Chapter 292

After getting the information he wanted, Xiao Ran took the women and left without wasting time, and just shortly after Xiao Ran and the women left, an elder and a few disciples of Doulong Immortal Mansion came to this city.

“It’s really unexpected that the Lie’s family where the martial emperor of the Lie family was in charge was destroyed in this way.”

“Who did this Lie family offend?”


“Junior brother… what about you, junior brother?”

This person is Lieyun, the direct line of Lie’s family in Doulong Immortal Mansion. He has excellent talents and his own fire supernatural power is considered a small name in Doulong Immortal Mansion. Originally, he was practicing in retreat, but suddenly received news that Lie’s family was destroyed. , Hurriedly returned to his family with a few elder brothers, looked at the ruins of the family residence, and vomited blood without being able to withstand the blow.

“No matter who it is, Lieyun wants you to die.” Lieyun roared.

“Master, please help me.”

Lie Yun knew that his strength was low, and now he couldn’t avenge him, he could only hope his master would take action.

“Let’s find out about the situation first.” The gray robe old man said.

“Several elders of Doulong Immortal Mansion are polite.” These old men are also powerful in the Martial Emperor realm. Facing the elders of Doulong Immortal Mansion who are also in the Martial Emperor realm, they naturally meet in the same generation.

“Hello, seniors.”

“Yeah! You really deserve to be the young talents from Doulong Immortal Mansion. They are all Douwang and Douzong experts. It would be nice if the boys in my family were half as good as you.”


Although several of them are powerful in Emperor Wu, their families are considered first-class families because of their existence, but besides them, there are no other powerful people in the Martial Empire realm. There is not even a quasi-wu emperor, and there is no successor to such a family. It can flourish for a while, but it will eventually become lonely.

“Lie Yun is already the peak of King Dou, this breakthrough speed is really amazing.”

“Haha! There is someone in the Lie family’s successor.”

Because of Liehong’s two quasi-martial emperors, and the Lieyun of this generation, the Lie family is really talented. Their families have been suppressed, but now the Lie family has been destroyed and there is a Lieyun lonely and widowed. At this time, their There is also an unspeakable taste inside.

“Uncle Tang, Uncle Fu, my Lie’s family should not be bad to your family on weekdays, why didn’t one of you take action when my Lie’s family encountered a powerful enemy and annihilated the clan this time. ~?”

Lie Yun looked at the two old men with hatred in his heart, and when he looked at these old men, he was waiting for the Lie family to be destroyed and they could accept the Lie family’s resources. If they took the Lie family, they would not be destroyed.

“Huh? Lieyun, what are you talking about, how could we deliberately fail to act.”

“That’s right, you don’t know anything about your nephew Lieyun, this time your Lie family really provokes a force that we can’t afford. If we acted at that time, we might follow in your Lie family’s footsteps. It’s really helpless. .”

“That’s it…!”

Several old men nodded one after another, which was also discussed in advance by them.

“I think you are just waiting for my Lie’s family to be destroyed.” Lie Yun looked at these hypocritical old men sarcastically.


Elder Gray Robe still loves his disciple very much. He has excellent talent and hopes to break through Dou Di and even Dou Xian, but now he is so weak that he speaks to the strong in Dou Di realm.

“Endure.” Gray-robed elder Lieyun said through voice transmission.

Although he knew that because the family was destroyed, Lie Yun’s heart was angry, but if you offend the martial emperor realm powerhouse, then you will not have a good life in the future, especially when you are low in strength, so offending several martial emperors will inevitably be calculated and hunted secretly. Everyone hopes to stifle the danger in the cradle, and even the Dragon Fighting Immortal Mansion will not be able to protect it even if the Emperor Wu is staring at it.


Lie Yun clenched his fists, but could only loosen it slowly when he wanted to vent.


“Haha! We understand that Lieyun’s nephew’s family is destroyed and now we are eager for revenge, and our hearts will inevitably be angry.”

“Yeah, young people, we also know about this kind of thing.”

“Nephew Lieyun, in fact, we also wanted to rescue us at the time, but the means and power that the other party possessed were not what we offended. We didn’t have a good heart to watch Lie’s family be destroyed.”

“Can you tell me what happened to this Lie’s family, and who did they offend?” The gray-robed elder asked him.

“It’s a young man.”


“Yes, it’s a very mysterious young man. We don’t know its origin and strength at all, but he summoned a large group of demons at the peak of the fighting emperor realm while waving his hand, and the Master died at the top of the fighting style list. Miegangfeng, Liehong was trapped by Miegangfeng, which made him unable to rescue Lie’s family.”

“We suspected that they belonged to the demons, but they didn’t look like them.”

“What is going on in the specific situation?”

“I think someone who knows this thing best is the president of Lingbao Pavilion.”


“Then we will go to Lingbao Pavilion.”

A group of people all came to the location of Lingbao Pavilion, because Xiao Ran left Lingbao Pavilion and many people came, most of them came to watch the excitement. What happened today is something that they will never forget.

“` “I don’t know why some people came to my Lingbao Pavilion?” Lu Yuan asked when looking at these people in front of him.

“I want to know from the president who is the young man who came to your Lingbao Pavilion today? Is it a member of the Demon Race? There are also specific events.” The gray robe elder asked.

“Haha! The story is very simple. Today, Lie’s boy Liefeng offended Xiao Ran in Liebao Pavilion, and was slammed by Xiao Ran. Liehong arrived and was trapped by Xiao Ran with Death Gangfeng, and then Xiao Ran took it out. A mysterious thing actually opened up a virtual screen where you could see the Lie’s residence, allowing Liehong to see the destruction of Lie’s family with his own eyes…!”

Lu Yuan briefly talked about what happened.

“Xiao Ran……!”

Knowing the name of his enemy, Lie Yun’s anger was hard to suppress.

“Then who is this Xiao Ran, and where is the power he belongs to?”

“If you are asking about the origin of that young man, you have come to the wrong place. I only know that his name is Xiao Ran and all other news is unknown.”


“I only tell you Xiao (Li Nuohao), but this person has a mysterious origin, and the things he owns are not like my Dongzhou.”

“Then why did he come to your Lingbao Pavilion?”

“This is the privacy of the guests.”

“President Lu, you need to know that Xiao Ran is probably the holy son of the Demon Race. You are so secretive but you are very suspicious.”

“Well, I can tell you, it’s actually not a big deal, it depends on whether you dare to go to the village.”

“Xiao Ran is like Xiao Ran who inquired about heaven and earth’s spiritual things and forbidden places. I told him Nightmare Daze and Extreme Ice Land. He might go back to these two places.”

Lu Yuan concealed the land of the Jedi Gods he discovered.

“How could it be those places…!”

“Is he going to die?”

The two taboo places that Lu Yuan said were even the emperor Wu dare not dare to get involved easily, and of course they wouldn’t go there, so this thing can only be done right now.

…! .

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