and I can go to Otherworld.” Xiao Ran thought in his heart.

This time the empire invaded a world of science and technology. Tianfeng Academy only had ten places, but there were a lot of people in the academy. Therefore, Xiao Ran, Luo Xue, and Xiyan wanted to go to that world of science and technology, and they had to get places from the academy. There is no problem with the current strength of several people getting the quota.

The existing training resources can no longer improve them, so Xiao Ran intends to take Luo Xue and Xi Yan to a high martial arts world to break through the awakening period, and then their strength will increase again a lot.

And the most important thing is that you will get unexpected abilities when you break through the awakening period, awaken your blood, acquire martial arts, exercises, special abilities, talents…! Wait, of course, it’s possible that you won’t get anything.

“It’s time to leave.”

After planning the next journey, Xiao Ran left the space and returned to the room. He went downstairs but did not see a few women.

“Where are Xiaowei Luoxue, Xiyan, and Jiyi?” Xiao Ran asked the system Xiaowei.

“Miss and the others are out shopping.”

“Haha! It’s really leisurely after all going shopping.” Xiyan, Luo Xue, and Jie Yi have all left the space for more than half a month. Xiao Ran estimates that they will either go shopping or play during this time.

But thinking about it, it’s normal. Although the New Genesis Earth advocates martial arts, it is not the Otherworld that only competes for resources and kills. There are many entertainment activities in the New Genesis Earth. In addition to daily practice, most of the time is to play. After all, the time is so long. What are you doing so hard?

Of course those cultivators are exceptions…!

“The master and the hostess have gone to the sunset empire to discuss business, I am afraid it will take a month to come back.” Xiaowei said softly.

“Where do parents go to Sunset Empire?”

“Has the group’s business expanded to other empires?”

Xiao Ran is not very clear about the business development of the group, but for Xiao Ran, he only needs to provide a strong guarantee for the group, otherwise the younger generation will see it, and Xiao Ran does not care about other things.

“By the way, did your parents take Poros with you?”

“It should be brought.”

“That’s good.”

Some time ago, Xiao Ran learned from his father at the family dinner that Poros has grown rapidly because of the various energy materials provided by the group. The strength has surpassed the realm of good fortune and reached a new realm. It should be no problem to protect Mom and Dad. of.

“Xiaowei told Xiyan, Luo Xue, and Jie Yi to come back quickly and buy some ingredients by the way.”


Xiao Ran just took a look at the kitchen in neatness and cleanliness, without any ingredients. Xiao Ran can basically imagine that the three women ate there these days, but now he comes back and naturally wants to cook them a delicious meal.

…! .

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