Chapter 278

“This Sanyuan Sword Sect is worthy of inheriting several Ten Thousand Years. Although the trough period is hidden, the foundation is still profound.” Xiao Ran said with emotion.

Zixiao Yunxi Dao Robe, Yin Yang Jade Pei, and Dragon Yin Purple Gold Crown. These three treasures have further improved Xiao Ran’s strength. Once Xiao Ran is fully familiar with the method, it will be even more powerful. The purple-gold dragon in the Emperor Wu realm is equivalent to the warrior in the Yin-Yang realm of the New Origin Period. It can be said that Xiao Ran’s biggest trump card is currently.

In addition to the treasures worn by Xiao Ran, there are more than a dozen treasures of the same level or even better than Xiao Ran, such as Tianyuan plate, wooden spirit jade pendant, Taiyichen Dao robe, blood spirit cone…! and many more.

“Brother’s three treasures are too powerful.” Seeing the introduction of Xiao Ran’s three treasures, Xi Yan was envious.

“Xiao Ran, take a look at what the treasure we are wearing, what’s the effect?” Since Xiao Ran’s Zixiao Yunxi robes are so powerful, Luo Xue believes that this treasure on her body is definitely not ordinary.


“found it.”

“Xiyan is wearing a frozen silk garment. It is a garment made by a female elder of the Three Yuan Jianzong Three Ten Thousand Years. There are also matching magic tricks. The magic tricks can condense the aura into The extremely cold ice silk can easily cut the mysterious crystal.”

“587 This is the trick, please remember it.”


The Sanyuan Sword Sect recorded the function and effect of the treasures, Xiao Ran praised them in his heart. Without this book, I’m afraid that Xiao Ran and the two girls would not be able to use all of their abilities without this book.

“In addition, the ice hairpin on Xiyan’s head is a mysterious jade ice hairpin, and there are special tricks that can spur the enemy.”

“The last Xiyan sword is also the sword of the female Supreme Elder of the Sanyuan Sword Sect, the extremely cold ice sword, and the three treasures can be regarded as the matching objects of the female Supreme Elder.”

“It is recorded in the treasure book that in the history of the Sanyuan Sword Sect, there was only the Supreme Elder who used and practiced the Ice Sword Art. No one would be able to use these treasures after the second time. Now it is cheap.” Xiao Ran laughed. Said.


Xiyan was very happy when she heard that the ice technique and martial arts were her favorites, and these treasures were just too suitable for her.

“Luo Xue is wearing a purple rosa spruce, and he also has its own matching techniques. He uses his full strength to form a strange landscape with scattered rays of light, which will make people fall into an endless cycle of fantasy world.”

“This is the trick.”

“It’s amazing…!” Luo Xue knew that the Zixia Luo spruce on her body was not an ordinary grade, but she didn’t expect it to be so strong that she could display an illusion that shocked people’s spirit.

“What about this sword?” Luo Xue asked.

“The sword is the earth flame. The fire sword is a treasure formed by the former head of the Ten Thousand Years of the Ten Thousand Years of the Three Yuan Sword Sect.

Because Luo Xue has a lot of treasures in his own right, so he only recognized Zixialuo spruce and the sword and the rest was not chosen, but there are really many treasures left. Each of these treasures has different abilities. Xiao Xiao Ran can’t use it anymore, so I can only put it aside.

“My brother Jiyi also wants treasures.”

Jie Yi looked aside for a long time, and saw that his brother and sister had used various treasures to think about one of them.

“Of course it’s okay, what does Ji Yi want?” Xiao Ran touched Ji Yi’s head and said with a smile.

“The kind of clothes that Jie Yi wants his brother and sister to wear.”


Ji Yi wants any other treasures Xiao Ran can give it, but only the clothes, there is no female treasure suitable for Ji Yi to wear in the Sanyuan Jianzong treasure house.

“Jie Yi waits for tomorrow to go to the rest of the world. Brother, can I customize a few sets of clothes for you two sisters?”


Jie Yi obediently nodded his head.


“There are too many types of this ore…!”

Xiao Ran probably took a look at the types of ore recorded in the treasure book. There were no less than a thousand types and they were all very rare and high-grade ore, which could be used to refine various things, especially swords.

But this kind of thing is of little use in Xiao Ran’s eyes, after all, Xiao Ran is not a refiner.

“Brother can give it to the group weapons research department. They should need these ores.” Xi Yan suggested.

“That’s true.”

The main business of Xiao Ran’s family group is a variety of high-end technological weapons. These minerals can only be refined into weapons and treasures in the fantasy world, but in the New Origin Age, the earth can be used as a core material for starships and various energy weapons.

Xiao Ran didn’t look at the spirit stone, but Xiao Ran probably took a look at the remaining spirit medicine, because the Sanyuan Sword Sect searched a small secret realm plus its own accumulation. The number of spirit medicines in it is extremely large, and they are all high-level. Elixir.

“Water cloud fruit, pill essence, dragon heart nine-leaf grass, fire spirit lotus, earth vein spirit root…! These elixir are really.”

Xiao Ran turned over a few pages of the records and uses of the elixir and was completely stunned. Many of them were suitable for Xiao Ran and the two girls. At least, Xiao Ran didn’t have to worry about lack of training resources until he reached the realm of good fortune.

“It’s amazing.”

“The elixir planted in the space doesn’t have to be one-tenth here.” Luo Xue said.

“Haha! Now the group really doesn’t lack elixir resources.”

The treasure book records the function and value of these elixir, most of which can be used for alchemy, and it happened that Xiao Ran killed one of the alchemy elders, and found a large number of high-level pills in his space ring. , There are alchemy books hitting an advanced alchemy tripod.

Xiao Ran doesn’t use the medicine books and Dan Ding. Xiao Ran intends to give it to his parents after the New Origin Ji Earth, so that the people of the group can study and improve to see if they can produce energy suitable for the New Origin Ji martial artist. liquid.

“Getting a treasure house really makes you rich overnight. It’s no wonder that the army of the New Origin Period Earth Empire, the Federation, and the major families like to invade the rest of the world so much.” Xiao Ran said with emotion.

Xiao Ran can’t imagine how many treasures the Imperial Army and Federation have. Just look at the top sect treasure house in front of them with so many treasures and resources, let alone plunder the treasure resources of a world, that is simply…!

But just sorting out the training resources in the treasure house, and then Xiao Ran and the two girls sorted out the training resources in the storage rings of the inner disciples and elders. Needless to say, the disciples are not many and have little value, and the elders Everyone is rich and rich, and the treasures and resources in it are not as good as those in the treasury, but there are not many.

Most of Xiao Ran can’t use it, just to auction these things to make his own auction house famous.

It can be said that just the things of these inner door elders can completely support a large-scale auction. After all, these elders are the top powerhouses of the good fortune realm. Their things are good for many good fortune realm warriors in second-tier cities and even first-tier cities. , The family has a huge attraction.

…! .

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