The wind stopped and the rain stopped.

The sky is as dark as an ink pool, and the stars are several pearls and emeralds falling from the long river of stars.

Huge trees in the distance soared into the sky, and grass and leaves were luxuriant near.

The fragrance of flowers is blown by the light wind, refreshing and intoxicating.

Sitting on the big brown stone, Li shepherd was seriously explaining his strange experience to the two students standing in front of him.

Li Shepherd is actually conscious.

He knew something was wrong when he could skillfully blow out the "Phoenix courtship" with a leaf.

He can really use leaves to play songs, because when he was injured and humiliated, when he went to the sunset lake to lick his wounds, he liked to sit by the lake and pick a leaf and gently blow out one sad or happy song after another.

When he plays happy music, he will feel very sad. Other people's world is so beautiful, why do you live so lonely?

When he plays a sad song, his mood will be even lower. The world has been desperate, even music is so desperate. Where is the future? Where is the warmth?

Later, he seldom played music again.

However, he has never played "Phoenix courtship", or even heard of it.

The music scores have been lost for a hundred years. How could he, a boy in cloth from Jiangnan City, have heard the Phoenix seeking its mate?

He just blew it out, and he was able to blow out the tone of happiness in front and sadness behind, and finally turned into sadness and despair.

The girl in white who was coming towards him, he desperately wanted to see her face——

The purple flames one by one were the grievance and anger burning in his body and the endless painful struggle of immortality——

He knew that something had happened to him again.

That thing came out again.

It's not under his control at all.

The most fatal thing is that QianDu and lincanghai witnessed all this.

Li shepherd needs to give them an explanation. Whether they believe or not is not important. Whether they accept or not is the most important.

"Is master Xia Hou your master?" Lin Canghai looked at Li shepherd in surprise and asked aloud. There is still a big difference between teachers and masters. Teachers are the teachers of all students. Students who are willing to listen to Xia Hou's simple lectures can call them "teachers". However, the master is different. Only Li shepherd, who is brought under his door, can be called "master".

If Li shepherd didn't lie, Li Shepherd is not only the inheritance of Xiahou's shallow skill, but also the successor of his status.

People outside will look up to Li shepherd because he is a shallow student of Xia Hou, but they will have to give him some respect and fear because he is his apprentice.

"That's nature." Li shepherd must nod affirmatively“ How can such a thing lie? If you don't believe it - when we go back, you can directly ask Master Xia Hou. However, Xia Hou is a low-key man. He doesn't want this kind of thing to be known to the outside world. "

"So --" the corners of Lin Canghai's mouth tilted slightly, revealing a lovely and charming smile and said, "are you going to use Xia hou to oppress us to help you keep your secret?"

Li shepherd's eyes became cold.

It seems that things are in some trouble.

Lin Canghai held the sword handle in his hand, and the sarcastic smile on his face became more and more obvious. He said, "what's the matter? Do you think I'm wrong? "

"As I said, everyone has a secret." Li shepherd looked at Lin Canghai with a serious face and said, "those secrets were harmless. Just lock them tightly in the deepest corner of his heart. However, if someone spreads it, it will die. Many people will die because of it. "

The smile on Lin Canghai's face did not decrease and said, "so, who do you think will die?"

"Lin Canghai -" Li shepherd roared in a low voice. His eyes were as gloomy as the night sky above his head, and his anger ran up quickly, which might soar thousands of feet at any time“ Must we do things so well? "

"Li shepherd." The smile on Lin Canghai's face finally disappeared, and there was an extremely rare smell of gunpowder on his beautiful and flawless lovely face“ You turn yourself into a monster and threaten us not to say it in the name of the College Tutor - are you going to do it so well? "

"I don't want to oppress you, I just said a fact."

"What kind of facts? The fact that you are a monster? Or the fact that you threaten us with Xiahou's plain white? "

"Are you trying to kill me?"

"I'm more afraid of being killed by you -"

"Lin Canghai -"

"Li Shepherd -"

One holds the hilt of the sword and the other holds the palm into a fist.

They stopped talking, and there was a flicker between their eyes.

The atmosphere is extremely dull, and there is the possibility of a big fight at any time.

"Puff -"

Chidu Jiao laughed. Her eyes smiled like crescent moons, and her voice was as clear as a lark. QianDu looked at Lin Canghai, then at Li shepherd, and asked, "are you going to fight?" - " QianDu held his chest with both hands, walked around in front of Li shepherd and Lin Canghai, and said, "it's good to have a fight. I'm idle anyway. Didn't Lin Canghai always want to try his sword determination of "killing ten thousand demons in one breath" to what level of cultivation? Li Shepherd - by the way, I still don't know where Li shepherd's cultivation is. He said he had just built the foundation, and I don't believe it. How can a strong man who can blow out notes and turn into different fire just build a foundation? It's good for you two to play. I can see how your strength is. See who can be the final winner. " Chidu proudly waved his hand and said, "fight, fight, and you'll treat me as if I don't exist." - " Li shepherd glanced at Lin Canghai and loosened his fist. Lin Canghai didn't have any temper when facing QianDu, and also loosened the handle of the sword“ Yes? No more? " Thousands of degrees looked at Li shepherd and Lin Canghai, and said with regret, "I still want to see a good play." Lin Canghai smiled bitterly and said, "I know you don't want us to fight." Li shepherd looked at QianDu with a serious face, bowed deeply to her and said, "this time, please."“ What do you want from me, shepherd Li? "-" QianDu glanced at Lin Canghai and said, "let me talk to Li shepherd alone." Lin Canghai looked at Li shepherd with worry. He understood his mind and said, "don't worry, he's not my opponent." - "( PS: thanks to Jin Dawei's children's ten thousand rewards, and thanks to the Purple Forbidden Princess Qianxun's ten thousand rewards. Thank tcl1234886 children for becoming the new leader of our guard army, Meng master Meng Da.) This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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