Chapter 277

“What kind of strength is that young man?” Zhuo Bufan looked at Xiao Ran who left the space and was stunned. A person with such a method couldn’t imagine his strength.

“Guru! That’s amazing. I don’t know why the powerful Tianjiao suddenly visited us, Qian Yuanzong watched the game for a while and then left.”

“How do I feel that the young man came to see Chen Feng.”

“This shouldn’t be possible. Although Chen Feng has recently gotten some opportunities to rise in my outer sect, his strength is only in the acquired realm. Can such a warrior attract the attention of that young man?”

“Then why didn’t anyone else but Chen Feng look at that young man, and he left after talking to Chen Feng, don’t you think it is suspicious?”


All the elders analyzed in their hearts, they were all sensible, and it was best not to offend Chen Feng again in the future.

“Senior brother, the son and the fairies are gone.”

“I saw it, you don’t need to say more.” The young man said madly. He was waiting to come on stage to attract Xiao Ran’s attention. As a result, Xiao Ran and Chen Feng left after talking with Chen Feng. This was a big blow to him. .

“What kind of shit luck did Chen Feng take? It attracted the attention of the powerful young man and refused. After the refusal, the young man also gifted Chen Feng a local-level martial art. That is the ground-level martial art. We Qianyuanzong don’t have it. ”

When these disciples watched Xiao Ran let Chen Feng and Jiey fight against each other, it was a disguised gift to Chen Feng’s martial arts.

“It’s not our turn to say so many such good things.”

“It’s just a little angry.”

“Chen Feng, you, really…! I don’t know what to say about you, the great opportunity was placed on you and I refused directly.” Xiao Ran left Elder Han and looked at Chen Feng with a hatred of irony. .

“Elder Han, I will walk my own way.”

“Hey! It’s too late to say anything now, I hope you can grow up.”

“This senior? Is there any order for the son?” Zhuo Bufan asked Wang Qingshan, who was still carrying in the sect.

“Chen Feng…!”


Although Chen Feng didn’t know what kind of warrior Wang Qingshan was, he was definitely super strong for the supreme master to call him senior. In addition, Wang Qingshan was Xiao Ran’s subordinate, and Chen Feng respected him.

“The son ordered you to come to me if you have any difficulties in the future. I will live in the Outer Sect of Qianyuanzong from now on and there should be no problem.” Wang Qingshan looked at Zhuo Bufan and asked.

“This…! Of course it’s okay.”

A big guy from the Tianhe realm wanted to live in his outer sect, and Zhuo Bufan was so excited that it was too late to refuse.

“Senior, why does that young man help me like this?”

Chen Feng was puzzled at this point. He was just an ordinary martial artist in the acquired realm. It stands to reason that Xiao Ran, a powerful young man, would definitely look down upon him, but Xiao Ran not only gave him a local martial skill, but also Let a powerful warrior take care of him, which made Chen Feng very puzzled.

“What the young man does, we do not know at all, but the young man predicts that you will become a strong man on the mainland. I can protect you during the Great Qin Kingdom, but after you leave the Great Qin Kingdom, you will rely on yourself. NS.”

“Thank you senior for telling me.”

Wang Qingshan’s words shocked Chen Feng’s heart and felt tremendous pressure.


After that, things went smoothly. Wang Qingshan successfully settled in the outer sect of Qianyuanzong. At this moment, the head of the inner sect of Qianyuanzong was alarmed the next day. The head brought a group of elders to the outer sect to meet in person. Wang Qingshan.

You must know that the martial artist of the Tianhe realm is the top combat power in Qianyuanzong. Now Qianyuanzong suddenly has a strong Tianhe realm. Although this strong may leave at any time, it can also protect them during this period.

At the same time, Chen Feng’s treatment in the Waizong was greatly improved, which attracted the attention of the entire Qian Yuanzong.

Such a change made Chen Feng’s practice in Qianyuanzong much easier. With the protection of Wang Qingshan, a strong man in the Tianhe Realm, at least no one in Qianyuanzong or even the entire Great Qin Kingdom would dare to touch Chen Feng. This has advantages and disadvantages. As for Whether Chen Feng will eventually become a strong one according to the original trajectory is unclear.

“This is a treasure book?”

Xiao Ran left Qianyuanzong and returned to the space. With one day left, Xiao Ran planned to sort out the training resources he had obtained in Sanyuan Sword Sect. It happened to be found in the space of Luo Kunhao, the principal disciple of Sanyuan Sword Sect. The sect treasure book that records all the cultivation resources in the treasure house, with this Xiao Ran, there is no need to worry about not knowing these things.

“Brother, look at what treasures we have.”


“` “Zixiaoyunxi Taoist robe tactics, I didn’t expect that a Taoist robe can be used for tactics.”

Xiao Ran rummaged and found the first thing. The Zixiao Yunxi Dao Robe is also the Dao Robe worn by Xiao Ran. It has a special operation technique. Only by using the technique can the full power of the Zixiao Yunxi Dao Robe be exerted. After reading the introduction above, Xiao Ran realized that this Zixiao Yunxi Dao Robe was not only a defensive Dao Robe, and its attack power was not weak.

Then there is the yin and yang jade pendant worn by Xiao Ran’s waist. This is a treasure that can only be produced in the extremely yin and extremely yang places. When worn on the body, it can automatically absorb the aura of heaven and earth, even in an ordinary world without aura. You can also practice with the yin and yang jade pendant. In addition, the yin and yang jade pendant also helps the martial artist to perceive the way of yin and yang between heaven and earth.

“Longyin Royal Golden Crown, this treasure is amazing…!”

The Dragon Yin Royal Golden Crown is a treasure made by the ancestors of the Sanyuan Jianzong Ten Thousand Years, who spent countless rare resources and spent thousands of years. The purple-gold dragon attacked the enemy and its strength even reached the Wudi realm.

This is also because the core of the Dragon’s Royal Golden Crown is the treasure born by a sword sect leader of the Martial Emperor Realm of the Sanyuan Sword Sect, who killed the Emperor Martial Purple Dragon and sealed his dragon soul in it.

“The Zixiao Yunxi Dao Robe, Yin Yang Jade Pei, and Longyin Purple Gold Crown are really top-notch treasures. Those fools of the Sanyuan Sword Sect who really don’t know what to think actually sealed these things in their treasures and don’t use them, but thanks to them. Otherwise, you won’t get these treasures yet.” Xiao Ran said.

If the elders and heads of the Sanyuan Sword Sect are here to yell wrong, they also want to use them, but those treasures are from the predecessors of the Sanyuan Sword Sect in the past. This time, Xiao Ran raided all the treasures left by the predecessors. They really hurt the core.

…! .

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