Chapter 276

“Haha! Is this Chen Feng a fool? He actually rejected that young man?”

“It’s definitely a brain problem. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that following that young man must be soaring into the sky. This stupid Chen Feng actually chose to refuse and stayed in Qian Yuanzong, and he laughed at me.”

“But it’s not very good for us.”

“Indeed! I really want to thank Chen Feng for refusing, otherwise, those of us who have offended him in the past will have a hard time.”

“Huh! This rubbish, Chen Feng actually refused to be valued by the young man. Wait and I will also use the strongest martial arts in the ring. As long as the young man’s attention is drawn, I can leave Qian Yuanzong.” The young man was right. Chen Feng was full of disdain.

“Senior brother’s strength can definitely arouse the attention of that young man.”

“Sure, Chen Feng can arouse the attention of the young man if he can’t, if the senior brother can’t, who can do it.”

“Don’t forget to take care of us when your brother joins the big power.”

“That’s right, brother.”

“Don’t worry, you will never forget you.”

This young man also has a big heart. In his opinion, Chen Feng will be appreciated by Xiao Ran because Chen Feng killed Cui Zhenshan in the second 07. He believes that his strength is several times stronger than Cui Zhenshan. As long as he is in the arena, he will also be absolutely strong. His posture to kill his opponent in seconds would definitely attract Xiao Ran’s attention.

It’s not a dream to leave Qian Yuanzong and join the big forces soaring into the sky.

It’s a pity that this is destined to be his whimsical.

“Do you really refuse?”

“Yes, Chen Feng thanked the son for his love.” Chen Feng said respectfully.

No matter what the reason, Xiao Ran is willing to give him this opportunity, Chen Feng still respects Xiao Ran.

“Well, I won’t force you.”

Before asking, Xiao Ran knew that Chen Feng would definitely refuse. If he agreed, he would not be the protagonist, and he would not be able to climb to the pinnacle of this world in the future.

“This person is really interesting.” Luo Xue said with a smile looking at Chen Feng.

“Little brother, you are so stupid, as long as you follow your brother you will see a wider world, but unfortunately you missed it.” Jieyi said softly.


Chen Feng couldn’t refute what was said to be stupid by the little girl.

“I think you are good at hand-handling. I have a copy of Zippo Shocking-thunder hand-handling, do you want it?”

There was a hand-handling martial art in Xiao Ran’s hand. Of course, this was also a random one from the storage rings of the Sanyuan Jianzong, because there were too many things Xiao Ran hadn’t had time to finish.

“Wow! What kind of martial skill is that?”

“Definitely exceed the yellow level.”

“Nonsense, do you think that young man will use the yellow-level martial arts?”

“What kind of shit luck did Chen Feng take? He turned down the son and got a super martial skill.”

The eyes of the elder, disciple and Sect Master Zhuo Bufan around watching the martial arts that Xiao Ran took out were wide.

“Of course I do. I don’t know what conditions are needed?”

A powerful martial art, Chen Feng would not refuse anything, but Chen Feng knew that this martial art would definitely not be so simple.

“Zi Po Jinglei Palm, the seventh rank martial arts, wanting to get him is very simple to fight with our baby, regardless of winning or losing this martial arts is yours.” Xiao Ran said softly.


What Xiao Ran said was not only dumbfounded by Chen Feng, but Xi Yan and Luo Xue were shocked.

“Xiao Ran, what are you talking about?”

“elder brother……!”

“Haha! Jie Yi would like to fight with this little brother.” Xiao Ran looked at Jie Yi and asked.


Jieyi happily agreed. She has never played against anyone in her practice for such a period of time. Of course, she is very happy now that someone is playing against her.

“Look, don’t worry.” Xiao Ran said while looking at the two women.



“Earth-level martial arts…!”

“Oh my God! The heavens are not fair. You can get a local-level martial arts by playing against a little girl. That’s the ground level, we don’t have Qianyuan Zongzong.”

“Don’t complain, it’s all fate.”

“The son…!”

Xiao Ran is still very clear about what kind of martial skills of the ground level exist. In Qian Yuanzong, a third- and fourth-rank yellow martial skill is extremely rare, and there is no one in the mysterious stage, let alone a ground level.

Although Chen Feng wanted this local martial skill very much in his heart, he was also worried that the shot would hurt the little girl. It was not good at that time. Although the little girl said just now that he was stronger than herself, Xiao Ran didn’t believe it.

“Don’t worry, you just shoot with all your strength, don’t worry about hurting the bond.”

“Hehe! Little brother, let’s do it.”

I couldn’t wait to fight with someone for the first time, and took out the heavenly sword given by my brother from the space.

“That’s all right.”

Looking at the enthusiastic Jie on the ring, Chen Feng really couldn’t use his martial arts, Bright Handprints, and attacked Jie, but he only used less than three levels of power with this palm.


Before Chen Feng’s palm of Guangming’s big mudra touched Jieyi, he was knocked into the air by a layer of invisible energy, spitting out blood.

“Hehe! The strength of the little brother is really weak, and the body protection vitality of Lianyi’s Ternary Body Protection Sword Art cannot break through.” Jie Yi looked at Chen Feng and said with a smile.

“Three yuan body protection sword art?”

“That’s amazing. How old is that girl?”

“Too strong sword art and body guard?”

“The little princesses of the big forces are different. They have this kind of strength at a few years old. Then, at a glance, you will know that the three-element body-protecting sword art must be a martial skill of the ground level or even the sky level.”

“Haha! I saw that Chen Feng was going to lose to that young man 583.”

“Sure, that little princess is definitely more powerful than us, and Chen Feng is about to be hanged.”

“In this case……!”

Knowing that Jiyi’s strength is far beyond his own, Chen Feng did not leave his hands to fully display the luminous big mudra. The white light in his hand condensed a powerful aura, full of momentum.

“Three yuan body protection sword art.”


Summary Yi Shen’s movement reappeared behind Chen Feng, and Chen Feng was directly killed by Ji Yi with the back of his sword.

“Hehe! Brother Jiyi won.”

“Well! As expected, the strength of our little princess is not inferior to the smart martial artist.”


“Chen Feng, your talent is very good, but there will never be a shortage of talented people in this world. Although you have some opportunities, it is not enough to make you strong enough. This Purple Thunder Palm is an opportunity for you. It’s up to you where you can go in the future.”


“My son, I know what to do.”

“That’s good.”

After Xiao Ran waved his hand to open a space channel, Xiao Ran was about to leave.

“My son, who are you?” Chen Feng asked loudly.

“I will tell you when I have a chance to see you again in the future.”

After talking, Xiao Ran took the three daughters and left Qian Yuanzong’s outer sect in one step.

…! .

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