Chapter 293

After learning about the incident and some of Xiao Ran’s situation in Lingbao Pavilion, these old men left. For them, the Lie family was destroyed, and they wouldn’t avenge the Lie family.

“Master, I want revenge.”

“Things are not that simple. The origin and strength of that Xiao Ran are far beyond the power of Doudi strong. There are only two ways you can get revenge. Please ask an immortal from Doulong Immortal Palace, or raise your strength to Dou. Cents.”

“But these two methods are simply impossible.”

Ask Douxian to take action. First of all, this Lieyun has been ruled out. The Douxian powerhouse in Doulong Immortal Mansion will not fight against unknown enemies for their small Lie family, and he is just an inner disciple, if it is Dou The Saint Child of Longxian Mansion is still possible, this is the identity gap.

There is another way to increase the strength to Douxian, although this way is feasible, but it takes too long, and he might even fall halfway, let alone revenge.

“Junior Brother should work hard now, even if you want revenge, you don’t even know where the enemy is.”

“Yes, brother, let’s talk about this later.”

“I can’t just leave it alone, since I can’t avenge myself, then I will use other people to help me…!”

At this time, Lie Yun’s heart was completely occupied by hatred, and it was impossible for him to give up revenge cultivation. He soon had a plan in his heart, but this needed someone to cooperate and help.

“Master, please help me.” 593

“Let’s talk about it, what do you want to help you for your teacher.”

Elder Gray Robe could see that his disciple couldn’t listen to anything now, except for revenge in his heart.

“That’s it.”

Lie Yuan said his plan, and the elder Grey Robe agreed. Soon the name of Xiao Ran spread throughout the East Continent. His name entered the ears of the major forces, to the effect that Xiao Ran belonged to the demon clan. The Saint Son entered the East Continent and destroyed the Lie family, doing everything without evil, and in his hands controlled this army of demons.

Lieyun’s trick was called killing with a knife. He couldn’t deal with Xiao Ran himself, so he asked others to help him kill Xiao Ran. People in Dongzhou didn’t have a good impression of the demons, especially when Xiao Ran destroyed Lie’s house, and Dongzhou Dynasty couldn’t leave it alone. Those big forces will definitely investigate Xiao Ran, and by then, as long as Xiao Ran appears, he will face people from the entire East Continent.

At this time, the Ji family of the Dongzhou Dynasty imperial family, upon receiving the news of Xiao Ran, immediately launched an investigation…!

“How is the investigation clear?”


“What are you doing for food? I gave you half a day without investigating anything?”

“A holy son from the Devil State ran to my Dongzhou and destroyed a family. We actually didn’t know anything. What did the generals guarding the border do?”

“The emperor calms down his anger, it’s too short a time, and the appearance of Xiao Ran is too mysterious. Mozhou doesn’t have the power of the Xiao surname. Either it is his fake name, or this person is not a demon at all. People from the state.”

“Isn’t the Saint Son of Demon State, he can control so many well-trained Demon soldiers in Douhuang Realm?”

“I will give you one more day to investigate all the origins of Xiao Ran.”


“Trash, is this the news you gave me?”

“Go and investigate carefully for me.”

“It’s the owner of the house.”

Xiao Ran’s background is too mysterious. Apart from the Dongzhou imperial family, the Hai Family, Yin Family and other major families are investigating Xiao Ran.

The result is the same as that of the royal family. There is nothing about Xiao Ran’s specific origins. He only knows that he first appeared in Tianyue City, inquired about the heaven and earth spiritual things in the Full Moon Chamber of Commerce, and appeared in Lingbao Pavilion for the second time. It is also to inquire about the news about the heaven and the earth.


“This is a world of ice and snow…!”

“Get back to the space.”

“Woo~ Brother Jiyi also wants to go in and have a look.”

“No, this extremely icy land is too dangerous, and what’s so good about the world of ice and snow, please go back to the space first obediently.” Xiao Ran said to Jieyi.

“All right.”

All the strength intelligence networks of Dongzhou are fully investigating Xiao Ran, but at this time Xiao Ran has already brought a few women to the extreme ice land, and the temperature has reached minus 1,000 degrees just in the marginal area, Xiao Ran doesn’t know. How cold will it be inside?

But because of the control of Hyōrinmaru, Xiao Ran’s own ability to resist ice is a substantial substitute. This coldness is nothing, not to mention Xiyan, this kind of place is her favorite.

“Luo Xue, do you want to go in with Jieyi?”

“Need not.”

Luo Xue has a strange fire that she has nurtured, and she can bear the temperature of Qingyan Zihuo.

“Well, let’s go in.”

There is no extra nonsense, and there is no beautiful scenery around to enjoy. Xiao Ran took the two girls into the Extreme Ice Land, and was stunned by the scene in front of him not far from inside.

Ice sculptures… the ice sculptures of countless human races, most of their strength are Douzong and Douhuang realm powerhouses. Obviously, they are people who entered the extreme ice land many years ago, some for chance, some for the spirit of heaven and earth inside. No matter what the reason, they are all turned into ice sculptures standing here forever.

“This real scene is really…! It’s no wonder that the land of extreme ice is called a forbidden place.”

“Let’s go.”

Crossing the crowd of ice sculptures, continue to walk in front of the icy blizzard. From time to time, some scattered crowds of ice sculptures can be seen around. Obviously, they are also the people who entered it, but they walked farther than some people.

“This biting ice is really not something ordinary people can bear.”

Xiao Ran didn’t care at first, but the more he walked inside, the aura consumption of his body also increased, and the same was true for Luo Xue. Although there was a strange fire to resist, the consumption was too great, and the only thing that was still calm was Xiyan. .

He contracted the S-Class Elf Ice and Snow Blizzard, and also awakened the environment like the Wuhun Taigu Ice Devouring King Bear for Xiyan. It is estimated that only the core area of ​​the Extreme Ice Land could cause damage to Xiyan.

“A strong man in the fighting emperor realm turned into an ice sculpture in the Extreme Ice Land.”

Xiao Ran looked at the ice sculptures in front of him with surprise, and was different from those Martial Emperor ice sculptures that he had looked at before. The ice sculptures in it were the powerful in the Doudi realm.

“I really don’t know what these guys are looking for when they enter it?” Until here, I haven’t found what kind of heaven and earth spirits Xiao Ran is. Xiao Ran doesn’t understand why those guys are coming in?


“It’s really cold and biting, this is the first time I have experienced this feeling.”

“Brother, are you all right?”

Xi Yan’s look at Luo Xue and Xiao Ran was obviously very exhausted.


“Or else, brother, you and Luo Xue should also go back to the space, I can go in alone.” Xi Yan said.


Xiao Ran said nothing would allow Xi Yan to enter it alone, that would be too dangerous.

…! .

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