Li shepherd's body danced in the air, holding leaves in his hands and playing constantly.

The torrential rain poured down and became heavier and heavier. It looked like a magic prison. However, the heavy rain could not quench the purple fire clouds floating in the air.

When the wind blows, they float with the wind.

When the rainstorm came, the flames withered and looked shaky. But it rebounded in an instant, blooming a more dazzling brilliance.

Those purple fire clouds floated in the dark rain array, like a ghost fire, which was terrible.

At the moment when the raindrops fell, an invisible air cover appeared around Lin Canghai's body to block the raindrops outside.

QianDu's body is not abnormal, but it seems to be in a transparent glass vessel. The strong wind could not disturb her long hair, and the heavy rain could not wet her clothes.

Lin Canghai jumped lightly and rushed in the direction of QianDu.

He put his body in front of QianDu and asked in a hurry, "sister Huang, is Li shepherd possessed? Some time ago, it was rumored that he was possessed. It seems that this is true -- "

"Stop talking nonsense." Chidu's eyes were cold, and he stared thoughtfully at Li shepherd running in the air.

"Sister Huang -" Lin Canghai realized that he had made a mistake and quickly changed his mouth and said, "Li shepherd didn't listen to our advice. What should I do now?"

"He was possessed by the magic sound." Chidu said, "the mind has lost and can't listen to us at all."

"Then we --"

"Cut off its notes." Said Chidu.

"Cut notes? Does this work? "

"The reason why magic sound can bewitch people is that it constantly hypnotizes people. That continuous note is the root of self hypnosis. Therefore, as long as we cut off its notes, Li shepherd's disease can be solved naturally. "

Lin Canghai nodded and reached for the handle of the sword.

His body soared into the air, rotated around Li shepherd, who was in a crazy flying state, and finally found a chance to shoot.

"Kill ten thousand demons in one breath. Broken. "

In the clear drink, a white silver sickle appeared in the sky.

The sharp edge of the sickle aimed at the floating purple fire dragon and cut it fiercely.


A loud noise came.

It's like a huge ball of light exploding, making it hard for people to open their eyes.

The earth was white and soon plunged into darkness——

When Li shepherd opened his eyes, he saw the endless starry sky and the stars dotted above the night.

There are many stars, and they look extremely bright, like yellow gemstones scattered on the boundless river.

There are insects, birds and springs.

There are also people's breath and the familiar fragrance as sweet as orchid.

Li shepherd got up fiercely, and then touched two pairs of eyes.

QianDu, a girl in black, and Lin Canghai, a beautiful teenager, were standing in front of him, looking at himself suspiciously. It's like this corpse lying on the ground - what kind of monster is this man.

"Are you awake?" Chidu asked with a smile.

"Yes." Li shepherd looked around. He was standing on a raised stone. There were no woods around, so he could see the stars without any obstacles“ What is this place? "

"This is the top of Duanshan mountain." Chidu looked around and said, "I'm also the first time to come. I don't know if it has any other names."

"How could we --" Li shepherd thought hard and asked with a puzzled face, "how could we be here?"

Chidu smiled and said, "you don't remember anything, do you?"

Li shepherd nodded and said, "I remember you played the Phoenix courtship on the flute. I was happy to hear it, so I picked a leaf and blew it along - I remember we had a good time and had a good time. Later, I felt that my mood was getting worse and worse, as if there were some great grievances that were difficult to tell. I don't know what will happen next. "

He smiled and said, "it's all right. You're just not feeling well - just have a rest. "

Lin Canghai finally couldn't help talking and said, "Li shepherd, don't you really know what happened?"

"I don't know." Li shepherd shook his head innocently, patted his forehead with his palm and said, "I don't remember anything. I woke up and found myself lying here. I thought it was strange that you two looked at me like that. Did I -- did I do something crazy? "

"It's not too crazy." Lin Canghai touched his handsome face, remembered the scene of the hot air, and said, "it's just a little - different from before. Li shepherd, you've done a lot of things I don't think you should do. Of course, I don't believe that the devil enters the body. If you really have a demon in your body, those famous teachers in Star College - they would have expelled you long ago. How could they allow a demon student to appear here in such a place? If they can't even solve such a thing, it will be difficult for XingKong college to win this great reputation. "

Li shepherd sighed and said, "I must be possessed again."“ Possessed? " QianDu and Lin Canghai looked at it curiously“ Yeah. Last time, I had a disease in Xiahou's class. Xiahou took me to his medicine house, treated me carefully, fed me the medicine soup prepared by him, and cooked Gongshan colorful chicken several times to supplement my body. Only then can I recover so quickly and stand in front of you again - "what?" Lin Canghai widened his eyes and said with an incredible look on his face, "you said Xia Hou made soup for you?"“ Yeah. Gongshan colorful chicken -- should it be called this name? Anyway, I haven't eaten this chicken before. The soup tastes a little weak, but the chicken is delicious. " Li Shepherd said frankly, "he said that I was eager for success, which led to the disorder of breath in my body, out of control of emotion and difficulty in controlling my body. That's why that happened. He said that as long as I work hard and lay a solid foundation, such things will not happen again in the future. " Li shepherd looked around carefully and said in a low voice, "I only tell you this. Don't tell me - Master Xia Hou built a foundation for me and accepted me as an entry disciple. He is also the only disciple he has accepted. When I was outside, I was just his student. In private, we were teachers and apprentices. I'm a low-key person. I don't want such things to be known by the outside world. I think I entered XingKong college by relying on the backstage relationship. " In order to cover up his own difference and block QianDu and Lin Canghai's mouth, Li shepherd didn't hesitate to carry out the great God of Xiahou Qianbai. They must know that even if they say they have done something strange outside, as long as Xia Hou is willing to stand up for himself - his safety will be safe. Of course, Li shepherd believes they won't do such a thing( PS: when I come back from other places, there should be a guarantee for the update. During this period of time, I dare not speak and let you hit your face - your face is getting swollen. Thanks for the 110000 reward from Yueyue moon children. Yueyue Jinmeng is really dazzling all the time. Thanks for the 110000 reward from the children of the breeder and the feeding of the breeder's sprout owner, Moda. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation

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