Chapter 240

Let Xiaowei be responsible for informing the three daughters Xiao Ran to return to the room again. This time it is not to practice but to enter the game world to play for a while and relax. Let Zero Seven connect to the virtual world. Xiao Ran once again opened his eyes and appeared in another. In one world.

“The fleet that welcomes the master to return to the empire is ready to invade the planet immediately?” a woman dressed in an officer asked Xiao Ran.

This time Xiao Ran is playing another interstellar war game. It can command a huge imperial army to invade other planets and plunder resources. It is the same as the real-world imperial army. This is also one of Xiao Ran’s favorite games before. The development of this game is good.

“How about the distribution of mineral veins around the planet?”

“The major planets in the master Ziyun Star Territory have a lot of advanced mineral resources. It is recommended to send three main starships and dozens of frigates and transport fleets-to go together.”

“Well! Looks like that’s not bad, and the fleet of those mineral vein resources can be-improved a lot.”

“By the way, how about those Star Wars defensive forces?”

“The owner can rest assured that most planets have just had the ability to make starships. It is impossible to resist the owner’s fleet. A small number of planets’ fleets can be comparable to the owner’s frigate, but with the strength of capital ships, they can also be easily destroyed.”

“That’s good, invade.”

Xiao Ran didn’t talk nonsense, and ordered a space jump in the flagship to quickly invade and occupy the planet. In order to see the invasion with his own eyes, Xiao Ran also came to a battleship.

Of course, three capital ships and dozens of frigates cannot invade only one planet, but invade multiple planets at the same time…!


The battleship that Xiao Ran was on appeared on a planet and directly launched an indiscriminate attack on the city. At the same time, three frigates also began to attack, and at the same time they dispatched countless spaceships and robotic soldiers.


“Help, who will help me.”

“Don’t kill me.”

“Aliens have invaded, where are the empire’s troops? Why don’t our empire’s troops come…!”

The invasion of the fleet made the people in the city below scream and flee wildly, countless blood soaked the ground, Xiao Ran in the battleship was calmly watching the scene on the big screen, for Xiao Ran, this is a game world, although it is very realistic But it’s fake after all, and even if it’s real, Xiao Ran doesn’t care.


“The battleship was attacked and it was determined to be a starship indigenous to the planet, and the strike level was low.”

“Destroy it.”


Xiao Ran ordered a huge energy column to instantly destroy a small starship. The indigenous people of the planet soon surrendered soon after the war. Xiao Ran occupied the world and left a frigate and dozens of transport ships, the frigate deterrent transport ship To transport resources, as for the mineral resources of the planet, it is for those indigenous people to mine them.

After leaving this planet, Xiao Ran met another player. The guy came down to attack Xiao Ran as soon as he was up and down, and was destroyed by the Xiao Ran battleship. At the same time, he compensated more than ten resource planets.

This interstellar battle game is not like other games that need to remind one’s own strength. Even if Xiao Ran is not in the Empire fleet, he will continue to develop resources and development, so now Xiao Ran is still the boss of this game.


At the same time, in a high-end beverage shop in Tianfeng City……!

“The ice sundae you ordered.” A waiter put the ice drink on the table of the three women and turned away.


“My brother asked Xiaowei to send a text message, let us come back early and bring some ingredients by the way.” Xiyan said softly while looking at the information displayed on the virtual screen.

“Is Xiao Ran going out?” Luo Xue said softly.


“Hee hee! Great, Jieyi can eat the delicacies made by his brother again.” For Xiao Jieyi, no delicacies are as good as those made by his brother.

“Then let’s eat the ice sundae and buy some ingredients.”

“Just do it.”

After enjoying the iced drink, the three women left the beverage shop and walked towards the large shop of Reiki ingredients. They selected various ingredients for more than an hour. Because they thought they were going to Otherworld next time, they had to buy more ingredients.

“Xiao Ran, we are back.”

“elder brother!”

“Why not? Still in the room?”

“Miss and Master are still in the virtual game now.” Xiaowei appeared and said softly to several people.

“My brother really asked us to buy the ingredients back, and he was still playing in the game.”

0 ·······Find flowers 0 ····

Speaking of Xiyan, Luo Xue, and Jie Yi, the three daughters went directly to Xiao Ran’s room upstairs, and asked Ling Qi to close the virtual world. Xiao Ran felt that the darkness in front of his eyes had reappeared and returned to the room.

“elder brother……!”

“You are back.”

“What else? We are all back, you are still playing in the game, it’s really the same as before.” Luo Xue said softly.

“How can I say that? I also want to wait for you to come back.”

“Brother Jiyi is hungry.”

“It’s okay, you can go down first, and I will prepare dinner for you later.”


The three women leave the room Xiao Ran once again returns to the world of interstellar war.

“Huh! Fortunately, no problem.”

Just now Xiao Ran was commanding a huge fleet to invade a player’s home planet. As a result, Xiyan asked Zero Seven to close the game. Xiao Ran really worried that he would lose a lot if he wasn’t defeated by the fleet.

“The master has occupied most of the enemy’s planet, and the fleet has achieved a comprehensive victory.”

“Good job, just destroy the guy’s base camp, and then start digesting resources and continue to develop.” The war has been won Xiao Ran left the game world after giving orders and went downstairs.

“All the ingredients that brother bought are here.” Xi Yan handed a space ring to Xiao Ran.

“Why did you buy so much?” Lin Feng looked at the large amount of ingredients in the space, probably enough to eat for half a year.

“It’s not going to the Otherworld world, so I bought more.” Luo Xue said softly.

“This is indeed unexpected.”

“Hehe! I bought it because my brother didn’t expect us.”

“Uh…! Okay, I see, you can watch TV and movies first, and I will prepare dinner.”

Xiao Ran came to the kitchen and took out some ingredients in the space and began to prepare cooking, while the three girls were outside watching the latest TV series. The star popularity of Xinyuanji Earth is still very popular, and there are many every year. When handsome men and beautiful women join the entertainment industry, not only can they become famous and make money, they can also obtain training resources.

Xiao Ran in the kitchen spent more than an hour preparing more than ten dishes, and came to the restaurant Xiao Ran to open a bottle of low-alcohol spirit wine and slowly enjoyed the dinner with a few women.

…! Four.

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