Chapter 294


Xiao Ran led the two women on to the core area. Not long after they walked, there was a howl of a wolf. The surrounding blizzard hit. In the white world, a huge black shadow appeared not far in front of Xiao Ran, and it soon became dark. Ying showed his appearance, and a huge ice wolf appeared to surround Xiao Ran and the two girl groups.

These polar ice wolves also look very majestic Haki, but they are not very friendly to Xiao Ran and the two girls. In their eyes, Xiao Ran is a small prey. If it weren’t for the aura of Xiao Ran, they were too strong. The group has already attacked.

“elder brother……!”

“Haha! Just a tool for transportation is missing, and this tool is here.”

Because the environment is not suitable for Xiao Ran and Luo Xue to walk in the Extreme Ice Land, it is different with these ice wolves. They are monsters living in the Extreme Ice Land. This is their home. Regain this group of ice wolves. Xiao Ran can also move quickly in the Extreme Ice Land.

“Xiao Ran, do you want to control them?”


“With these ice wolves, we can also quickly enter the core of the Extreme Ice Land, and they are the monsters that live here. They must have a very clear understanding of the Extreme Ice Land, so that we will not waste time blindly walking around.” ~ Xiao Ran said.


Xiao Ran had just finished talking with Luo Xue and the leader of the wolf king screamed, and an ice wolf opened his mouth and spit out a huge ice breath towards Xiao Ran and the two women and attacked.

“Meng Qing.”


The icy breath dissipated under the engulfing wind. These ice wolves were all monsters at the peak of Emperor Fighting Realm. Among them, the leading wolf king had reached the level of a half-step quasi-emperor. These guys Xiao Ran could not win but let him Meng Qing-shot.

“Mengqing controls the wolf king.”


Mengqing swept through the perishing Gang and directly trapped the Wolf King. Xiao Ran quickly attacked the Wolf King and wanted to control him. However, the resistance of the Wolf King was very fierce. This is different from Lie Hong. Lie Hong Isshin begs for death. Xiao Ran can control it smoothly, and this ice wolf king doesn’t want to be enslaved by humans.


While watching the wolf king trapped on the other side, the remaining wolves directly attacked Xiao Ran and the two women to rescue the wolf king.

“Leehong, come out, too.”


“Block these ice wolves for me. If you can kill them, it’s better not to kill them.”

After taking control of the Ice Wolf King, these ice wolves are Xiao Ran’s own Xiao Ran. They are all monsters at the peak of the Emperor Dou Realm. Xiao Ran can’t bear to kill them.

“Good host.”

“Fire supernatural power.”

No matter how much Lie Hong said, it is still possible for a Wudi realm powerhouse to resist the attack of the ice wolf at the peak of the Douhuang realm, but because the environment in the Extreme Ice Land is too bad, he can only use his full strength to resist the power of the ice and deal with the ice. Wolf.

On the other side, Xiyan and Luo Xue also summoned the Ice and Snow Blizzard and the dragon Sonia, and they also wanted to use the Ice Wolf to experience their strength.


The battle was on the verge. Because Liehong was unable to exert his full strength in an icy environment, the Xiyan ice blizzard was attached to the spirit of the Ice King Bear, and the size and strength of the five ice wolves were greatly increased and completely suppressed the five ice wolves. Hitting.

“Ice Extreme Sword Classic.”

The ice and snow around Xiyan used the sword art condensed into sharp ice sword aura, and the body of an ice wolf passed between the flashes of cold light.

“These ice wolves are really rough and thick.”

Seeing that the ice wolf did not continue to fight with the snow blizzard at all, Xi Yan felt a little depressed. In this environment, her ice martial arts can be said to be the strongest, but she also uses ice martial arts. It is obviously useless to deal with these ice wolves living in the Extreme Ice Land, and there is still such a big gap between the strength of the two.

“Star Luo Yin.”

On the other side, Luo Xue waved his hand and formed a huge palm in the sky. A little bit of stars shone with a palm and suppressed an ice wolf, but soon the ice wolf broke free from the suppression and patted Luo Xue with a claw. .


At the moment of crisis, Sonia hurried over to help her master withstand the blow.

“Sure enough, the strength gap is too big…!”

Luo Xue looked at the ice wolf. She knew that it was almost impossible to cause serious damage to these ice wolves with her current strength, but even so, Luo Xue did not give up. She arranged a flame enchantment and continued to attack an ice wolf, fighting. The victory or defeat is not important. What matters is the battle experience with these Emperor Fighting Realm monsters.


“Xingyue helped me suppress it with mental strength.”

“Good brother.”

Xiao Ran’s mental power was unable to suppress the Ice Wolf King, so he could only let Xing Yue attack and control the Ice Wolf King together, and it took more than an hour to finally control him completely.

0 ·······Find flowers 0 ····


The Ice Wolf King roared that all the ice wolves stopped attacking.


When Xiao Ran controlled the Ice Wolf King, it was the same as controlling these ice wolves. After that, the two women chose to ride on an Ice Wolf each, while Xiao Ran did it directly on the Ice Wolf King’s head.

“Set off.”

Xiao Ran asked Liehong to return to the space, and Meng Qing returned to Xiao Ran’s body. As for the remaining ice wolf Xiao Ran, of course, he did not waste all his income in the space, letting them live in the part of Xiyan used for cultivation. In the world of ice and snow, Xiao Ran also deliberately doubled the area of ​​the world of ice and snow.

“It’s quite warm.”

Because the Ice Wolf King is too big and Lin Feng is too young, Lin Feng sitting on the Ice Wolf King’s head is directly covered by its thick white fur…!

….. ……… …

The speed of the Ice Wolf King on Xiao Ran and the two girls has increased more than ten times, and Xiao Ran has also obtained many details of the Extreme Ice Land from the memory of the Ice Wolf King.

“This is the Ice Forest…!”

In front of Xiao Ran and the two girls was a huge ice forest. There were huge ice trees in the sky. The crystal-colored leaves were all ice leaves. If you don’t look carefully, you think these trees are dead, but these ice trees Really alive too.

“What a nice view.”

“Scene like this is spectacular…!”

Both Xi Yan and Luo Xue were completely stunned when they saw such a scene for the first time. It was a scene that was completely invisible in a technological world like the Earth of the New Origin.

“Zero Seven will save and record its screen.”

“Good host.”

Generally, when encountering some strange landscapes in Otherworld, Xiao Ran will ask Zero Seven to record them, which is equivalent to a commemorative video of travel, except that Xiao Ran and the others are traveling in a forbidden place in Otherworld.

“Hehe! I really didn’t expect that there would be such a place in the Extreme Ice Land. I thought this Extreme Ice Land was full of countless dangers and monsters.” Xi Yan said with a smile.

“You really are…!”

Xiao Ran looked at Xi Yan and didn’t know what to say. From the point of view of Xi Yan, the land of extreme ice is a place of heaven. There is nothing except being attacked by an ice wolf. If you let those Dou Di and Dou Xian know, I’m afraid It’s alive and well.

…! Four.

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